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Organisation : CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
Scholarship Name : CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme 2018
Applicable For : Single Girl Child of Class X Passed in 2018
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 15th October 2018 (Date is Extended)
Website :

CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ for Merit Scholarship for Single Girl Child for the year 2018.

Related / Similar Scholarship : CBSE Single Girl Child Merit Scholarship 2020

Who Can Apply?

i) All Single Girl Students, who have secured 60% / 6.2 CGPA or more marks / grades in CBSE Class X Examination and are studying Class XI & XII in School (affiliated with CBSE) whose tuition fee is not more than Rs. 1,500/- p.m. during the academic year, shall be considered for the purpose. In the next two years, the total enhancement in tuition fee in such school shall not be more than 10% of the tuition fee charged.

NRI applicants of the Board are also eligible for the award. The tuition fee for the NRIs has been decided maximum of Rs. 6,000/- per month.

ii) The scholarship shall be awarded to Indian Nationals only.
iii) The student must continue her school studies in Class XI and XII in school as stated above in para 3(i).
iv) Candidate who have passed CBSE Class X Examination in 2018 will be considered.

v) A Scholar under the scheme while availing scholarship can enjoy other concession(s) given by the school in which she is studying other organization(s).

How to Apply?

1. Candidate need to enter her roll number and Date of Birth (as printed on the class X grade sheet) in order to submit the online application form.

2. Enter all your particulars carefully and submit the form.
3. Note down the Registration Number shown on the page. This will be used while uploading documents and also for all other future communications.

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4. Print the undertaking as provided in the “Guidelines Document” (this document), fill it, paste the photograph and get it attested from school.
5. Prepare affidavit, as per format provided in the “Guidelines Document”.

6. Scan the above two documents, ie Affidavit and Undertaking so as to create PDF file of up to 1MB size. The PDF should contain all the pages (in case of multiple pages)

7. Go to “Upload Document” option and upload both the above documents.
8. Go to print “Confirmation Page” option and generate the confirmation page.

9. Fresh applicant need not to send the confirmation page to CBSE, however they should keep it for their reference as a proof of successful applying.

Applicants successfully applied and completed the application will only be able to generate confirmation page. Applicants who could not generate confirmation page are not successful, and their application will not be processed.

10. In case of application for Renewal Please send duly filled and signed confirmation page to “Scholarship Unit”, CBSE, Shiksha Kendra, 2 Community Centre, Delhi – 110092.

Guidelines :

Scholarship Duration & Renewal

i) The Scholarship awarded shall be renewed for a period of one year i.e. successful completion of class XI. Renewal shall also depend on promotion to the next class provided the scholar secures 50% or more marks in aggregate in the examination which determines her promotion to next class.

ii) The renewal/ continuation of the scholarship, in cases where a scholar gives up the chosen course of study before its completion or if she changes the school or course of study shall be subject to prior approval of the Board.

Notification :

Good conduct and regularity in attendance are required for continuance of scholarship. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding in all such matters. A Scholarship once cancelled shall not be renewed under any circumstances.

Last Date

** The last date for submission of online applications is 15th October 2018
** Hard copy of application form (renewal only) has to be submitted on or before 31st October 2018.


In case of any query you may write to scholarship.cbse [AT]

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