Dreambox Media Online Marketing Scholarship 2019 : dreamboxmedia.in
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Organisation : Dreambox Media
Scholarship Name : Dreambox Media Online Marketing Scholarship 2019
Applicable For : Students
Application Last Date : October 27, 2019
Website : https://www.dreamboxmedia.in/
Dreambox Media Online Marketing Scholarship
Dreambox Media is a reputed Social Media marketing and promotion company specializing in Online marketing solutions all over the world.
Related : Urban Ladder Scholarship Essay Contest 2018 : www.scholarships.net.in/27841.html
To help to the students who have a passion for social media and give them more chances to realize their hopes, we have opened our annual DreamBox Media scholarship program.
There will be three students who are deserved to receive $1,000. She/he can use this amount in any manner to further her/his educational goals.
We are offering this to students, who are above 18 years of age and have enrolled in, any course for the year 2018-19 anywhere in the world.
How To Apply?
Essay :
Your Topic is about Social Media marketing strategies (500-1000 words long). Let us know the creative ways to start your e-marketing or e-business! You should write the plan in details, so that you can use it if you get the award.
Below are some social media marketing topics that you can write on :
** Facebook Marketing
** Twitter Marketing
** Youtube Marketing
** Instagram Marketing
Application Submission
** Your Name, Contact Number, Photo and Mailing Address
** The Name of the School/University/College you are attending
** A Proof of Enrollment or Acceptance
Send To :
Please email your application at: scholarship [AT] dreamboxmedia.in
Format :
Email : Your Email
With Subject Format : Dreambox Media Online Marketing Scholarship [Your Subject]
Attach your document to Google Docs
Last Date
Application Due Date : October 27, 2019
Winner Announcement Date : November 11, 2019
In case of any questions regarding the scholarship mail us at scholarship [AT] dreamboxmedia.in
Terms & Conditions :
** Dreambox Media reserves the exclusive rights to publish any of the entries it receives.
** The site will not charge or ask for any fees from any student who wishes to join the program.
** Submitted entries are expected, and should be, duly accomplished by the applicants.
** Incomplete entries will not be considered and processed
About DreamBox Media :
DreamBox Media, a Web Development and Internet Marketing Company based in Thane, Maharashtra is an upcoming name in the IT world with a legacy of providing cost effective Web Solutions to the Clients.
We provide a wide range of services including Website Design & Development, Digital Marketing & Graphic Designing.
We are happy to deal with the challenging projects. The High degree of expertise and specialization of our team members enable us to deliver the projects on time. Our Team Professionals readily keep constant interaction with the clients to get a clear-cut idea about their needs.