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Organization : Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Scholarship Name : 2016-17 Umbrella Education Scheme Post Matric Scholarship For ST Students
Applicable For : ST Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Website :
Scheme Guidelines :

Tribal Post Matric Scholarship For ST Students

The scheme covers professional, technical as well as non-professional and non-technical courses at various levels including correspondence courses covering distance and continuing education.

Related / Similar Scholarship : National Fellowship & Scholarship 2017-18

Salient Features

** The Scheme provides financial assistance to the Scheduled Tribe students studying at post matriculation or post-secondary stage.
** Scholarships are available for studies in India only.
** The State Government and UT to which the applicant actually belongs awards the scholarship.
** The scheme also covers central assistance to States/UTs for setting up Book Banks.


** Scholarships are paid to students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakhs per annum.
** All children of the same parents/guardian are eligible.
** Scheduled Tribe candidates who have passed the matriculation or higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education are eligible.

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** The scholarships are available for the study of all recognized post matriculation or post secondary courses in recognized institutions except certain identified training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses, Private Pilot Licence courses etc.

** Students studying through correspondence courses are eligible.
** Employed students on leave without pay for the entire duration of a full time course are eligible for course.

** The scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend.
** Students who have received coaching in any of the pre-examination training centers with financial assistance from the Government will not be eligible.

How to Apply

Go to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs website and click ‘Apply Scholarship/Fellowship’ link available on the right corner of the Home page.

It will redirect to the National Scholarship Portal. In NSP portal you can Login by providing User Id and Password and apply the scholarship.


Scholars are paid :
Fees for enrollment/registration, tuition, games, Union, Library, Magazine, Medical Examination and such other fees compulsorily payable by the scholar to the Institution or University/Board.

** Study tours charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- per annum.
** Thesis typing and printing charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- for the research scholars.
** Additional allowances to the ST students with disabilities.
** Annual allowance of Rs.1200/- for essential/prescribed books, besides reimbursement of course fees to correspondence course students.

Central assistance to States/UTs for setting up fixed Book Banks rates. For the degree courses maximum limit is Rs. 7500/- for a set of books for two students and for Post-Graduate course @ Rs. 5000/- per student.

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  1. This scholarship became like a scam to the students. Dear government stop fooling around the students, you cheaters. Just know how to saw dreams!

  2. I have applied for this scholarship. My institute name is NEHU Shillong but till now I have not get the money.

  3. I registered for this Umbrella scholarship scheme. My registration ID is as201617012409415 and session is 2016-2017. My friends have got the scholarship amount but I am unlucky. Could I know the reason why I am not get amount?

  4. I have not received any amount. My registration ID is AS201617008073528 and session is 2016-17. Kindly take an action regarding the matter.

  5. I have not received my 2016-17 scholarship till now, why? When will I receive my scholarship?

  6. I have registered for the scholarship but I have not received it. Please tell me the reason why I am not getting.

  7. I need to pay my hostel fee Rs. 17000 to get the admit card for 1st year professional exam. Please tell me, when are we going to receive our scholarship for the session 2017-18.

  8. Tell me, when are we going to get 2017-2018 scholarship money.

  9. I have not get the scholarship of Post Matric scholarship for ST students 2017-2018. Even it is sanctioned. What should I do?

  10. I did not get my scholarship of 2015-16 but my name is showing in the shorted list.

  11. Please tell, when are we going to get our scholarship under umbrella scheme of session 2017-2018?

  12. I have applied for Umbrella Scheme for ST student online for session 2016-17, later on in my inbox SMS had come as your application has been verified in institute level and till now I did not get the scholarship money.

  13. Am I going to get my scholarship for the year 2016-2017? My classmates have got their scholarships.

    1. I have not received my 2016-17 scholarship till now, why? When will I receive my scholarship?my application id HP201617012682683

  14. Still yet I didn’t received scholarship. Many students are suffering due to delay. So I request the authority to give our scholars as soon as possible.

  15. I want to know the information why I am not received the scholarship for year 2016-2017.

  16. I’m not getting my scholarship. I applied for 1st year and now I’m in middle of my 2nd year. And since I’m a loan student. I’m finding very difficult to adjust all my misc fees. Please help asap! I even had received institution verification text.

  17. When shall I get my post matric scholarship? It’s already late and is delaying my 2nd semester admission fees. I just wanted to know, so that I can act according to it.

  18. Many students are suffering due to delaying of the scholarship fund. I am unable to dispatch it to our account. It will be great if our scholarship funds be released as soon as possible.

  19. Why haven’t I received my scholarship till now? Is there anything wrong? Please let me know.

  20. Information available from the Official Website :

    Please apply Scholarship (for Top class scholarship scheme only) on National Scholarship Portal ( from 1.6.2017 to 31.10.2017 –for Fresh and from 1.6.2017 to 30.9.2017 for Renewal”

  21. What happen to scholarship? I still did not get my scholarship for post matric. I applied last year. Is there any bad situation about the scholarship?

  22. I am a regular student of 5th semester Poly. Tech. Diploma Engineering Of Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University Rajouri. I have a back log in my previous semester. Can I apply for scholarship form?

