CP STAR Scholarship Cum Admission Test and Reward : Career Point

Organisation : Career Point Ltd
Scholarship Name : CP STAR Scholarship Cum Admission Test and Reward

Download Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/9908-CPStar-Application.pdf
Website : http://cpstar.careerpoint.ac.in/

Scholarship Cum Admission Test :

Career Point Announced CP STAR National Scholarship Test for Admission and Reward for JEE (Main/Advanced) Pre-Medical NEET-UG,AIIMS Exam

Update : Career Point CP STAR Scholastic Test For Analysis & Reward 2018 : www.scholarships.net.in/16741.html

** It is a National Level Test to assess student’s academic ability and logical aptitude.
** This test provides computerized detailed performance report to each student to plan your career at right time.
** This test also award talented students Cash prizes, Scholarship and other financial & academic support.

Exam Dates :
S.No. Dates
1. 10th September 2016
2. 24th September 2016
3. 01st October 2016
4. 22nd October 2016
5. 12th November 2016

Terms and Conditions :
** A student can appear in CP-STAR only once in an academic session. In case it is found that the student has appeared more than once then, all the benefits of CP-STAR given to him shall be forfeited.
** Cash Reward, Fee Scholarship & other awards shall be decided on the basis of the performance of the students subjected to scoring minimum cut off marks in each subject.
** In case two or more students attain same marks then ranking shall be decided in on the basis of the weight-age in order th th th of Maths/Biology, Physics and Chemistry Marks (For class 11 /12 /12 Passed student) OR Maths and then Science Marks (For class 6th to 10th students) and if they are also same then the younger student will be given preference in Rank. In case of a tie-breaker same rank shall be given to both and Cash Price shall be divided equally among students.
** The student shall be entitled for Cash Prize / Scholarship only if he/she enroll in any one of the classroom programs st offered by Career Point Ltd by 31 January 2016 or as per date mentioned in CP Star result letter.
** The Cash scholarship will be disbursed in 10 installments subject to student’s enrolment in Classroom Program. Maintaining minimum 90% attendance and top rank in internal test during the course will be a criterion for eligibility for continuity of reimbursement of Cash Scholarships.
** Cash Scholarship will be paid to students through crossed cheque and shall be in favor of the Student / Parent only.
** Hostel facility will be provided at Kota only. No cash reimbursement against the Hostel Facility will be given. Food/Mess Charges will be paid by students and will not come under free hostel.
** The final discretion of the award of cash prize, scholarship and other benefits in each case will remain with Career Point management and this decision will be final and binding on candidate.
** All disputes related to CP STAR are subjected to Kota jurisdiction only.

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