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Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSP 2018-19 :

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Organisation : Parth Ashram
Scholarship Name : Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSP 2018-19
Applicable For : Students studying in class VII, VIII, IX, X and XII
Test Date : 23rd December 2018 (For Class X & XII)
Registration Last Date : 17th December 2018 (For Class X & XII)
Website/Apply Online : parthashram [dot] com

Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program

Parth Ashram conducts Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSP for the year 2018-19. HPSP Test Center Allocation For Class X, XII(PCM) & XII(PCB) now available in the official website.

Update :
Parth Ashram HPSP Class 7th Result 2018-19 :

Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship HPSP Class 9th Result 2018-19 :

Who Can Apply?

Students studying in class VII, VIII, IX, X and XIIth are eligible to apply.

How to Register?

Just follow the below steps to register for Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSP 2018-19.

Online Registration

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Parth Ashram provided above.
Step 2 : Then click on the “Apply Online For Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSP 2018-19” link in the home page.

Step 3 : Next, Enter your Mobile Number and click on the Submit button
Step 4 : OTP number will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP and click on the Submit button

Step 5
: After that, fill the application form with the required fields and click on submit button.
Step 6 : It will redirect to the payment section. Enter the payment details to complete the online transaction.

You have following Test Fee Payment Options –
1. Credit / Debit Card or Net Banking.
2. UPI (BHIM, PAYPHONE or any other UPI ID)
3. PayTm Wallet, Mobikwik, PayZapp, Jio Money, Ola Money, Airtel Money Freecharge, Amazon Pay and many more

Step 7 : Once your payment is successfully done, you can download the Admit Card from the same online portal.

Offline Registration

Step 1 : Students can avail the forms at the offices of Hindustan Newspaper in all the districts of the State & any of the Parth Ashram Centres by paying 200/- and submit the duly filled forms on the same day or before the last date of offline submission

Step 2 : Forms will also be made available at select schools in each district of the State from where the students can avail the forms by payment of requisite fee and submit the completely

Registration Fee

1. For Students registering for Class X & XII – Rs. 200/-
2. For Students registering for Class VII, VIII and IX – Registration Is Free Of Cost

Note :
** Offline Registration form of class VII, VIII and IX has to be submitted at PARTH ASHRAM Centres Only after filling it properly.

Special Privilege For Schools :
Schools can encourage their Students to appear in HINDUSTAN PARTH ASHRAM SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM(HPSP).

Every School Principal has the exclusive privilege to recommend a maximum of 6 Students (3 Students each from Class X & XII) and HPSP registration fee will be waived off for these recommended Students.

Terms & Conditions :

Test Center Allocation

Download Test Center :

Test Schedule & Pattern

1. For Students Presently In VII, VIII & IX :
** Test Paper (2 hours)
** Objective type questions to assess analytical skills and current level of preparation
** (Mental Ability, Mathematics & Science)
** Time : 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm (only at Patna)
** To avail cash reward and scholarship, Student will have to qualify the minimum cut-off in total paper.

2. For Students Presently In X :
** Test Paper (2 hours)
** Objective type questions to assess analytical skills and current level of preparation
** (Mental Ability, Science & Mathematics)
** Time : 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
** To avail cash reward and scholarship, Student will have to qualify the minimum cut-off in total paper.

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3. For Students Presently In XII Maths :
** Test Paper (2 hours)
** Objective type questions to assess analytical skills and current level of preparation
** (Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry)
** Time : 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
** To avail cash reward and scholarship, Student will have to qualify the minimum cut-off in total paper.

4. For Students Presently In XII Bio :
** Test Paper (2 hours)
** Objective type questions to assess analytical skills and current level of preparation
** (Biology, Physics & Chemistry)
** Time : 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
** To avail cash reward and scholarship, Student will have to qualify the minimum cut-off in total paper.


