loksabha.nic.in Lok Sabha Research Fellowships Scheme 2016

Organisation : Lok Sabha
Fellowship Name : Lok Sabha Research Fellowships Scheme-2016

Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/9793-fellowship.pdf
Website : http://loksabha.nic.in/

Lok Sabha Research Fellowships :

The Parliament of India is the highest deliberative body and supreme representative institution of the largest working democracy in the world. It is in its Chambers that the destiny of a nation of a billion plus people is shaped.

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Members of the two Houses of Parliament have many procedural devices to articulate the concerns and considerations of the people, to keep the Executive accountable at all times and to closely monitor the policies and programmes for national welfare.

This is required with a view to better understanding the functioning of our Parliament, to identify the changing nature and role of our parliamentary institutions and to suggest alternatives in the light of the experiences in other democratic countries.

Fellowships for writing Books :
The Lok Sabha Secretariat will grant twenty-five Research Fellowships every year, on any subject having relevance or connection with the Parliament or Parliamentary democracy.

The scholar must be a person with an outstanding academic record in any discipline relevant to parliamentary studies or should be an expert in her/his own domain.

Guidelines for submission of proposals :
(i) While submitting the proposal, the format may broadly be according to the following order of points and conform to the guidelines given under:
(a) Title of the Project

(b) Statement of the Problem: In the opening paragraphs of the research proposal, the problem to be investigated should be stated clearly and briefly. The significance of the problem in the theoretical context of the discipline concerned should be specified.

(c) Overview of Literature: Summarizing the current status of research in the area, including major findings, the project proposal should clearly demonstrate the relevance of the findings or approaches for the investigation of the problem at hand.

(d) Conceptual Framework: Given the problem and the theoretical perspective for investigation of the problem, the proposal should clearly indicate the concepts to be used and demonstrate their relevance for the study. It should further specify the empirical dimension, if any, that needs to be explored for investigating the problem.

(e) Research Questions/Hypotheses: Given the conceptual framework and dimensions of the problem, specific questions to be answered and hypotheses to be tested through the proposed study should be explicitly formulated, compatible with the research design.

(f) Coverage: In the light of the questions raised or the hypotheses proposed to be tested, if sampling becomes necessary, full information on the following points should be given:
(i) Universe of the Study, (ii) Sampling Frame, and (iii) Units of Observation and Sampling size.

(i) If the study requires any control groups, they should be specifically mentioned. An explanation of the determination of size and type of the sample shall also be necessary. Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their strategy appropriately and describe the rationale.

(ii) Methodology: A suitable description of the methods of research for the study may be given.

(iii) Data Collection: The different types of data that are proposed to be gathered should be specifically mentioned. The sources for each type and the tools and techniques that will be used for collecting different types of data should also be specified.

(iv) Time Budgeting: The project should be broken up in suitable stages and the time required for the completion of each stage of work should be specified.

(v) Bibliography

Amount of Fellowship :
The total amount of each Fellowship for writing Books will be a maximum of Rs.10 lakh (Rupees Ten lakh only), plus Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) as contingency allowance.

Categories National

View Comments (3)

  • I wish to obtain fellowship on changing rural landscape and effect on environment as well as consequence on culture.

  • I am pursuing research in Schedule caste between 1920-47. Can I apply for loksabha fellowship?

  • Enlist my name for Loksabha Research Fellowships on the research topic TERRORISM.

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