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All posts from Hindi Scholarship 2015 : DCE Directorate of Collegiate Education

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Organisation : Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala
Announcement : Hindi Scholarship 2015
End Date : 04-11-2015

Apply Online here :
Notification :
Home Page :

Hindi Scholarship :
HS 2015-16 Fresh site was opened

Update : DCE Kerala HS Hindi Scholarship Fresh & Renewal 2018-19 :

Fresh :
Start Date: 05-10-2015
End Date: 04-11-2015

Eligibility Details :
Rate and Number of Scholarships :
Under Graduate:500/P.M(180Nos)
Post Graduate : 1000/P.M(59 Nos)
Eligibility Condition : Hindi Must be one of the Subject in the present studying course

Help Desk Numbers: 0471-2306580 9446096580

Online Registration is to be done by students to apply for any scholarship.
The Registration page can be accessed at,
i. Home Page> Online Registration
ii. Home Page> Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) > Apply Online

1.1 Mandatory Information :
a Matriculation Register number/ Roll number and year of passing (Item 1).
b Personal details (Item 2), permanent address (Item 3) and communication addresses (Item 4).
c Contact mobile number (not necessarily in students’ name) and Contact Email ID (not necessarily in students’ name) (In it em 3).
d Contact Email ID (not necessarily in students’ name) (In it em 3).
e Details of present Institution and Course including Admission Number (Item 5).
f Details of of course including Marks/ Grades obtained, based on which scholarship is sought (Item 6).
g Details of Bank Account in the name of student (Item 7). Applicant must have savings bank account in their name either in one among the Nationalized, scheduled, commercial Banks which has IFSC code

1.2 Procedure :
1 Click Online Registration in Home Page.
2 Select the ‘Board’ under which you have passed Matriculation.
3 Enter Register Number/ Roll Number.
4 Select the ‘Year of Passing’ using the Drop-down arrow. Your Registration ID is displayed in the field below Item 2.
5 Fill in Personal Details in Item 2.
6 Fill in Permanent Address details in Item 3.
7 If the Communication Address is the same as the Permanent Addresses, just click the ‘check-box’ (the address will be copied). If not type in the Communication Address.
8 Fill in the Details of Present Institution and Course using the Drop-down arrow in Item 5.
9 Fill in Details of course based on which scholarship is being sought.
o Select the Examination Passed, Stream/Course/Main and Year of Passing using the Drop-down arrow.
o Fill Total Marks Secured and Maximum Marks. The Mark Percentage will appear automatically.

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If the Mark List shows only Grades, Click on the Mark Calculator button on the right.
** Select the Course.
** Type in the number of subject (e.g. 5) and Click Go button.
** Select the Grade for each subject.
** Click Calculate and Close the Calculator.
** The Marks details will appear automatically.
o Confirm whether you receive any other Scholarship or not.
10 Select the Bank Details by selecting various fields. Confirm the data by verifying the Branch Address displayed by the system. Fill in your Account Number.

11 Set Password (Item 8).
o Type in the Password and Re-enter it to confirm.
o Note down your Registration ID and Password for future use.
o Under Declaration, click the check-box ‘I agree’ to confirm the correctness
of the information provided.
o Click the Submit button to complete the Registration.
o You will be taken to the “Application for Scholarship” page.
12 Relevant Information
o If you are not able to complete Registration ensure that you have filled in all
* marked fields. If not fill them and re-submit.
o In case you loose your Password, contact your Institution.

I Mandatory Information :
a. The mandatory information regarding Scholarship application is Scholarship specific.
b. Refer the specific Instructions regarding the Scholarship for this information.
c. Candidates can get the Instructions regarding specific scholarships by,
o Clicking on the specific Scholarship in the Home Page.
o Clicking on Download Instructions on the right side window.
The Instructions may be keep it for references regarding eligibility and other details.

II Procedure
Students can apply Online for Scholarships in the following Three ways;
a. After completion of RegistrationCandidates are directly taken to Application for Scholarship page.
o Follow procedure listed in Section III. below.
b. After clicking specific Scholarship in Home Page and then clicking on Apply Online button in the Scholarship details.
o If the student is registered, Login. For login see Section 4 below.
** Select Edit Scholarship Details from Menu.
o Follow Section III. below.
o If the student is not Registered, follow Section 1 above for Online Registration.
c. From Candidate Menu after Candidate Login.
o Select Edit Scholarship Details from Menu.
o Follow Section III below.


o Select the Scholarship Type.
o Fill in the required fields.
o Click the Submit button.
o Take the Registration printout for the concerned Scholarship. After Online Application Process is Complete,
o Submit the Registration Printout along with the supporting documents to the Verifying Officer of your Institution.
o The list of suppo rting documents is given in Instructions.
o To download Instructions see Section 2-I.

Add a Comment
  1. I have applied last year. How can I know that I am selected or not?

  2. Please display the notification of Hindi scholarship.

  3. Is it possible to receive Hindi scholarship along with any other scholarship?

    1. How I can apply one or more scholarship?

      Answer:Once you have registered online, you can login with registration ID and select scholarship details and apply for the required scholarship(s).

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