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Organization : Centre for International Co-operation in Science Chennai
Fellowship Name : India Science & Research Fellowship Programme 2015
Applicable For : Scientists and Researchers in Science, Engineering & Medicine
Application Last Date : 31st August 2015

Website :
Notification :
Application Form

India Science & Research Fellowship Programme 2015:
The dynamics of the 21st century knowledge economy is being progressively driven by scientific and technological capabilities of a nation. The economic growth, prosperity and development of a country is increasingly being determined by its S&T competence and strength rather than its material and resource base. Recognizing that S&T is an important instrument in the growth paradigm, both developed and developing countries have evolved S&T policies to augment and strengthen their research infrastructure and technology intensity. India over the years has evolved a policy and program framework aimed at strengthening research and education infrastructure, building excellence and capacity in science for fostering knowledge creation and promoting innovation. India with its long culture and tradition in science has positioned itself as one of the leading countries in basic research supported through a vast network of apex R&D institutions. India is keen to enter into partnerships with its neighbouring countries to foster closer scientific and technological collaboration through human capacity building in advanced areas of research and development. The India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) aims at providing opportunities to researchers and scientists from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka to undertake R&D at premier research and academic institutions in India.

Scope And Duration Of Fellowship:
India Science and Research Fellowship is to provide opportunity to scientists and researchers from neighbouring countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka to work in contemporary research areas across all major disciplines of science and technology including engineering and medical sciences at premier research laboratories and academic institutions in India.

Up to 42 fellowships will be awarded annually under this scheme. The fellowship applications will be considered once a year by a Selection Committee.

** Enable to undertake cutting edge research work in India
** Open to faculty, scientists and researchers in science, engineering and medicine
** Monthly sustenance allowance and one time contingency grant
** Return airfare

Type And Duration Of Fellowship Offered:
Visiting Fellowship: for durations between 3 to 6 months

Last Date For Receiving Applications:
31st August 2015

The Applicant:
** Applicant should be a citizen/permanent resident of the Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka.
** The applicant should be actively engaged in research at a University or research institution in their country in various areas of science and technology including engineering and medical sciences.
** Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D /M.Tech /M.Sc /MBBS with 3-5 years research or teaching experience
** Must be below 45 years of age (as on 31st December of the previous year of selection)
** The applicant should posses a valid passport
** Must not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residency in India

Value Of Award:
How To Apply:
Researchers/scientists actively engaged in research at a university or research institution meeting the eligibility criteria should apply using prescribed format (can be downloaded from the websites; to respective implementing agency in partner country (if available) or CICS, Chennai.

If the respective implementing agency in partner country is not available, Applications may be submitted as hard copy or scan copy with supporting documents,

Fellowship Allowance:
Rs. 50,000/- per month which includes accommodation

Contingency grant to Fellow Scientist:
Rs. 10,000/- as one time contingency grant.

Contingency research grant for host scientist (through institution):
Rs. 20,000/- as one time grant

Round trip air ticket by economy class from the place of employment in their own country to the Indian host institute, through shortest route. Local transport by Road / rail between the nearest airport and the host institute in India.

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Visa fee:
Will be reimbursed

Hard Copy to:
The Director
Centre for International Co-operation
in Science(CICS)
No:2, Gandhi Mandapam Road,
Chennai – 600025

Soft Copy to:
Email :
** The last date for receipt of the applications is 31st August 2015. No application submitted beyond the Last Date will be accepted.

Selection Process & Notification:
a) Selection Process: Pre-screening of applications will be undertaken by the implementing Agency in partner country solely based on scientific merit and proposed contribution to advanced research in the subject field. Final selection and award decision will be made by DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India through their implementing agency, CICS, Chennai, India.

b) Notification of selection results
: Award intimation will be sent to the successful candidates by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India through CICS. The names of the awardees, host researchers and institutions as well as their research themes will be posted also on the websites of DST, India; CICS, Chennai and the respective Indian Embassies.

c) Placement Process:
** Candidates are required to finalize the dates of fellowship jointly with host Indian scientist.
** The selected candidates will be issued visa by Indian Mission in their country.
** For visa issuance, selected candidates will be required to approach Indian Mission with all documents and travel plan.
** A copy of these documents and other travel details must be sent to CICS, Chennai, India

Obligation Of The Fellow / Intern Researcher:
The research fellows are expected to strictly observe the regulations stipulated below and those of the host institution. Failure to follow these may result in withdrawal of the Fellowship.
a) Fellow must stay in India continuously during the accepted tenure of their fellowship and devote his/her maximum working time on the research work at the host institution. Fellow should not engage in any other work, either paid or unpaid, during the tenure of the Fellowship.
b) Only due to any unforeseen circumstances a Fellow will be allowed to leave India before completing the full tenure of the fellowship after seeking due permission of Indian Host Institute, CICS/DST and parent institution. In such circumstances, the fellowship amount proportional to remaining period shall not be paid.
c) The Fellow shall follow the rules established by the host institution and DST, including prohibiting acts of research misconduct (e.g. fabricating or falsifying research results) and misuse of research fund (e.g. use for private purpose or for purposes other than the approved research activity).
d) Fellow shall not either in or outside the host institution, infringe in any way on the human rights of others, including racial or gender discrimination or other forms of social abuse.
e) The Fellow must submit a detailed research report after completion of his / her tenure duly endorsed by the host researcher to DST and CICS.
f) The selected fellow should have his/her own medical insurance for the period of stay in India

About DST:
The Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India is mandated to nurture, foster and promote scientific and technological research and development in India. DST is the major agency in the country for the promotion of basic and applied sciences through intramural and extramural research funding across disciplines and institutions. This includes support to both human capacity development and research infrastructure building. The Department plays a critical role in supporting technology development capabilities in non-strategic sectors including societal interventions through science and technology and the promotion of innovation and techno-entrepreneurship. DST is also responsible for the formulation of the science, technology and innovation policy of the country including other R&D enabling policies of the Government of India. One of the core responsibilities of DST is to enter into international cooperation, partnerships and alliances required for promoting bilateral, regional and multilateral S&T collaborations. (

About CICS:
Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS) is a society registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975. The Centre is mandated to promote S & T co-operation for the mutual benefit of the scientists of developing countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Arab regions.

The focus is on providing opportunity for developing country (other than India) scientists to carry out research in premier research institutions in India. CICS co-ordinates the INSA-JRD Tata Fellowship, DBT-TWAS Fellowship and the JNCASR-CICS Fellowship for developing countries scientists/ researchers and Travel Fellowship scheme and Women Scientists Scholarship Scheme (WOS- C) for Indian Nationals. (

CICS, Chennai implements the ISRF program on behalf of DST.

1 Comment
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  1. I’d like to know the link of searching institute and professor to apply the India Science & Research Fellowship Programme in 2015. I’m the nominee researcher from Myanmar to apply it.
    Best regards,
    Dr. Thi Thi Soe
    Renewable Energy Research Department
    Department of Research and Innovation (DRI)
    Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

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