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Organisation : Government of Arunachal Pradesh Directorate Of Higher And Technical Education APDHTE
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal 2.0 NSP
Scholarship Name : Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme For ST Students 2023-24
Applicable For : ST Students
Applicable State : Arunachal Pradesh
Application Last Date : 30th November 2023
Website :

What is APDHTE Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme?

Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme for ST students 2023-24 is sponsored by APDHTE. Stipend is granted to the APST students who are studying on regular basis in recognized Institutions only. Students pursuing courses in Distance Education Programme/Mode are not eligible for award of stipend. Students pursuing courses relating to Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Textile & Handloom & Handicrafts, Environment & Forests are to submit their application to the concerned department. Last Date of Scholarship is 30th November 2023.

Eligibility of Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme

1) The stipend will be admissible to students who belong to Scheduled Tribes. of the State as notified by the Central /State Government and are permanent resident of Arunachal Pradesh.
2) Scheduled Tribe students who are in full-time employment are not eligible for award of stipend.
3) A student who fails in a class for a particular course of study/stream and gets re-admitted in the same level of study for a different course/stream shall not be eligible for the award of stipend for that class.
4) A Girl student who fails in a class may be allowed one time stipend for same class in the next year with specific recommendation from the Head of Institution.
5) Students against whom disciplinary action is taken shall not be eligible for stipend.
6) Students whose attendance is below 75% in any month (unless for certified reasons of health or bereavement).shall not be eligible for award of stipend.
7) Students who pursue their studies through correspondence course or distance education mode shall not be eligible for stipend.
8) Students pursuing their studies in institutions not recognized by the State or shall not Central Regulators like UGC, AICTE, MCI, DCI, BCI, CCH. etc., be eligible for award of stipend.

Procedure For Applying of Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme

i. Application for award of stipend should be submitted in the prescribed form within the date notified by the State Government.
ii. All applications must accompany by one attested copy of the following
(a) Attested copy of Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe Certificate
(b) Attested copy of Mark sheet of last examination passed.
iii. Application complete in all respect shall be submitted through the Head of the Institution to the concern sanctioning authority. Incomplete applications or application received after the prescribed date will summarily be rejected.

Instruction for Students

1. Student has to apply ONLINE application in either of the scheme only. Application shall be summarily rejected by NSP if applicant data is found in multiple schemes.
2. Aadhaar will be mandatory for the applicants as per Section 7 of Aadhaar Act 2016.

3. Beneficiary should make sure that the Aadhar number provided is seeded / mapped with atleast One Bank Account (Any Nationalized Bank) and must be able to receive Aadhar Based Payment as the Scholarship will be disbursed through Aadhar based Payment only.

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4. The Seeded Bank Account must not be Minor / Dormant and should be fully operational. Student may check the Aadhar Bank linking status at NSP Website or at
5. Students are also advised to inform the Institute Nodal Officer against the re- submission of Defected Application Form if any?

6. Students are advised to check the status of their application by logging into the NSP portal using Application ID and Password frequently for any update / action that may have to be initiated by Students end against their application till successful payment of scholarship.

7. During upload of documents, students are directed to download the “Filled in Bonafied Certificate” as available in the students Dash board and upload the same after obtaining signature of Principal / authority of the respective Institute.
8. If the above-mentioned scheme is not available in the applicant Dashboard; students may contact INO for support.
9. If a student select a scheme other than the above two scheme, the students may have to seek support from the scheme owner in the event of any issues that may have occurred against the respective application.

10. Change of Institute:
a. If a students want to apply for Renewal but want to change the Institute, the option for change of Institute is available at Students Dashboard.
b. If in any case the option is not available, the students may Withdraw the application and apply for Fresh Registration.

11. Regular Govt. Servant / employees enrolled as students in the Higher Educational Institutions are not eligible.

Instructions to Institute Nodal Officer

1. Institute Nodal Officers (INO) are directed to guide the students regarding proper technique of filling up of Online Application form at NSP portal. In the event of any errors occurred out of wrong/ invalid application details, concerned INO shall be solely responsible.

2. For candidates applied against Arunachal Pradesh, the documents viz. APST certificate/ Income Certificate / Bonafide Certificate etc. and other field data viz. Name of students / Course / Present Year / Institute etc. may be checked thoroughly to speed up the verification process at SNO level.

3. INO are also advised to check the option “Re-Verify documents” for application that may have submitted by Defected mark students.
4. For any other issues that may arise in due course in connection with verification of documents, kindly contact this Directorate NSP help desk for support.
5. INO/Institution authority has to verify the employment status of the applicant. Student having regular Govt. employee is not eligible.

Important Dates of Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme

The schedule for registration of online filling up of application for FRESH/RENEWAL for academic session 2023-2024 are as under:
1 Date of start of Online Application Form 13-Oct-2023
2 Last Date of Submission of Online Application form by student 30-Nov-2023
3 Last Date of Verification of the Online Application at the Institutional Level 05-Dec-2023
4 Last Date of Verification of the Online Application at the State level 15-Dec-2023

Help Desk of Arunachal Pradesh State Stipend Scheme

For any kind of technical support call at 0120-6619540 (NSP) or email at helpdesk[AT]

If the matter is not resolved within due date, contact State Help Line No. +91-6009924943 and mail issues and problems at stipendarp[AT] Always specify your Application ID at the time of seeking technical support.

The release of Scholarship/stipend of eligible students will be made by Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) through Public Finance Management System (PFMS) platform into the Aadhar seeded Bank Account provided by the students.

The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (DHTE) shall disburse Scholarship/Stipend through ONLINE mode only to the students who register successfully through NSP 3.0 subject to availability of fund. Offline application shall not be entertained under any circumstances.

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