  23. For me too it shows that it is under process at state level. Can you help me regarding this? Have you got selected for the scholarship?

  24. I applied for umbrella scheme 2016-17 from Nagaland but I have not yet received any amount of scholarship. When are we going to get? Now it’s September and academic session is over.

  25. I didn’t get scholarship. I already applied. My application id is AS201617007008513. When will I get scholarship?

  26. My application is still under process for verification of state level. What should I do?

    1. I have not received scholarship of 2016-17. So how can I get it?

  27. I have been dependent on the scholarship because of financial problems but still no sign of scholarship. How long will it take again?

  28. I have applied scholarship in 2016. But I didn’t get any information about it. My friends who applied national scholarship portal got the amount. I have to pay hostel fee. What should I do?

  29. Charges for registration at cyber capes are high for poor students. Tell me if it can’t be done through PC/mobile.

  30. Tell me whether umbrella scheme and PMS scheme is same or different for 2016-17 batch.

  31. When are we going to get scholarship? Your reply will be highly appreciated.

  32. I haven’t received any amount till now. Please transfer it soon. I gave all my correct documents. It shows my application is still verifying at state level. I am in great financial problem right now.

  33. I have not received 2016-17 scholarship. My ID number is AS201617008658213.

  34. I am not getting my scholarship money. I have to pay college fees. All my documents are verified. Then also I am not getting. Please help me.

  35. When are we getting our scholarship for the session 2016-17? I can’t even check my status, cant even login. Why is it like this?

  36. I Haven’t received my scholarship yet. Please help. My ID is GJ20161700251273.

  37. Tell me if the form submission session for scholarship 2017-2018 is started. Last date mentioned as 31st august 2017. Is it for state Arunachal Pradesh?

    1. Please inform me, from which date we have to apply for this scholarship programme. Tribal affairs department is doing commendable job for downtrodden sections of society, especially for SC and ST.

    2. Information available from the Official Website :

      Please apply on National Scholarship Portal ( from 1.6.2017 to 31.10.2017 –for Fresh and from 1.6.2017 to 31.7.2017 for Renewal”

  38. I am student of BBEC Kokrajhar. All my friends got the umbrella scholarship but I haven’t received it yet. It is still in state level verification. What shall I do to get my scholarship?

  39. What is wrong? We haven’t received our scholarships till now. All other states have received. Current govt is worse than before. We students have to suffer a lot because of your delays.

  40. I haven’t got scholarship. Name of the scholarship is “umbrella scheme scholarship for st students”during the year 2016. I have lots of financial problems. If I get the scholarship, it will be great help to me.

  41. I haven’t received my scholarship yet. Kindly check mine.
    My id is NL201617004219394 and dob is 05/03/1997.

  42. I’m student of BA 3rd sem studying in Tinsukia college. All of my friends got scholarship for the session 2016-17 under post matric umbrella for ST students but I haven’t got. All my documents were verified. What shall I do to get the scholarship? Please help. I am facing lots of financial problems. If I get the scholarship, it will be a great help to me.

  43. I’m a MBBS student and haven’t received any scholarship yet. I don’t know about the matter more. Hope the people concerned will look into the matter.

  44. Till date we have not received the scholarship and we are about to cross 1 session already. Please reply me as soon as possible….

  45. My scholarship form is still under the process from the state level. Please tell me what I have to do.

  46. Information available from the Official Website :

    Student can check the status of Online Application by submitting his/her Permanent id and Date Of Birth and open the link “Check your Status”.

  47. Aman Kumar mandal

    I would like to know the mobile number of nodal officer of Bihar in umbrella scheme.

  48. In our account Rs.1000 amount was transferred. We have asked the university authority, and they have said it was to buy books. We are MBA students and 1 book costs 400 and more. Its better if you don’t transfer the amount of Rs.1000. But we are hoping as they will give us scholarship.

  49. I did not received any amount. My registration ID is AR201617005648821.
    Session : 2016-17
    Kindly take an action regarding the matter.

  50. My application has been verified at institution and state level. Also session of 2016-2017 is over. But I did not get my scholarship.

  51. We had hope that when BJP comes to power in our state, there would be no corruption and so we will get our scholarship in time and exact amount. But what is happening now?

  52. I didn’t got my scholarship till now. Let me know if there was any wrong in documents or in my scholarship form. Please inform me.

  53. I didn’t receive my scholarship. Is there any problem in my application? Please let me know.

  54. I have not received my scholarship. I have applied for the scholarship in 2016. Please credit the amount as soon as possible.

  55. I am waiting for my scholarship. When will the scholarship amount be credited in my account? I have submitted all documents needed for the scholarship. Please provide the information.

  56. When will the 2016-2017 scholarship be issued? Please credit the amount as soon as possible in our accounts.

  57. I have not got the scholarship amount. I have submitted all the documnets needed for this scholarship. What has to be done for further inquiry?

  58. I didn’t receive the scholarship till now. My application Id is TR201617004884649. Please transfer the amount to my account as soon as possible.