For Class VII Students

Science :
Physics :
1. Heat
2. Motion and Time
3. Wind, Storms and Cyclones

Chemistry :
1. Fibre to Fabric
2. Acids, Bases and Salts
3. Physical and Chemical Changes

Biology :
1. Nutrition in Plants
2. Nutrition in Animals
3. Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate
4. Respiration in Organisms

Mathematics :
1. Integers
2. Fraction & Decimal
3. Data Handling
4. Simple Equations
5. Lines & Angles
6. Triangles & Its Properties
7. Congruent Triangles

For Class VIII Students

Science :
Physics :
1. Force and Pressure
2. Friction
Chemistry :
1. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
2. Materials-Metals & Non-Metals

Biology :
1. Cell Structure And Function
2. Reproduction in Animals

Mathematics :
1. Rational Numbers
2. Linear Equations in One Variable
3. Understanding the Quadilaterals
4. Practical Geometry
5. Squares And Square Roots
6. Mensuration

For Class IX Students

Science :
Physics :
1. Motion
2. Force and Laws of Motion
3. Work and Energy
Chemistry :
1. Structure of Atom
2. Atoms and Molecules

Biology :
1. Tissue
2. Diversity in Living Organism

Mathematics :
1. Number System
2. Linear Equation in Two Variables
3. Co-ordinate Geometry
4. Surface Areas and Volumes
5. Polynomials
6. Triangles & Circles

For Class Xth Students

Physics :
1. Electricity
2. Control and Coordinations
3. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
4. Light – Reflection and Refraction

Chemistry :
1. Chemical Reactions & Equations
2. Acids, Bases, and Salts
3. Metals and Non-Metals
4. Carbon and Its Compounds

Biology :
1. Life Processes
Mathematics :
1. Real numbers
2. Polynomials
3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4. Introduction to Trigonometry
5. Trigonometric Identities
6. Height And Distances
7. Quadratic Equation
8. Circles
9. Arithmetic Progression
10. Probability

For Class XIIth Students – Engineering

Physics :
1. Mechanics(till Rotation)
2. Electrostatics
3. Current Electricity
4. Magnetism

Chemistry :
1. Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
2. Solid State
3. Liquid Solution
4. Isomerism
5. GOC
6. Hydrocarbons
7. Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
8. Coordination Compounds

Mathematics :
1. Function
2. ITF
3. LCD
4. AOD
5. Integral Calculus
6. Area
7. Differential Equation

For Class XII Students – Medical

Physics :
1. Mechanics(till Rotation)
2. Electrostatics
3. Current Electricity
4. Magnetism

Chemistry :
1. Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
2. Solid State
3. Liquid Solution
4. Isomerism
5. GOC
6. Hydrocarbons
7. Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
8. Coordination Compounds

Biology :
1. Reproduction in Organism
2. Evolution
3. Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants
4. Human Reproduction
5. Human Health & Disease
6. Reproductive Health

Admit Card & Test Centre

Once your payment is successfully done, you can download the Admit Card from the same online portal. Students will be informed about test centre through SMS. Students can also enquire about their test centres through phone or by visiting Parth Ashram Centres, Patna(Boring Road, Kankar Bagh, Bazar Samiti)

Last Date

The last date of submission of form is 8th December 2018(Offline) and 12th December 2018(Online)

Add a Comment
  1. I have got 11th rank. How can I see my result?

  2. My rank is 78. What prize will I get?

  3. My roll number is 102169. How can I get the class 7 result of Hindustan Parth Ashram Scholarship program ?

  4. From where can I find the result of the HPSP conducted on 16th December.

  5. I have to know my rank. My exam roll number is 100958.

  6. I want to know the result of class 7th scholarship.

  7. I want to see the result of class 7th.

  8. I want to see the result of class 9th.

  9. I want to know the result of status of Raghuveer Kumar who is studying class 9th in St. Xavier’s Academy, Begusarai.


  11. In which date the results of Hindustan Parth Ashram 2018-19 of class 7th announce?

  12. I want to know the result of class 12th Biology exam that was held on 23rd December 2018.

  13. I want to see the result of class 8th.

  14. Worst system and management Parth Ashram is having. There is no any fixed date for the declaration of result of class 7,8 and 9th. I am suggesting all of you not to take admission in such institution which has such a worst management system. When I call then someone replies that on 13, someone says on 15, someone says before 20 and someone says that between 15 to 30 January. What is this?

  15. I want to know the result of class 7th.

    1. I want to know the result of class 8th.

  16. I want to see my class 7th result.


  18. I need the result link of Parth Ashram Scholarship 2018-19 for class 7th.

  19. I want to know, when exam results will be declared of class 7th going to class 8th.

  20. I am reading class 7. Please tell me that whether the result is published (or) not.

  21. Please say something about the declaration of result of HPSP for class 8th. When will the result of HPSP class 8 be declared?

