Damodarshree National Award for Academic Excellence 2016

Organisation : S.S.Khanna Girls Degree College, Meerapur, Allahabad.
Facility : Damodarshree National Award for Academic Excellence, 2016
Last Date : 31st August 2016

Rules & Regulation here :
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Damodarshree National Award :

Topic: “The time to begin is Now; the ground Here”

Related : S.S.Khanna Girls Degree College Damodarshree National Award for Academic Excellence 2015 :

Eligibility :
Students pursuing their Under Graduate, Post Graduate or Doctoral studies in Central Universities and Universities established more than 75 years old, or their constituent/affiliated Colleges, Central Institutes, National Law Colleges, NIT’s,Central / State Medical Colleges, IIIT’s, BIT’s, IIT’s, IIM’s, XLRI are eligible.

** The Vice Chancellor of all eligible University/Institute or the Directors of IIT’s or National Law Colleges, NIT’s, Central / State Medical Colleges, IIIT’s, BIT’s, IIT’s, IIM’s, XLRI may recommend 03 entries (at least 01 for women candidate), which will be entertained without entry fee.

** The Principal of all constituent/affiliated college of a Central University/ Institutes, may recommend 02 essays, which will be entertained without entry fee.

** Other candidates who are eligible may participate by sending an entry fee of Rs. 100/- directly to the college along with their essay with demand draft of Rs. 100/- in favour of “Damodarshree Organizing Committee” payable at Allahabad.

** A participant has to present a hard as well as soft copy of 2000 to 3000 words essay in English or Hindi on the topic “The time to begin is Now; the ground Here” by 31st Aug.2016 todamodarshree1923[at]

** Fonts permitted Times New Roman size13or Krutidev16 size 16 on A 4 size paper (hard copy). The hard copy should be sent to the DamodarshreeOrgainising Committee, S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, 179-D Attarsuiya, Allahabad-211003 (U.P.)

** Ten best entries will be selected by a panel of judges. The selected participants will be required to present and defend their essay at a function on the 2ndof Oct. in the premises of S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, Allahabad.

** Participants will be given 8 minutes each for their presentation and another7 minutes for defence. There will also be a panel of judges to decide the winner and runners-up.
** The Traveling expenses of selected 10 candidates by AC-II will be borne by organizers. Hospitality at Allahabad will be taken care of.
** All essays and entries received shall be the property of the S. S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College And can be published in the manner it is so desired.

The Prizes :
1. The winner of the competition would be awarded Damodarshree National Awarded for Academic Excellence which will also carry the prize money of 2 Lakh.
2. The Ist runner-up will receive a prize money of 1 Lakh.
3. IInd runner-up will receive a prize money of 50,000/.
4. The best Undergraduate entry will receive a prize money of 30,000/- .
5. A Special Prize of 30,000/- would be awarded at the discretion of the organisers.

Important Dates :
Last date for submission of paper :31st August
Declaration of best short listed candidates :16th September
Paper Presentation & Award Ceremony :2nd October

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