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Hit Bullseye CLAT Scholarship Test 2019 :

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Organisation : Hit Bullseye
Scholarship Name : CLAT Scholarship Test 2019
Applicable For : Students who want to study CLAT & Others
Exam Date : 31.03.2019
Website :

Hit Bullseye CLAT Scholarship Test

Free Scholarship Test (CLAT & Others) -31st March 2019 (Chd. Region)

Related : I’M Learner Initiative Qriosity National Talent Hunt Quiz Scholarship 2019 :

How to Register?

Just follow the below steps to register for CLAT Scholarship Test 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Hit Bullseye through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Next fill the registration form with the following details,
** Enter the Student Name [Arjun]
** Enter Your DOB(dd-mm-yy) [10-Apr-2002]
** Enter Your Phone No./Mobile [9999999999]
** Enter Your City [Patiala]
** Enter Your Email id []
** Confirm Your Email Id []

** Enter Your School/College [SRS School]
** Select Your Exam Centre [Patiala]
** Enter Your Address 1 [XXXX]
** Enter Your Address 2

Step 3 : Tick the check box “I’m not a robot” and click on “Register” button to complete the application.


1. Do Not Open The Seal Of This Booklet. Wait For The Signal To Start.
2. Use only a HB pencil to fill in the Test Booklet and the Answer sheet.

3. Keep only the Admit Card, pencil, eraser and sharpener with you. DO NOT KEEP with you books, rulers, slide rules, drawing instruments, calculators, (including watch calculators), cellular phones, pagers, digital or any other devices or loose paper. These should be left outside the room.

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4. Ensure that your personal data has been correctly entered in the Answer sheet on both the sides. AT THE START OF THE TEST
5. As soon as the signal to start is given, open the Booklet.

6. This Test Booklet contains a total of 20 pages. You will get the first seven pages in the first section and the remaining pages in the second section. Immediately after opening the Test Booklet, verify that all the pages are printed properly and are in order.

7. Directions for answering the questions are given before each group of questions. Read these directions carefully and answer the questions by darkening the appropriate circles on the Answer Sheet. There is only one correct answer to each question.

8. Each correct question carries 3 marks. Wrong answers carry proportionate, 1/3rd negative marking i.e. one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

Sample Paper

General Knowledge/Current Affairs :
1. The longest highway in India runs from
1. Kolkata to Jammu
2. Shillong to Amritsar
3. Ambala to Nagercoil
4. Varanasi to Kanyakumari

2. The longest irrigation canal in India is called
1. Upper Bari Doab Canal
2. Indira Gandhi Canal
3. Sirhind Canal
4. Yamuna Canal

3. Leukemia is a disease related to
1. Kidney
2. Throat
3. Blood
4. Eyes

4. In which city was Osama Bin Laden killed in May 2011?
1. Islamabad
2. Abbottabad
3. Faisalabad
4. Peshawar

5. The XI Five Year Plan envisaged the highest growth in the sector of
1. Industry
2. Agriculture
3. Services
4. Manufacturing

English :
DIRECTIONS for the Questions 21 to 25: Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given
21. Lethargy
1. Serenity
2. Listlessness
3. Impassivity
4. Laxity

22. Emaciated
1. tall
2. Languid
3. Very thin
4. Wise

23. Latent
1. concealed
2. Apparent
3. Lethargic
4. Prompt

24. Sporadic
1. epidemic
2. Whirling
3. Occasional
4. Stagnant

25. Compendium
1. summary
2. Index
3. Reference
4. Collection


In case you face any difficulty during registration please contact administration [AT] or Call +91 98884-74700

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