wbsed.gov.in NMMSE 2016 National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination : West Bengal School Education
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Organisation : Directorate of School Education
Scholarship Name : NMMSE National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2016
Applicable for : Student studying in class VIII
Applicable State : West Bengal
Last Date : 07.09.2016
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/9448-NMMSE.pdf
Website : http://www.wbsed.gov.in/welcome.html
WBSED National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship
National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2016 (for the student studying in class VIII) will be held on 13th November, 2016 (Sunday) at different centres of West Bengal. Directorate of School Education, West Bengal will conduct the said examination.
Related / Similar Post : WBSED NMMSE Download Admit Card 2016
** Online applications are invited from the students studying in class VIII of any recognized Government /Government Aided /Local Body or Government Sponsored Schools including Madrasah of West Bengal without residential facility and who have secured 55% and above marks in the final examination of class VII to appear in the centrally sponsored NMMS Examination, 2016 for class VIII. 5% relaxation to SC, ST, Disabled candidates.
** Students of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and State Government run residential schools or any private school are not entitled to apply or to get Scholarship.
** Parental Income of the appearing candidates should be below Rs. 1,50,000/- (One lakh fifty thousand) per annum from all sources. Income certificate has to be uploaded.
1. For salaried person, Employer Certificate for the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 to be uploaded.
2. For non-salaried person, income certificate for the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 must be obtained from any Gazetted Officer not below the rank of Jt. B.D.O / Executive Officer ( In case of Corporation and Municipality area) to be uploaded.
** Online applications will be available in the School Education Department’s Scholarship portal scholarships.wbsed.gov.in on and from 08.08.2016.
** Applicant has to print the filled- in application form and Certificate format to be filled up by the Head of school/Institution where he/she is studying and get the Certificate signed with official seal by the Head of the Institution and upload the signed Certificate to his/her account along with scanned copy of
(i) Mark-sheet of final examination of class VII (seven),
(ii) Copy of Bank Passbook,
(iii) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority,
(iv) Disability Certificate (40% and above disability must be certified by the Competent Medical Board of the State Govt./Central Govt.),
whichever is applicable, duly signed by the concerned School Authority latest by 07.09.2016 i.e the last date of submission of application in all respect is 07.09.2016.
The maximum size of scanned document(s) should be 50 KB. The application submission is complete only when the Certificate from Head of School/Institution and other necessary documents are uploaded else the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled.
I sat on the exam on 2016 and i got the result that i win the scholarship…. But today in 2021 i still not receive the 24000 rupees
My roll number is 123163806225
Registration number is WB2ZQM1472551285
how to saw 2016 result link plz
My,roll no-123164707149 ,class 8, results page no- 59/76 ,year-2016 .I passed the examination but I don’t get any money
.now I read in class 12(science). please help me…my school- Paramanandapur Jagannath Institution .
In the year 2016 I had given the nmmse class 8th exam and I passed in the exam but till now I didn’t got the scholarship amount as per my all friend got the money
I want to view the result of NMMSE 2016 of class 8th.
I want to know the result of NMMS 2016. How can I get it?
I want to know the result of NNMSE 2016.
I want to know my NMMSE 2016 result.
I have passed NMMS exam in 2016 but I have not get my scholarship till now. What is the reason?
I am a selected candidate of NMMS 2016. My registration Id is WB2QJB1472355133. But I didn’t get any Scholarship amount till now. What is the reason? Please reply me.
How can I get my result?
You can check for updates about result in the below link.
My father’s income is more than 4 lakh. Can I apply?
How I can get my result? Please help me.
I am unable to find my 2016 NMMSE result. Please help me to view the result.
I am not able to open the result of NMMSE 2016-2017.
How can I see the result? Please help me.
I want to know the result date of NMMSE 16.
How I can get the result?
When will the result of NMMSE be announced?
How can I get the result for class 8th?
I want to know my scholarship status. My father’s financial condition is not so good. My Registration No. is WB2WPA1472794009 and Roll No. is 123164813402. I am studying class 8th.
I want scholarship because my father’s financial condition is not good. My roll number is 123164210297 and registration number is WB2LTP1472793377.
How can I get my result of NMMSE 2016 exam for class 8 and on which day the result will come?
How can I get my result?
How can I see my result?
How can I see my result?
My application have been accepted. But I didn’t download the admit card. Can I sit in the exam?
How can I get my admit card? I have got my registration number. Can I attend this exam? Please help me.
I want 10 years questions.
What is the date of publication of result of NMMSE 2016 of class VIII West Bengal?
I could not submit my father income certificate at the time of application submission. Can I attend the examination?
How can I get my admit card for NMMSE?
What is the syllabus of NMMSE?
When & how can I get my admit card for NMMSE exam?
When and how can I get my admit card for NMMSE exam?
When & how can I get my admit card for NMMSE exam?
Till now from your site NTSE 2016-17 admit card can’t be downloaded.
When will the admit card be released?
Please tell me the particular site from where can I check my admission status details & Other notification.
When and how will I get my admit card for NMMSE?
When is the result of NMMS 2016? Exam was held on 13.11.2016. Please inform me as soon as possible.
How can I get the result of 2015 of centrally national sponsored means cum merit scholarship examination West Bengal?
When can we get our admit card for exam?
Is the application of last date extended?
Please confirm the last date of form upload.
What marks need to get scholarship in class 10?
When the scholarship exam will start?
I want scholarship for class x.
Which book is better for a student?
What type of password used in NTSE?
How can I apply?
At what time I will get my admit card?
Which books I need to read for this exam?
I want to know about the scholarship of class 10.
Why the Sanction list of Merit cum Means Scholarship Renewal 2015-16 for Technical and professional courses is not published for West Bengal? The Candidates are in dark. They are in anxiety. IF Karnakata State publish inter net then why not West Bengal?
How can I apply? Please tell in details.
I want to know the exam will be held on which subjects?
What is the required family income of the guardians?
How to apply this scholarship? Please help me.
I want this scolarship. Please give me the scolarship.
My parents income yearly is 340000. So I want scholarship.
My id is WB01010564154.
My parents income yearly is 340000(3lacs+)
Can I apply?
I want scholarship for class 10.