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Organization : Department For the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities
Scholarship/Scheme Name : Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna
Applicable For : Scheduled Castes (SCs) Candidates
Applicable State : Delhi
Website :

Delhi Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna

Govt. of NCT of Delhi has considered and approved implementation of the scheme “Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojna” through Department for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC Minorities.

Delhi SC ST Welfare Scholarship 2018-19 :
1. Post Matric Scholarship For SC Students

2. Reimbursement of Tuition Fees

3. Financial Assistance For Purchase Of Stationery

4. Merit Scholarship For Class I To XII Students

5. Merit Scholarship For College/Technical/Professional Institutions

6. Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students

7. Pre-Matric Scholarship For SC Class IX & X Students


The objective of the Scheme is to provide quality coaching for economically disadvantaged Scheduled Castes (SCs) candidates to enable them to compete in Competitive examination and succeed in obtaining an appropriate job in Public/ Private sector.

Applicable Courses

The courses for which the Coaching will be imparted shall be as follows
i) Group A and B examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), various Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and Judicial Services Examination.

ii) Group A and B examinations conducted by the State Public Service Commission;
iii) Officers’ Grade examinations conducted by Banks, Insurance Companies and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)

iv) Premier Entrance Examinations for admission in (a) Engineering (eg. IIT-JEE & AIEEE), (b) Medical (eg. AIPMT), (c) professional courses like Management (eg. CAT) and Law (eg.CLAT) and (d) such other disciplines, Government may decide from time to time.

Eligibility Criteria

For Coaching Institutions

i) The institute should be a registered body or run by any organization registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860/ Companies Act, 2013 or any other relevant Act of the State/ Union Territory.

ii) The institute should have experience of at least 3 years as on date of notification inviting applications from institutions for empanelment by the Department.

iii) The institute should have been fully functional for a minimum period of 3 years at the time of applying under this scheme and having a minimum enrolment of 100 students in the courses as indicated at para 2 here in above each year for at least two years, immediately prior to the year in which selected for empanelment.

iv) The institute must have proper infrastructure to meet the entire requirement for providing quality coaching in the courses applied for.

For Students

i) The students must have secured prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations for which free coaching is proposed to be imparted under the scheme;

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ii) Only students belonging to SCs residing in Delhi & who have passed 10th and 12th class ( or studying in class XII) from the schools in Delhi , having total family income of not more than Rs.6.00 lakh per annum will be eligible under the scheme;

iii) The students should be selected by the coaching institution based on academic criteria/ eligibility test prescribed by the institution itself.

Quantum of Fee

The admissible coaching fee in respect of various courses would be as under

S. No. Name of course for which coaching to be provided Duration of Coaching Maximum ceiling of Coaching fee paid to institution (inclusive of both govt. as well as student share) per Candidate (in Rs.)
1 Civil Service (Preliminary)/State Civil Services (Preliminary) Minimum 5 Months 40,000
2 Civil Service (Mains)/State Civil Services (Mains) Minimum 4 months 40,000
3 Entrance examination for Engineering, Medical, MBA and other professional courses Minimum 4 months 40,000
4 Other Group A&B examinations conducted by UPSC, State Public Service Commissioners (SPSCs), Group B Examinations conducted by SSC and (SPSCs) Minimum 4 months 30,000
5 Officers Grade examinations for recruitment in the Banks, LIC, GICs, PSUs Minimum 4 months 30,000


Monthly stipend of Rs.2500/- per students will be paid for local students for attending the coaching classes. The institute would have to pay stipend to each student on monthly basis through PFMS/ ECS or cheque . Cash payment would not be allowed.

Other Benefits

Benefits under the scheme can be availed by a particular student not more than twice, irrespective of the number of chances; he/she may be entitled to in a particular competitive examination.

However only 50 % of admissible coaching fee is to be provided by the Govt. for students who avail 2nd time coaching facility under the scheme. The coaching institution will also be required to take an undertaking from the students that they have not taken benefit more than twice under the scheme

Guidelines :

Terms & Conditions

** Sponsoring Department may also nominate some needy students for coaching under the selected institutions
** Where examination is conducted in two stages viz. Preliminary and Main, the candidates will be entitled for free coaching for both the examinations.

They will be entitled for free coaching for both Preliminary and Main examinations as per their convenience. However, there will be no restriction on number of chances for coaching for interview, if the candidate is selected for interview.

** The selected students shall have to attend all classes. In the event of any students remaining absent for more than 15 days, without any valid reason, benefits of free coaching to him/her shall be discontinued and another students shall be taken in his/her place.

1 Comment
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  1. Vicky
    Done hons from moti lal nehru college regular and now I want to do CA and i belongs to SC may I take this scholarship

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