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All posts from 2017-18 Free Education Scheme : Chandigarh Education

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Organisation : Chandigarh Department of Education
Scholarship Name : Free Education Scheme 2017-18
Applicable For : Scheduled Castes & Other Backward Classes Students
Applicable State : Chandigarh
Application Last Date : 30.09.2017
Website :

CHD Education Free Education Scheme

Applications are invited from students belonging to SC and OBC for reimbursement of tuition fees upto Rs.30,000/- and other non-refundable charges, who have sought admission in courses

Update : Chandigarh Education Free Education Scheme 2018-19 :

Such as i.e. MBBS, BDS, BVSC, BAMS, DHMS, B.E., B/Architecture, Bachelor of Fine Arts, B.Pharmacy, B.Sc. (Nursing), Degree/Diploma in Hotel Management, Degree/Diploma in Laboratory Technology, B.Ed., M.Ed., LLB, LLM, MBA, MCA and has passed +2 or qualifying examination from any college/school in the UT, Chandigarh in first attempt with a minimum of 50% marks and having studied in UT Chandigarh for minimum of two years and whose parents are bona fide residents of UT, Chandigarh for the last three years.

Assistance as under shall be given to the students so selected under this Scheme :
i. A lumpsum annual allowance of Rs. 5,000/- payable in one installment in start of the academic session.
ii. Full reimbursement of tuition fees upto a maximum of Rs. 30,000/- and other non-refundable charges payable to the institution.
iii. A monthly pocket allowance of Rs. 500/- for day students.
iv. A monthly allowance of Rs. 1,000/- for hostellers.

v. For students taking admission in cities other than Chandigarh, reimbursement of actual journey fare will be admissible thrice in one academic year provided fare for to and fro journey by ordinary bus or ordinary class rail does not exceeds Rs. 150/-

vi. Minimum essential books and stationary.
vii. Any other allowance considered necessary Administration from time to time.

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Eligibility Criteria

Students fulfilling the following criteria shall be eligible under the Scheme, namely:-
i. He/she should belong to any caste declared as Scheduled Caste or Other Backward Class for the UT., Chandigarh.
ii. The total annual family income of parents shall not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/-

iii. He/she should have passed +2 or qualifying examination in first attempt form any School/College in UT., Chandigarh with minimum of 50% marks and he/she should have studied in UT., Chandigarh for at least two academic sessions.

iv. Parents of the student should be bona fide residents of UT., Chandigarh for the past three years.

Procedure for Applying

The candidates should apply in the prescribed format with supporting documents. Applications complete in all respects should be submitted in the Office of the Director Higher Education, UT., Chandigarh on or before the prescribed date. Applications which are received after due date or are incomplete shall ordinarily be rejected.

Application Form :

Mode of Payment

The payment of fees shall be made direct to the beneficiaries under DBT

With drawl of benefit :
If at any time after the payment is made to the student, it is proved, after enquiry that the student has got the benefit by misrepresentation of facts or submitting false documents, the benefit shall be discontinued forthwith and the entire amount paid shall be recovered.

Benefit shall also be discontinued if the students fail in a particular year or his/her performance is not found upto the mark by the Committee and the student discontinues course of study.

Change of Address :
It shall be obligatory for the students to intimate any change of address to the Director Higher Education, UT., Chandigarh.

Notification :

For further details please contact:-
State Liaison Officer,
O/o Director Higher Education,
Additional Deluxe Building,
Sector 9 D, Chandigarh

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  1. I want to know, Is it applicable for 10th passed students also?

  2. I am B.E student. My first year total fee is Rs.110,000. Can I apply for this scholarship?

    1. Information available from the Official Website :

      The total annual family income of the applicant should not exceed Rs.2,50,000/-.

  3. I want scholarship. I belong to OBC.

    1. Information available from the Official Website :

      Applications are invited from students belonging to SC and OBC for reimbursement of tuition fees upto Rs.30,000/- and other non-refundable charges, who have sought admission in courses

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