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Tripura State NEC Scholarship Application 2016 : National Scholarships Portal

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Organization : Government of Tripura
Scholarship Name : Tripura State NEC Scholarship Scheme 2016
Applicable For : General /OBC/MOBC/SC/ST Students
Applicable State : Tripura

Website :
Apply Here :

NEC Scheme – Tripura State:

Online NEC Scholarships disbursements is one of the important welfare measures of the Government of Tripura which is aimed at the educational upliftment of students Below poverty line(BPL), initiated by the Department of NEC .

Update : NSP Tripura NEC Merit Scholarship 2018-19 :

Students Eligible:
Subject to specified conditions mentioned elsewhere, the general conditions of eligibility are stated’ below:-
1. The stipends and book grants are open only to a candidate who is a permanent resident of any of the States in the North East.
2. The certificate to this effect obtained from the Deputy Commissioner of the district in which the candidate is a permanent resident must be produced by the candidate.
3. Certificate from any other authority will not be accepted. However, for SC/ST applicants, the SC/ST Certificate issued by the competent authority can be considered as PRC
4. The candidate should possess the relevant qualification from any recognized institution. An original certificate from the Institution of study must be produced by the candidate.
5. The student must not be in receipt of any other financial assistance from any other source, except National or State Merit Scholarship. A sponsored candidate under full employment during the period of study shall not be eligible to receive the stipend.
6. Financial assistance of stipend/book grant shall be admissible to students taking admission in the courses specified hereinafter in all institutes recognized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development/respective Ministry of the Government of India.
7. The stipend/book grant shall be tenable for the prescribed duration of a course. A student failing to pass in a particular year shall not receive further stipend till he/she passes the specific year of the course. The Institution shall certify to that effect and make specific recommendations thereto.
8. In-service candidates are not covered by this scheme.
9. The maximum marks for the grant of stipend should be 75% for General /OBC/MOBC and 60% for SC/ST candidates in the relevant qualifying examination for Diploma, Degree and Post-Graduate courses.
10. Selection of students form M.Phil. and Ph.D should be done on the basis of topic of research which has relevance to N.E. Region.
11. Selection will be made on the basis of merit in all cases

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Documents (Attested Scanned Copies) to be uploaded (in .jpeg format) while filling the Online Scholarship Application Form:
(a) Recommendation Certificate by Head of the Institute
(b) Permanent Residence Certificate
(c) Undertaking to serve in N.E. Region for at least 5 (five) Years Certificate
(d) Undertaking to refund stipend in case of furnishing false information
(e) Mark sheet of qualifying examination.
(f) Caste Certificate(SC/ST/OBC)
(g) Letter of recognition of the Courses and Institute where studying

Colleges Eligible:
Institutions recognised by concerned Councils of Government of India.

Courses Eligible:
** The various courses of studies at different levels for which NEC´s financial assistance is admissible would be those as decided by the NEC from time to time keeping in view the requirements of specialized manpower of the North Eastern Region.
** The subjects/topics for M.Phil and Ph.D should invariably be directly, specifically and currently relevant to the North Eastern Region. Basic and theoretical research shall not be favoured in general.

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  1. I need to know, when we will get our stipend for 2018?

  2. I have already applied for SC stipend. Can I also apply for this scholarship? Kindly reply me.

  3. I have already applied for the OBC scholarship on 16/11/2017. So can I still apply for this scholarship?

  4. I have applied for the Post Matric Scholarship for OBC student on 16/11/2017. So can I still apply for NEC in this session? When is the last date for applying this scholarship? Please reply.

  5. When should an MBBS 2nd year student submit renewal form after getting mark sheet along with it?

  6. I could not apply for the stipend in 1st 3 years due to some reasons. Now at my 4th year of degree I want to apply. Am I eligible to apply now? If yes, then is there any special procedure I need to follow?

  7. I am a general category student and I received my stipend in 1st year but I was unable to score 75% in the 2nd year. Will I receive the stipend anymore?

  8. I have applied the scholarship in my first semester and thereafter I did not renew my scholarship application even though I did not fail in any of my semester exam. Am I still eligible to apply for the scholarship?

    1. You cannot apply as a fresh if you are a Renewal candidate. Your application will be rejected in that case.

  9. When will we get the application form?

  10. I intend to know rate of NEC scholarship. Please provide me the details.

  11. When can we apply for 2017 session? Please let me know.

    1. Kindly wait till the scholarship announcement is being made by the Government of Tripura.

  12. When will we get our stipend for 2016?

  13. Why I am not able to receive my scholarship? I am waiting form last year.

  14. I have passed my Higher Secondary exam in 2016. Now I am doing B.Tech 1st year. Am I eligible for this scholarship?

    1. Yes, you are eligible for the scholarship. The announcement is being made by the Government of Tripura.

  15. Is it possible to apply till date?

  16. I have submitted the application for the renewal of scholarship but I have not received while others have. Can I know the reason please?

  17. How can I download form?

  18. Gayatri Chakraborty

    I am studying M.Pharma. In first year I did not apply for this. Is it possible to apply in 2nd year?

  19. I would like to know whether SBI account is a must for applying for NEC STIPEND. MY A/C IS AVAILABLE AT UCO BANK AGARTALA.

  20. How can I fill up the form?

  21. I am now in 2nd year, but I didn’t apply for NEC stipend for 1st year. Can I apply for 1st year?

  22. How can I renew my NCE Stipend?

  23. I am agri third year student. Can I apply it now?

  24. I can not get my 1st year Stipend. My details is verified. Now I am in 2nd year.

  25. I have got NEC scholarship with the 1st years result but in 2nd year I didn’t renew. Now if I wanna apply again with 3rd year result what I have to do fresh or renew??

  26. I have applied for the scholarship in my first semester and then after that I have applied state scholarship and now I am in 7th semester. So can I still apply for NEC?

  27. How do we get that reg id?

  28. When is the last date to submit the application?

  29. When is the last date for applying this scholarship?

  30. My id no is tr20151001857545 and dob is 10.02.1991. So when I check my application status it is showing me rejected for because of minority. So I can’t do correction.

  31. When ST stipend will be paid?

  32. When ST scholarship will be paid?

  33. Sebabrata Bhattacharjee

    After completion of, Is it mandatory to serve in north east for 5 years? If, I avail NEC scholarship.

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