  22. Please say something about the declaration of result of HPSP for class 8th. When will the result of HPSP class 8 be declared?

  23. I have lost my admit card, how can I get it again for result which will be announced on 6th Jan 2019. Please help me.

  24. Please tell that, when will I get the result of stage 2 exam?

  25. Kindly intimate, how we can get the result of test.

  26. I am eagerly waiting for my result. When the result is going to be announced?

  27. Let us know, when the result of scholarship for class X will be declared.

  28. I want to know, when the result will be declared for 23rd December’s exam.

  29. I got only the test centre D.A.V. But I want to know the city also. Please tell me.

  30. I have not got my admit card.

  31. Someone please help me to find my admit card.

  32. I need the detail of test center of class 10th.

  33. My registration number is 311916. Let me know my examination center.

  34. I am student of class 10th. I lost my admit card. Please help, how I can download the admit card.

  35. Please update my examination center.

  36. I have not received any details regarding my test centre till now. My examination date is 23rd December Sunday. Kindly tell my test centre.

  37. Please tell, how can I get my admit card.

  38. I want to know the result of this exam.

  39. My registration number is 302553. Please check my exam center and inform me.

  40. Kindly reply, where is my centre in Darbhanga.

  41. I had applied offline for 10th and not get any SMS. Why ?

  42. I want to know the exam centre.

  43. I don’t know, where is my exam center?

  44. I want to know that whether the question will be in Hindi (or) English. I read in class 9th.

  45. Provide link to download the admit card of HPSP.

  46. Unfortunately, I lost my admit card of Parth Ashram Scholarship Test. Could I be the part of examination for class 9th? Please reply.

  47. If I passed in this exam, what prize will I get.

  48. I belong to class 9th. Please send the admit card.

  49. I am a student of class 10th, how can I know about my test center?

  50. Let me know the syllabus of HPSP for class 8th.

  51. I have not received any SMS. Please tell me the centre in Patna.

  52. I am in class VII. I have lost my admit card. Please give information to download my admit card.

  53. I am a student of class 9th. I want to get my admit card. Please send me.

  54. I have lost my phone. How can I know about my exam centre?

  55. I am from class 7th. I have not received any SMS in my Mobile. Please send it soon.

  56. Please inform me, where is my center at Patna.

    1. Please inform my exam centre name.

  57. Please inform about test center, I didn’t get any information.

  58. Please send the centre details for registration number 302624.

  59. Let me know the examination date, time and centre of Class 10th HPSP.

    1. Exam date is postponed from 16th December to 23rd December.

  60. Please tell me the test center of the Parth Ashram Scholarship Exam.

  61. Kindly inform, where is the exam center of Parth Ashram in Patna.

  62. Please help me to choose the exam centre, how can I choose through online? I want to give exam in Samastipur.

  63. I am a class 8th student. I want the IIT syllabus for year 2018.

  64. We are not receiving any message about centre through SMS and not on its website also.

  65. My roll number is 304965. Where is the centre of class 7th? Please inform quickly.

  66. Kindly inform, where is the exam centre of Parth Ashram in Patna.

  67. I have not received any SMS in my mobile. Please send it soon.

    1. I have not received any SMS in my mobile, please send it soon.

  68. I am a student of class 8th, how can I know about my test center?

  69. I want to know about the IIT syllabus of class 7th.

  70. I am a class 8th student. Admit card will issue soon.

  71. Please give me the syllabus of admission test for class 9th.

  72. Please someone guide me for HPSP exam.

  73. I want to know about the syllabus of Parth Ashram Scholarship Program HPSH (2018-19).

  74. Let us know, how to download the admit card.

    1. I want to download the admit card.

  75. Please give me the syllabus of HPSP for 7th, 8th and 9th.

  76. I want to give this test. Can I give it online?

  77. Let me know, which type of question will be asked?

  78. I want to know about the Mode of test and Exam center details.

  79. Admit card will issue soon.

  80. Let me know the syllabus of HPSP.

    1. I am a class 7th student. I want the syllabus of Medical for year 2018.

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