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BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test 2022 For Class 4-10 :

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Organisation : BYJU’s
Scholarship Name : BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test 2022
Applicable For : GRADE 4-10 Students
Exam Date : 24th April 2022
Website :

What is BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test?

BNAT BYJU’S National Aptitude Test is organised by BYJU’s. Student studying in class 4-10 in any Board (CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, NIOS, etc) can apply for BNAT. BNAT is free and open to all eligible students. Upto 100% Scholarship on BYJU’s Classes will be awarded based on the performance in BNAT. The last date of application is 24th April 2022.

Eligibility Criteria

Student studying in class 4-10 in any Board (CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, NIOS, etc) can apply for BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test.

How To Apply For BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test?

To Apply for BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test, just follow the below steps.

Step 1: Go to the above link.
Step 2: Register using your personal details and a valid mobile number.

Registration Fee

BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test is free and open to all eligible students.

Syllabus of BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test

The BYJU’s National Aptitude Test Syllabus are,

1. Class 4-5
Mathematical Ability: Numerical operations, Everyday Maths, Lines and shapes, Measurements of figures, Data Handling
Verbal Ability: Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Tenses, Gap Filling/Sentence, Word Meanings
Logical Ability: Patterns, Mirror Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Dates and Calenders, Direction sense and distances, Notational and logic based Mathematics
EVS: Plants and Animals, Biology in Human Welfare, Natural Resources, Society and Lifestyle, Everyday Science

2. Class 6-7
Mathematical Ability: Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Data Handling
Verbal Ability: Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Clauses, Modal Auxiliaries, Gap Filling/Sentence, Dialogue Completion/Framing, Sentence or it’s part – Reordering/Omission, Active and Passive Voice, Reported speech, Tenses, Phrases and Idioms
Logical Ability: Patterns, Mirror/Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Dates and Calenders, Direction sense and distances, Notational and logic based Mathematics

Science: Motion, Time and Distance, Electricity & Magnetism, Light: Reflection, Mirrors and Lenses, Heat and Temperature, Nutrition in Plants and Animals, Ecology: Environment and Waste Management, Everyday Science, Acids, bases and salts, Body Movements, Human Body: Respiration, Transportation, Reproduction, General chemistry

Social Science: Mauryan and Mughal Empire, Gupta Empire and Post-gupta Period, Delhi Sultanate, Rig Vedic Period and Iron Age, Diversity, Types of Government, Equality, Public Health, Universe and Solar System, Latitudes and Longitudes, Rotation and Revolutions of the Earth, Domains and Landforms of the Earth, India – Geographical Features, Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife, Plate Tectonics, Maps, Transport and Communication

3. Class 8-9
Mathematical Ability: Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Data Science

Verbal Ability: Noun, Pronoun, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Clauses, Modal Auxiliaries, Order of Words and Clauses, Direct, Indirect and Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Phrases and Idioms, Tenses, Gap Filling/Sentence, Dialogue Completion/Framing, Sentence or it’s part – Reordering/Omission, Determiners and Modals

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Logical Ability: Patterns, Mirror/Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Speed and Distance Problems, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Coding-Decoding, Dates and Calenders, Direction sense and distances, Figure Matrices, Notational and logic based Mathematics

Science: Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Oscillations and Waves, Cell and Tissues, Natural Phenomena, Control and Coordination, Heredity and Evolution, Microorganisms, Crop Production and Management, Matter, Acids, bases and salts, Metals and Non-Metals, Periodic classification, Natural Resources and Sources of Energy, General chemistry, Environmental Science

Social Science: Indian Freedom Struggle, India Post-independence, The World Wars, French and Russian Revolution, Indian Constitution and Its Design/Philosophy, Democracy, Role of Gender, Religion and Caste in Democracy, Elections and Political Parties, Marginalization and Social Justice, Power Sharing and Federalism, Resources and Development, India – Geographical Features, Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife, River Systems and their Classification, Agriculture, Mineral and Energy Sources, Industries

4. Class 10
Mathematical Ability: Arithmetic, Algebra, Statstics and Probablity, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Data Science
Verbal Ability: Verb Tenses, Modals, Subject – verb concord, Reported speech, Determiners, Clauses, Use of passive voice, Prepositions, Articles, Subject Verb Agreement, Parajumbles, Syllogism, Para completion, Work usage
Logical Ability: Patterns, Mirror/ Water Images, Blood Relations, Odd one out, Speed and Distance Problems, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Coding-Decoding, Dates and Calenders, Direction sense and distances, Figure Matrices, Notational and logic based Mathematics
Science: Electrostats & Magnetism, Optics, Natural resources, Life Processes in Plants and Animals, Ecology, Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals, Carbon and its Compounds, Periodic Classification of Elements
Social Science: Federalism, Social Problems, Social Movements, Political Parties, Outcomes and Challenges to Democracy, Agriculture, Resources and their Development, Industries, Transport and Communication, World events, Independence movement, Economic and Social History, Globalisation and the Indian Economy, Money and Credit, Consumer Rights

Marking Scheme

** Every correct answer gets +4 marks.
** There is no penalty for incorrect answers.


Upto 100% Scholarship on BYJU’s Classes will be awarded based on the performance in BNAT BYJU’S National Aptitude Test.

How To Take BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test?

BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test has to be taken online. The test will be conducted on the BYJU’S website on 24 Apr, 2022.

Timings would be:
** Class 4-5 : 10 AM – 10:45 AM
** Class 6-7 : 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
** Class 8-9 : 3 PM – 4:30 PM
** Class 10 : 5:30 PM – 7 PM

To login students must use their mobile number and the system generated password.

System Requirement to take BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test:
** BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test can be taken on any Laptop, Desktop, Mobile Phone or Tablet. For best user experience, we recommend an updated Chrome browser.
** Kindly check your device, browser and your internet connection, to make sure you get a hassle free testing experience.

Benefits of BNAT BYJU’S National Aptitude Test

The BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test benefits are,
** Analise their strengths and key areas of improvement.
** Assess their understanding of basic concepts.
** Benchmark themselves against other students at the state and All-India Level.
** Understand the gaps in their preparation for future competitive exams and take corrective actions.
** Scorecard showing their Percentile, Subject-wise Analytics, and Subject-wise improvement points.


Results for BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test will be announced on 26 Apr, 2022. We recommend students to download their assessment report as it will be available on the portal for only 2days.

What is the Exam Date of BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test?

The Exam date of BNAT BYJU’s National Aptitude Test is 24th April 2022.

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