  59. Stephen Jangminlen Mate

    Semester session is starting now and there is no notifications regarding the scholarship. Please release the scholarship application as soon as possible.

  60. I didn’t receive the scholarship till now. When will I get my scholarship? Please let me know.

  61. When will the application form be issued for this year? Please let me know.

  62. My application Id is TS201617010144360. Please release my scholarship funds.

  63. I need scholarship urgently to pay my college fee. When will I get the scholarship?

  64. I am from Assam. I need scholarship amount to pay my college fees. Kindly disburse it as soon as possible.

  65. Shanti Bikash Taye

    My scholarship application is still under process but the session 2016-2017 is over. I am not able to check my application status. Please help me.

  66. I am from Arunachal Pradesh. I would like to ask about the stipend that was applied on 2016 and it has been a year. Till now I didn’t get the scholarship. Please help me. Kindly provide me the exact date of disbursement of stipend.

  67. Session of 2016-17 is almost over. End semester exams are here and yet students here at Arunachal Pradesh haven’t received their scholarship funds. Please help us.

  68. Kindly provide the scholarship at the earliest. Since I have applied for the scholarship I didn’t get my stipend. Please provide my funds.

  69. Please let me know when I will get my scholarship? The verification process was done by my university.

  70. I have applied for umbrella Post Metric Scholarship. I didn’t get stipend. My application has been verified at institution and state level. Does it means that I am getting scholarship? If yes, when will I get my scholarship amount?

  71. Shanti Bikash Taye


  72. I am from Arunachal Pradesh and pursuing post graduate from University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya. I have applied for scholarships in both state and the for the tribal affairs. My name was cancelled from the state stipend. So am I going to get the tribal affairs scholarship?

  73. When will the scholarship be declared for the academic session of 2016-17?

  74. I did not got scholarship from raid Laban college Shillong. Some of my college students got the amount.

  75. Is this scholarship allotted only for school students? Please let me know.

    1. Scheduled Tribe candidates who have passed the matriculation or higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education are eligible.

  76. I am studying in correspondence. I am not a regular college student. Am I eligible for this scholarship?

    1. Students studying through correspondence courses are eligible.

  77. We didn’t receive the scholarship money.

  78. I am from Arunachal Pradesh and pursuing post graduation in Rajiv Gandhi University. I came to know that we cannot get both stipend and scholarship together. And if anyone want to get the stipend then he/she need to cancel the scholarship scheme. I want to know whether scholarship is given on merit basis or for the candidates whoever submits the needed documents.

  79. Where will the list of beneficiaries will get scholarship under post-metric scholarship scheme for ST students? Please let me know.

  80. When will we get our stipend money?

  81. How much amount can we expect?

    1. Scholars are paid :-
      (a) Fees for enrolment/registration, tuition, games, Union, Library, Magazine, Medical Examination and such other fees compulsorily payable by the scholar to the Institution or University/Board.
      ** Study tours charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- per annum.
      ** Thesis typing and printing charges upto a maximum of Rs. 1600/- for the research scholars.
      ** Additional allowances to the ST students with disabilities at the prescribed rates for different degree of disability.
      ** Annual allowance of Rs.1200/- for essential/prescribed books, besides reimbursement of course fees to correspondence course students.

  82. When will we get the scholarship? Please help me.

  83. When will the scholarship be awarded to the students for the year 2016-17?

  84. When will this scholarship be awarded?

  85. Where can we see or get the merit list of post matric scholarship 2016?

  86. I forgot to register my final registration. Will I get money deposited to my account?

  87. I want to edit the application. It is marked defective in the institute level. How can I?

  88. Where can I apply for bonafide certificate for scholarship? There is no website found for online.

  89. I had applied for umbrella scholarship. In that it is submitted only last semester marks of diploma, but I submitted last 2 semesters marks card copy documents to office.
    Please anyone say if it is okay, or I have to change that one.

  90. Where do we have to submit the application? Please give details and address of Nagaland state.

  91. When will I get my scholarship money?

  92. I have submitted scholarship online. When will I get the money?

  93. I have completed my submission. When will I get my scholarship money?

  94. Where should I submit the documents if i had not submitted it online?

  95. When will I get my OTP?

  96. I have filled application online. What is the next process?

    1. 30th November.

    2. You submit all your documents to the tribal affairs office.

  97. I filled this umbrella scheme form but I am not getting as where can I submit these forms?

  98. When is the last date of this form submission?

  99. What documents are needed?

    1. 1. Family Income Certificate
      2. S.T Certificate
      3. Aadhar Card Number
      4. Marksheet of Last Exam

  100. Online registration is done. Do I have to submit my copy to realistic dept too?

  101. Why is the schemes not available now since 21th of September 2016? Please restore it at the earliest possible for the benefit of all the students who have not yet submitted or registered online.

  102. Is it online enough? Or are we supposed to submit Hard Copy to the institution?

  103. What is the required percentage in order to avail this scholarship?

  104. How can I apply for the tribal affairs scheme?

  105. What is the last date of submission?

  106. What is the requisite qualifying percentage to avail this scholarship?

  107. I have registered this scholarship but don’t get to login in link to check my registration id.

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