bcud.unipune.ac.in SPPU Scholarship 2019-20 : Savitribai Phule Pune University
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Organisation : Savitribai Phule Pune University
Portal Name : SPPU Scholarship Portal 2019-2020
Scholarship Name : University Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable For : Engineering Graduates/Students
Last Date : 24.02.2020
Website/Apply Online : http://bcud.unipune.ac.in/Scholorships/Applicant/Login.aspx
BCUD SPPU Scholarship Portal
Savitribai Phule Pune University invites applications for various University Scholarship schems for the year 2019-20
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Savitribai Phule University of Pune affiliated university affiliated college / university department has introduced the scholarship / finance scheme for the economically weaker sections, quality, and backward class students enrolled in non-professional degree and post-graduate courses.
SPPU Scholarship Application Procedure
Just follow the below steps to apply for the University Scholarship 2019-20.
Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Savitribai Phule Pune University through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Enter User Name (your Eligibility No.) & Password (your DOB) for Login
Step 3 : After Login successfully click to “Apply for scholarship”
Step 4 : Enter Eligibility Number and click on search button, if eligibility number that you entered is correct. Then it will open Application Form otherwise it will shows an error.
Step 5 : Next Candidates can fill their details.
Step 6 : Upload necessary documents and finally submit your application.
Step 7 : Please make sure that application form filled correctly & accept “Self-Declaration” then click Submit button.
Step 8 : Finally Print your Application and You gets logged out after clicking on Logout button
Important Note :
While uploading documents please make sure that, Photo & Sign should be in .jpg format with maximum size 150 KB & other “Mandatory Documents” in .pdf format with maximum size 1MB.
Documents Required
** Marklist (Last Year)
** Bank Passbook
** Photo
** Sign
Note : Document according to choosen Scholarship.
Scholarship Categories
Krantijyoti Savitrimata Flora Finance Scheme
Terms & Conditions :
1. Teaching of non-professional degree courses in Colleges / Universities Educational section Most of the 10 and undergraduate post-graduate courses are taking More than 05 students will be eligible for this scheme.
2. Student eligible for Rs. 5000 / – subsidy will be given.
3. Annual income of parents’ parents is Rs. Not to exceed Rs. 2,50,000 / – The certificate of Tehsildar will be required.
4. The financial assistance will be given to the eligible student for full degree and only once in the post-graduation period Will come.
5. The student should have scored at least 50 percent marks in the previous examination. Students with more than 50% marks will be considered as points of merit.
6. The student must have at least 75 percent attendance in regular syllabus Will remain.
7. Students can not accept any paid job during the tenure of this scheme
Financial Weaker Section Student Finance Scheme
Terms & Conditions :
** Annual income of the parents of the students (combined with all the members of the family) Rs. Should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000 / –
** A maximum of 10 students will be eligible for this scheme for a maximum of 20 and non-professional post graduate courses pursuing non-professional degree course in colleges / universities
** Eligible students will have to pay Rs. 3,000 / – and for a post graduate course Rs. 6,000 / – will be provided financial support
** The student should have edited at least 65 percent of the previous examination.
** Students must have at least 75 percent attendance in regular syllabus Will remain.
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Scholarship Scheme
Terms & Conditions :
1. In order to avail the benefits of this scheme, the student gets at least 70% marks in the previous examination Should be edited.
2. Ideal for all Scholarship scholarships as per the quality of the students Students will not be registered for business courses.
3. A maximum of 800 and a degree with a post-graduate program A maximum of 1200 students have been considered for the scholarship for the course.
4. Rs. 18,000 / – and for the degree course Rs. 12,000 / – scholarships will be given.
5. Eligible students should not be 23 for the degree course and more than 25 for a post graduate course.
6. Students must have at least 75% attendance in regular syllabus. The certificate will be required to be issued in the context.
7. Regular course enrollment in the college / university education department Should be taken.
8. Students should be Indian citizens. Attested certification of citizenship for this Will be required.
Notification :
Hey i also have same problem
what u did then? Please tell me
I filled my scholarship form but my account number is incorrect so how can i change it.
Please tell me
I fill scholarship form but by mistake my account number gone wrong
how can i edit the form ? Please help me.
I am unable to login to BCUD scholarship form even the user name and password is correct. please resistration form
I am unable to login to BCUD scholarship form even the user name and password is correct.
Can we find the final SP Pune University scholarships sanctioned list 2018-19?
I am unable to login to BCUD scholarship form even the user name and password is correct.
From where I can get my eligibility no.?
I need user name and eligibility number. How can I get it? Whether it is applicable for medical student?
I am a Medical student. Can I apply for scholarship in this concern?
There is some correction related to bank IFC code in my scholarship form. Please help me.