Hostel Grant For SC Students Residing In School Attached Hostels : West Bengal Backward Classes Welfare
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Organisation : West Bengal Backward Classes Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Hostel Grant For SC Students Residing In School Attached Hostels
Applicable For : SC Students
Applicable State : West Bengal
Website :
Hostel Grant :
The Backward Classes Welfare Department executes a good number of educational schemes aimed at spreading education among the SC and OBC in the State.
Related / Similar Scholarship : Anagrasarkalyan Pre Matric Scholarship
While there is participation of the Government of India in Post-Matric Scholarship schemes for SC and OBC and Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC and some special schemes like CS Pre-matric IX & X SC, Centrally Sponsored Pre-Matric Scholarship to the children of those engaged in Unclean Occupation and Up gradation of Merit for Students reading in Classes IX to XII, all other schemes at Pre-Matric level are funded exclusively by the State Government.
55,000 SC students have been brought within the fold of this scheme. Each student residing in the Hostel gets hostel grant for 10 months only @Rs.750/- per month. Thus the total amount of grant for each students is Rs.750 x 10 = Rs.7,500/- only in a year. There is a ceiling of Parents/Guardians income of Rs.36,000/- p.a.
These hostels are attached to the Junior High or Secondary Schools, run and managed by the respective school authorities. This scheme provides opportunity to SC students to grow up in an academic environment free from the hazards of undertaking long journeys for attending their schools.
There are at present more than 1522 school attached hostels all over the State. The students are advised to communicate with the Hostel Advisory Committee through their respective Head of the Institution for admission into Hostel just after admission into new class.
Ashram Hostel :
Ashram Hostels for both SC boy and girl students are set up by the BCW Department within the campus of the recognized schools. Students reading in Class I to X usually get admission into such hostels subject to availability of seats. For maintenance, the students are paid at the rate of Rs. 750/- per month for the entire academic year.
In addition, they are given cots, bedrolls, garments, soap, kerosene out of the fund made available by the Department. At present there are 98 such hostels with 3,131 seat capacity. There is a ceiling of Parents / Guardian’s income of Rs.36,000/- p.a. The students intending to stay in Ashram hostels are to apply to their respective Head of the Institution for admission.
Sikshashree :
A new scheme named “Sikshashree” have been launcher for SC Day scholars studying In classes V to VIII implementation during 2014-15 by merging the existing schemes of Book Grant, Maintenance Grant.
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to improve their particiÂpation in Pre-matric stages and minimize the incidence of drop-out. There is a ceiling of annual family income not exceeding 2.5 lakh.
only hostel students fill up the form