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Organization : Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine
Scholarship Name : IAPSM Fellowship
Applicable For : Proposer & Seconder
Last Date For Nomination : 2nd October

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IAPSM Fellowship:
Procedure for Nomination & the Eligibility Criteria for Fellowship of IAPSM:
** For “Fellowship of IAPSM ( FIAPSM)”, nomination has to be submitted by a Proposer and a Seconder. The proposer has to be a Life Member of IAPSM , having designation of Additional Professor or Professor ( or equivalent) while a Seconder has to be a Life Member of IAPSM of the designation of Associate Professor (or equivalent) & above.

** It is mandatory that the Proposer attaches one set of Bio-data of the nominee along with the nomination form. The Bio-data of the nominee with photo-copies of the relevant supporting documents must be arranged as per format for such nominations.A Life Member of IAPSM can propose or second only one nominee in a year.

** Please note that only a life-member of IAPSM with a minimum of 10 years standing in the profession (after doctorate degree of MD or Ph.D. in Community Medicine or allied subjects such as Biostatistics) can be nominated for the Fellowship. (Candidates with MPH or M.Sc. alone are NOT eligible). Last date for receipt of such nominations is 2nd October for a given year. ( A year means from 1st April of a year to 31st March of next year). This date will not be extended under any circumstances.

** All valid Fellowship nominations will be evaluated by the Governing Council or its sub-committee against a set of pre-decided criteria. The awardees’ names will be announced in the General Council meeting of IAPSM ( usually held on the 2nd day of the National Conference). The Fellowship will be presented to an awardee in person during the Inaugural function of the next National Conference of IAPSM ( usually held on the first day). Please note that for receiving the Fellowship, an awardee has to register for the Conference as a delegate. Unless there are valid reasons for exceptions to be made, this practice ( of awarding Fellowship certificate in person) will be followed strictly.

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** A person chosen for receiving fellowship of IAPSM can use the suffix “ FIAPSM” only after receiving the certificate for the same. She/ He can be considered for award of the IAPSM Orations only after 3 ( three) clear years have elapsed from the year of getting selected for FIAPSM. The decision of the Governing Council for awarding Fellowships is final, binding and can not be challenged. In a particular year, not more than 4 ( FOUR) Fellowships will be awarded.

** A Fellowship Registration fee of Rs. 5,000/- ( Rs. Five Thousand only) ( subject to change from time to time) will be charged from the chosen persons. This should be paid before the National Conference by Cash ( in the Head Office) or through a A/C payee Demand Draft ( No cheques please!) drawn in the name of “ Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine” , payable at Varanasi, & sent to Secretary General.

** Honoris Causa Fellowships are conferred to eminent persons having made significant contribution to the discipline and are suggested and decided by members of the Governing Council of IAPSM. Nominations for Honoris Causa Fellowships are not required.

About IAPSM :
The Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, founded in 1974, is a “not for profit” professional organization of specialists in Epidemiology, Health Management, Health Promotion, and Family Medicine, which is dedicated to the promotion of public health by bringing its members’ expertise to the development of public health policies, an advocate for education, research, and programs of Community Medicine and providing a forum for the regular exchange of views & information.

Contact us:
Secretary General, IAPSM
Department of Community Medicine
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi-221005 (India)

Phones : (Off.) : +91-542-6703298, +919451885964

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