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IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test 2021 :

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Organisation : IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd.
Scholarship Name : IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test 2021
Applicable For : GMAT Aspirants
Exam Dates : 3rd/ 24th April 2021
Website :

IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test

The IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test 2021 is a FREE national level test with instant result being conducted across India for GMAT aspirants. An Online Test which will offer instant scholarship of upto 100% based on the marks scored.

The IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test is aimed at exposing students to the entrance examinations for MBA/ MIM programs abroad and encouraging them to start their preparations early.

The IMS CIE GMAT National Scholarship Test has been scientifically designed to test you on the same lines as the GMAT, with separate sections on

** Quantitative Reasoning
** Verbal Reasoning

NST is an Online Test and can be taken from anywhere.

GMAT NST Test Details

No. Of Questions: 67
Duration: 127 Minutes .
Mode: Computer based (can be taken from anywhere)

The Sectional distribution of the Test:

Section Name Number of Questions and Time
Quantitative Reasoning 31 Questions (62 Minutes)
Verbal Reasoning 36 Questions (65 Minutes)
TOTAL 67 Questions (127 Minutes)

How to Take the GMAT NST?

Step 1: Fill all the registration details on the form above.
Step 2: For taking scholarship test on 3rd/ 24th April 2021, please register by 1st/ 23rd April 2021 respectively.
Step 3: You will receive the link of the scholarship test on the test date on your email id and mobile number mentioned during registration. Please check spam folder also.
Step 4: You can take the test on only one of the dates: 3rd/ 24th April, 2021. On the test day, click on the test link and enter your details. Post entering the details, take and complete the scholarship test. The test can be taken anytime on the test day.
Step 5: Based on your number of correct answers, you would be eligible for the scholarship on our IMS CIE Classroom/ Live Products.

Register For GMAT NST :

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NST can be taken anytime on 3rd/ 24th April, 2021.

Rewards & Recognition

Avail Instant Scholarship on IMS CIE: GMAT Classroom/ GMAT Live Programs based on your NST 2021 Performance.

For GMAT Classroom/ Live Programs:

Number of Correct Questions Scholarships Applicable
More than 62 100%
57-62 50%
52-56 30%
Less than 52 15%

Terms and Conditions

** This waiver cannot be combined with any other waivers that would be available to a student as per regular waiver policy.
** The scholarship offer is valid only for IMS CIE GMAT classroom and live programs enrollment.
** The waiver is not transferable or redeemable.
** This National Scholarship Test is being conducted by IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd on 3rd, 24th April 2021.
** Student appearing for NST multiple times, will not be eligible for Scholarship.
** The scholarship is valid only on registrations done in online format.
** Scholarship offers cannot be clubbed with any other local offer; neither can they be redeemed in the form of cash or any other gifts.
** IMS students, employees of IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd., its affiliates (partners), and their family members are not eligible to participate in the Scholarship Offer.
** Last date to avail the Scholarship offer is 30th April, 2021.
** The Scholarship is not transferable to other people or other academic years. Once a scholarship is granted, neither the Centre nor the study programme may be changed.
** A student who declines an initial offer of admission and accompanying scholarship offer will not retain his/her scholarship offer if he/she reapplies at a later date.
** IMS reserves the right to change, discontinue, extend the associated dates, or modify the terms and conditions thereof without giving any prior notice.
** Aspirants registering in the National Scholarship Test 2021 authorize IMS to send voice messages and SMS alerts/messages to their mobile/landline numbers.
** Subscribers who have opted for DND (Do Not Disturb) facility with their respective service providers may not receive the aforesaid messages / alerts.
** Waivers and Scholarships for the National Scholarship Test 2021 can only be availed by non-enrolled students while enrolling only into IMS CIE GMAT Classroom / GMAT Live Programs.
** These waivers will not be applicable to existing IMS Students to claim refunds in a retrospective manner.
** Students can contact the IMS center (where student wants to enrol) for availing the scholarship amount based on the scholarship table shared above, while enrolling for IMS CIE GMAT Classroom/ Live Programs. IMS center will validate the student details with the GMAT NST conducting team and then offer the respective scholarship waiver.



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