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Santoor Scholarship Program 2020-21 :

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Organisation : Wipro Consumer Care and Wipro Cares
Scholarship Name : Santoor Scholarship Program 2020-21
Applicable For : Students who passed 12th in 2019-20
Applicable States/UTs : Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana
Last Date : 31st October, 2020
Website :

Wipro Santoor Scholarship Program

The Santoor Scholarship program is an initiative of Wipro Consumer Care and Wipro Cares. The program intends to financially support girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, who wish to pursue higher education after grade 12. Launched in 2016-17, the program offers support to 900 students every year, across the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana.

It is a recurring annual program and the selected students are supported for the duration of their higher education. The support covers tuition fees and incidental expenses.

Over the last four years, close to 3600 students have received support through the Santoor Scholarship Program.

Besides students inclined towards professional courses, those showing a keen interest in pursuing their higher education in the fields of humanities, liberal arts and sciences are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference is given to students from backward districts.


** Passed class 10 from a local government school.
** Passed class 12 from a government school/junior college in the academic year 2019-20.
** Enrolled in a full-time graduate program beginning 2020-21.


Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria must apply using the prescribed application form. Application forms can also be downloaded from this link. The prospective candidates are required to submit the duly filled in application form by the deadline, to be considered for the grant.

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Scholarship Amount

The students would be given Rs. 24,000 per annum till they complete their course of study. Students are permitted to utilize the scholarship for tuition fees or other expenses incidental to education.


The last date for applying is 31st October, 2020.

Terms & Conditions

The applicant is required to read the following terms and conditions in its entirety. The candidate on submitting the application is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions herein.

1. This form is meant for applying for a grant under the ‘SANTOOR SCHOLARSHIP’ program for the year 2020-21, for girl students who wish to pursue higher education after grade 12, in any discipline of a minimum of three years’ duration.

2. Eligibility Criteria:
The Santoor Scholarship program is available to students from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana only.

To be eligible to apply, the applicants must have:
** Passed class 10 from a local government school.
** Passed class 12 from a government school/junior college in the academic year 2019-20.
** Enrolled in a full-time graduate program beginning 2020-21.

3. Any application which does not meet the prerequisites is liable to be rejected.
4. Wipro Cares reserves the sole right to offer the scholarship and also has the right to modify/reject/withdraw and/or discontinue the offer without assigning any reason. No other body/agency is authorized to make any offer on the Santoor Scholarship.
5. Application doesn’t guarantee the scholarship.


Call : 011-430-92248 (Ext- 121) / +917337835166
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  1. Will u extend the time sir please for 3 days

  2. sir people who are not yet completed 2nd yr whether they able apply or not

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