Admiral Kirpal Singh Scholarship Scheme : Indian Navy
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Organisation : Indian Navy
Scholarship Name : Admiral Kirpal Singh Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Class Xth Students
Applicable State/UTs : All Over India
Website :
Indian Navy Admiral Kirpal Singh Scholarship
The primary objective of the award scheme is to motivate children of serving gunnery sailors to pursue their studies beyond Std X and strive for academic excellence.
Related : DESW PMSS Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme 2018-19 :
Children of serving gunnery sailors who satisfy the following conditions would be eligible for the scholarship.
(a) They should have scored the minimum aggregate of 8.0 CGPA and above in the X th Std Board examination from any school with CBSE syllabus.
(b) In the case of many candidates with same CGPA, the merit list will be decided on actual marks
(c) They must be full time students of a recognised educational institution at the time of applying for the award.
How to Apply?
Just follow the below steps to apply for the Admiral Kirpal Singh Scholarship Scheme.
Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Indian Navy through the URL
Step 2 : Next download the scholarship application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.
Download Application Form : Links:
Step 3 : Fill the application form carefully with the required fields
Step 4 : Completed application form should be sent to the Commanding Officer, INS Dronacharya who will short list the awardees purely on academic merit.
Step 5 : Shortlisting of awardees is to be carried out Navywide
Scholarship Renewal
In order to continue the award of scholarship, the candidate should continue to secure a minimum aggregate of 70 % or above in subsequent examinations (annual/semester/trimester) for Science/Engineering stream and 65 % or above in Arts/Commerce stream.
Quantum of Award
A total of 10 awards of Rs 4000 (Rupees Four Thousand only) will be disbursed
Amount of the scholarship will be increased by Rs.500 for candidates who continue to be eligible for scholarships based on their performance in the respective qualifying examinations
Qualifying Exam | Amount
** 10th – Rs.4,000
** 11th – Rs.4,500
** 12th – Rs.5,000
** 1st Year Graduation – Rs.5,500
** 2nd Year Graduation – Rs.6,000
Distribution Of Awards :
The Commanding Officer, INS Dronacharya is also tasked with disbursement of awards directly to the students through respective units
Feedback Form :
A feedback form to obtain comments and suggestions from the awardees is placed at enclosure to this GO.
Terms & Conditions
** The candidate should not have been in receipt of a similar award/scholarship for the same academic performance from any other naval source.
** Disqualification in such cases will lead to forfeiture of candidature for scholarship and the student will not be allowed to rejoin the scheme even if he/she achieves the required aggregate in subsequent exams.
** 30% of awards (rounded off to nearest lower digit) are to be reserved for girl students.