dst.gov.in WOS-A Scholarship FAQs Women Scientists Scheme Frequently Asked Questions : Department of Science & Technology
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Organization : Department of Science & Technology
Scholarship Name : Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A) Scholarship
Facility/ Service Name : FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
Applicable For : Women Scientists
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : No Last Date
Website : http://dst.gov.in/scientific-programmes/scientific-engineering-research/women-scientists-programs
Online Submission : https://online-wosa.gov.in/
Question-1: What is WOS-A.
Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A) is meant to encourage women candidates, preferably those having break in career and not having regular employment to pursue research in Science and Engineering.
Related / Similar Post : DST WOS-A Scholarship
Question-2: What is the difference between WOS-A, WOS-B and WOS-C DST’s Schemes for Women Scientists.
All the schemes are entirely different in their mandate. Under WOS-A financial support is available for pure R&D work in Basic & Applied Sciences. On the other hand, WOS-B supports project based on scientific research having societal aspect and WOS-C is sort of training to enhance entrepreneurship skills.
Question-3: In which subject R&D support is available in WOS-A.
In WOS-A, R&D support is available for projects in Five streams of Science i.e. Physical & Mathematical Sciences (PMS), Chemical Sciences (CS), Life Sciences (LS), Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) and Engineering & Technology (ET).
Question-4: What is the duration of fellowship/financial support under WOS-A scheme?
The financial support is available for Three years in WOS-A scheme
Question-5: What is the minimum qualification for applying under WOS-A?
In first category, candidate must be M.Sc. in basic or applied sciences or equivalent (i.e. B.Tech./B.Pharm. etc.) and second category includes Ph.D. in basic or applied sciences or equivalent (i.e. M.Tech./ MBBS/ M.Pharm. etc.).
Question-6: What is the age limit for WOS-A?
The minimum age for applying under WOS-A is 27 years and maximum age for M.Sc. or equivalent category is 35 years and for Ph.D. and equivalent category is 57 years.
Question-7: What does description of break mean?
It means time gap after the highest degree with reason of break
Question-8: Is employed Women Scientists are eligible to apply in WOS-A scheme?
No. However, those having adhoc/temporary/contractual positions are eligible for the scheme.
Question-9: What is the upper limit of total project cost?
The upper limit of total Project cost for M.Sc. or equivalent category is Rs 20 lakh,for M.Tech/M.Pharm or equivalent isRs 25 lakh and for Ph.D. and equivalent category is Rs30 lakh excluding overhead charges.
Question-10: What is the amount of fellowship under WOS-A and is there any provision for HRA in fellowship?
Women scientists, with M.Tech. or MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Sciences from recognized Universities can apply. The amount of fellowship for such candidates will be Rs.40,000/- PM. Women scientists having Ph.D. Degree in Basic or Applied Sciences will be entitled for fellowship of Rs.55,000/- PM.There is no provision of HRA under the scheme.
Question-11: What are the official formalities during the time of submission of proposal under WOS-A scheme?
There is no official formality at the time of application submission. Desired copies of application have to be sent along with bio-data of mentor with latest publications.
Question-12: May I pursue Ph.D. along with WOS-A project?
Yes. We encourage Ph.D. enrollments under WOS-A.
Question-13: Is there any due date to apply under WOS-A?
No. This is an open ended scheme without any due date for application submission. One can apply throughout the year. The selection committee meetings occur at regular interval to select eligible candidates.
Question-14: How to start online submission of proposal?
Please go through the website http://online-wosa.gov.in, read instructions carefully and proceed further accordingly.
Question-15: Is hard copy of the proposal also required after online submission of the proposal under WOS-A?
No, hard copy is not required to be sent. One hard copy may be kept for your own records.
Question-16: Which internet browser is more suitable for ‘WOSA’ web portal?
You may use Internet Explorer , Mozilla Firefox browser or Chrome browser.
Question-17: Issues in using Internet Explorer browser?
While using the Internet Explorer, if you find any message like – “There is problem with this website’s security certificate”, use the link “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.
Question-18: Issues in using Mozilla Firefox browser?
While using the Mozilla Firefox Explorer, you may have to add the NIC-CA certificate as an exception to run this website.
Question-19: My password is locked, now how to proceed?
Click on the “Forgot Password” link on the Home Page of http://online-wosa.gov.in. You will receive a mail that will contain a link to re-create the password.
Question-20: Can I change my e-mail in between the processing?
No. E-mail is the only way of communication and hence is not allowed to be changed.
Question-21: Any special instructions while filling PPDs?
Please try to fill all columns that are displayed, even if they seem to be non-mandatory. Please avoid using special characters like bullets, tabs while entering the data.
What does the status mean “proposal accepted afer administrative consideration”? what is the further procedure? how do we know
I have the same question, please reply if you went through the process
Any increase in fellowship of existing PI in WOS-A scheme?
