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SAI National Talent Search Portal SAG Special Area Games Scheme Financial Grant 2019 :

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Organisation : Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Portal Name : National Talent Search Portal
Scheme Name : SAG Special Area Games Scheme Financial Grant
Applicable For : Children From 10 years to 18 years
Scheme Last Date : 31-03-2019
Website : nationalsportstalenthunt [dot] com

SAI SAG Special Area Games Scheme

Special Area Games (SAG) Scheme aims at scouting natural talent for modern competitive sports and games from inaccessible tribal, rural and coastal areas of the country and nurturing them scientifically for achieving excellence in sports.

Related : National Sports Talent Search Extension Centres of STC/SAG Financial Grant 2019 :

The Scheme also envisages tapping of talent from indigenous games and martial arts and also from regions/ communities, which are either genetically or geographically advantageous for excellence in a particular sports discipline.


The main objective of the Scheme is to train individuals having potential in a given sports in the age group of 12-18 years.



Individual Sports: From 12 years to 18 years
Team Sports: From 10 years to 18 years
For children having genetic advantage: From 12 years to 14 years


Relaxation by DG SAI can be granted on exceptional basis and after fulfilling certain conditions, limited to 25% of the new induction.


  Archery   Athletics
  Badminton   Basketball
  Boxing   Canoeing
  Fencing   Football
  Gymnastics   Handball
  Hockey   Judo
  Kabaddi   Karate
  Kayaking and Canoeing   Rowing
  Sepak takraw   Shooting
  Swimming   Table Tennis
  Taekwondo   Volleyball
  Weight-Lifting   Wrestling

How To Apply?

First you have to register yourself by entering the basic details in registration page. Once registration is over, you can login and apply for any scheme after updating your profile.


You can apply to a scheme in a simple three step process:

Step 1 : Register on the site. You can register for your ward.

Step 2 : Login and Create a profile. This is a very important step. Every year several people apply to the SAI scheme. In order to get shortlisted provide as much information as you can specially if you have been a sport person and participated in competitions before.

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Step 3 : Apply for a scheme. Once you have created your profile you can apply to any eligible scheme of SAI.

Selection Criteria

Individual Events

1) Person securing upto eighth place in Sub-Junior (including Cadet) and Junior National Championships organized by a recognized National Sports Federation and upto sixth place in Inter-University Championships conducted by Association of Indian Universities, and School Games Federation of India during the current or the year preceding admission, or

2) Person securing upto first three places in the State Championship Conducted by the recognized State Sports Association or North East Games and PYKKA National Rural and Women Championships, or

3) Sports person who has represented India in any recognized Championship/ Tournament by the recognized international federation concerned, or

4) The first three position-holders of District Championships, Inter-Education District Level small Competition, Championships held by Confederation of Public Schools, CBSE, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya, PYKKA, etc.; may be considered for participation in the selection trials.

Team Events

1) Member of a team obtaining first four (4) positions in Sub-Junior and Junior National Championships organized by recognized National Sports Federation and first two (02) position holder in Inter-Zonal and Inter-University Championships conducted by Association of Indian Universities and School Games Federation of India.

2) Member of Winner and Runners-up in team games in the State Championship organized by a recognized State Sports Association or in North East Games and PYKKA National Rural and Women Championships.

3) Sports person who has represented India as a member of the Sub-Junior and Junior team in any recognized Championship/Tournament for which team was officially sent by the Govt. of India.

4) Sports persons who have participated in the recognized State level competitions organized by State Sports Associations, State Sports Council, and State Sports Departments may be considered for participation in the selection trials.

Medical Checkup, and Age Verification is essential especially when admission is done on the basis of performance in the Sub-Junior and Junior level Competitions as an effective preventive measure against age fraud.

Financial Grant

Residential Trainees
SN Particulars (Per head) Amount(INR)
1 Boarding Expenses (per day per head) Non- Hilly Areas for 330 days 225
Per day per head for Hilly Areas for 330 Days 250
2 Sports Kit (per trainee, per annum) (Max. `5000/-) 12000
3 Competition Exposure (per trainee, per annum)
4 Education Expenses (per trainee, per annum)
5 Medical Expenses (per trainee, per annum)
6 Insurance (per trainee, per annum)
7 Other Expenses (per trainee, per annum)
Non-Residential Trainees
SN Particulars Amount (INR)
1 Sports Kit (per trainee per annum) 4000
2 Competition exposure (per trainee, per annum) 3000
3 Stipend (per trainee, per annum) 6000
4 Insurance (per trainee, per annum) 150

Battery of Test :

SN Battery of Test
1 Vertical Jump
2 6×10 Meter Shuttle Run
3 30 meter Flying Start
4 Ball Throw
5 800 Meter Run


SAG Agartala SAG Aizwal
SAG Alleppey SAG Bolpur
SAG Dhar SAG Giddaur
SAG Imphal SAG Jagatpur
SAG Kargil (J&K) SAG Kokrajhar
SAG Krishanganj SAG Mayiladuthurai
SAG Naharlagan SAG Namchi
SAG Port Blair SAG Ranchi
SAG Sundergarh SAG Tellicherry
SAG Tinsukhia SAG Utlov


Helpline Number : 011-24362775
For Technical Queries : 011-24360525

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