What does the status mean “proposal accepted afer administrative consideration”
Did you get any email from the dst after the status proposal accepted after administrative consideration and if yes, how long it took?
for dst wise my current status showing “proposal accepted after administrative consideration”.what does it mean what is the next step. please suggest
Did you get any reply after Proposal Accepted after Administrative Consideration stage??
Can i be eligible for wos fellowship if i take admission in iisc Bangalore for PhD
how log does it take to process the postdoctoral application ?
How long does it take to declare the results for WSIE-PDF
Dr, did you get any response from the WISE team?
can i change host institute and mentod in wos-a and is there any minimum time linit for the same.
is there any list of host institution?
the host institution can be a private institution?
I m applying for wise-pdf. In the registration form, they are asking about the mentor and PI contact number. but I am confused to differentiate between two names. please clarify this.
Pi will be you and the Mentor wil be whom who want to work with..from host institute/university
I have submitted the proposal for WoS A scheme last year, few days back my “Proposal Accepted after Administrative Consideration”, can anyone inform me after how many days should I expect the interview call? How many rounds of interviews are there for final selection, if anyone has this information then please guide me.
I have received the same, but no idea when they are going to review the proposals. Please let me know if you have any updates on this.
when they start new registration
hello, did you receive the fellowship. for my proposal, the status is showing the same. what does it mean
What is the meaning of this status
My ppd was accepted in October 2019 in Engineering and technology but I have not received interview call letter till now. Has anyone got any reply from dst during this period ? Kindly reply.
How can all publications of mentor come only upto 500 words as per WOSA-B online mentor details
I wish to know whether we need to return interest amount of the grant (or) along with interest unspent money should be returned.
After getting approval under DST-WOS A. Can I extend my date of joining by one year? Is it possible?
I have received the PES acceptance mail from WOSA team on Nov 24th, 2018 under Engineering Technology category and I have submitted the PPDs online on Feb 12th, 2019. But still now, I have not been received any response. I have tried to contact them by phone and write them in mail too but unfortunately there was no response. Anybody have idea that how to contact them (or) how long it will take usually to get the response from them after the submission of PPDs?
My case also same. Till date no response from WOSA team though PPD was submitted online in April 2019. Did you get any communication from them till now ?
I have received the PES acceptance mail in November 24, 2018 in Engineering Technology category and I have submitted the PPDs in Feb 12, 2019. But still now, I have not been received any response. Tried to contact the Wos-A team by phone and in mail too. But no response. Anybody have idea how to contact them (or) how long it will take usually to get the response after submitting the PPDs online?
Please intimate, if anyone got mail regarding interview in Physical and Mathematical Sciences after February 2019.
Yes, I received an email for the next interview in Physical & Mathematical Sciences held on 27th of June 2019 in Pune.
Please provide the list of host institution through out India, which are assigned under DST for WOS-A.
Please let me know, can we discontinue the project after getting another job? What formalities we have to do under such condition?
In how many days, one can get email Id and password after submission of PES.
After submission of PPD, in how many days the status of the project (i.e. acceptance (or) rejection) will come to know.
Let me know, can I continue this project work at any foreign country, is there any possibility?
What is meant by PPD accepted? Is it like now the proposal will be considered for inviting the PI to defend the project? How is it?
I am from Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonepat (Haryana), India. For kind your information, I applied for WOS-A project and I got acceptance of PES as on 17th August 2018 to fill PPD . Now I was trying from last 20-22 days to filling PPD II and III but always I got one answer (The form has been processed, please do not press f5 (or) refresh button). Please suggest me, what should I do because my last date of submission of project is 17th November. My all PPD are filled excluding PPD II and III, I have tried all my best but didn’t succeed to proceed further.
Please tell me, How long it will take to inform whether the scholarship is granted or not after the interview?
It takes around 20-25 days.
I have got the DST travel grant but unable to submit the claim form. While submitting it always says “account details have not been filled” which I have filled already. What should I do?
Please tell, How do I get confirmation of PPDs in WOSA?
You have to check “List of accepted PPDs”.
In how many days, one can get the confirmation after submission of PPD.
Atleast 1 to 2 months
Please reply, Is there any option for change of mentor after one year or before joining the project?
My ppd was accepted on 24th December in Engineering and Technology category. But till now I have not received any mail regarding interview. Please let me know about the interview date and place, Is anyone there of this category.
My age is 24 years. I have one year gap in my career after M.Sc. So please tell me I m eligible or not for WOSA DST.
My PPD has been accepted in December 2017. But no information about interview. Please let me know when and where the presentation will be.
My PPD has been accepted in December 17th in Physical and mathematical sciences. But no information about interview. Please let me know when and where the presentation will be.
My PES got rejected due to fresh PhD. However I want to work for benefit of society but I need funds for that. What should I do now?
Let me know if there is any limit for the purchase of equipments in the grant under WOS A category where total limit is 30 lakh.
Information available from the Official Website :