hpepass.cgg.gov.in HP ePASS FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Himachal Pradesh : Electronic Payment & Application System of Scholarships

Organisation : Himachal Pradesh e-PASS (Electronic Payment & Application System of Scholarships)
Announcement : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ here : https://hpepass.cgg.gov.in/NewHomePage.do
Website: https://hpepass.cgg.gov.in/NewHomePage.do

Frequently Asked Questions :

1. Who are eligible to apply under various State & Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes, being implemented by the Department of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh?
Answer: H.P. bonafide students, studying within state or outside state, within India, having valid AADHAAR (UID / EID) Credentials and fulfilling the Scheme specific guidelines are eligible to apply under these scholarship schemes.

Related : HP ePass Check Scholarship Application Status : www.scholarships.net.in/1121.html

2.Where can a student apply online under these scholarship schemes?
Answer: Students need to apply online at:
Website URL Applicable to:
momascholarship.gov.in/ Minority Scholarship Schemes, viz. Merit-cum-Means & Post-Matric Minority Scholarship Schemes.
nhfdc.nic.in/ Scholarship to Disabled Students.
hpepass.cgg.gov.in/ All other State & Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes

3.Who can apply online under these scholarship schemes?
Answer: H.P. bonafide students, studying in Class IX onwards, within state or outside state, within India, can apply online under these schemes.

4.What is the last date for submitting applications online?
Answer: Students can apply as per the time schedule notified vide newspapers and HP ePASS website, from time to time.

5. How can I apply online for scholarship?
Answer: Step-by-Step instructions for the Students to Register / Apply Online:
1. Log on to the ePass website at hpepass.cgg.gov.in .
2. Click on the “Apply Online” button below Official login.
3. Read the Instructions carefully and Mark the checkbox at the end of the page certifying “I have read the Instructions. Proceed to Registration / Login Page.”
4. First time users click on “Register”, which would take you to the “Student Registration Form”.
5. Enter your basic details (like AADHAARDetails (UID / EID), Name, Date of Birth, Father & Mother Name, Category, Mobile No. &eMail) on the form, match the Security Captcha, and Click on “Register”. (Please note that either Mobile No. or eMailaddress would be mandatory, as the computer generated Password would be sent through SMS / e-Mail on Registration).
6. Once registered, then enter your login details “Login Id/ AADHAAR & Password”, and click on “Login”.
7. After Login, the student needs to fill the various details in the following order:
(a) Primary Details
(b) Candidate Details
(c) Present Institution Details
(d) Contact Details
(e) Bank Details
(f) Certificates Details
8. The Student can edit / update or fill his form in parts, then take a printout of Online Application Form, and submit the same along with the Scheme Specific Document(s) to the respective Institution, within the stipulated time as mentioned in the Schedule above.
9. After successful submission of his Online Application Form, it would be automatically forwarded to his Institute for verification. 10. After that the Student can check the status of his online application, any time, by loging in at the ePass Website, and keep a track of all progress.

6. Can I apply as a Fresh if I am a Renewal candidate?
Answer:- No, you cannot apply as a fresh if you are a Renewal candidate. Your application will be rejected in that case.

7. Do I have to fill up the online application in one sitting?
Answer:- No. You can fill up the online application in as many sittings as you wish, until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application at every stage until you click on ‘submit & finalize’ button.

8. Can I edit the information already saved andupto what time?
Answer: You can edit information filled by you until you finalize and submit the online application.

9.How should I open my saved application for editing?
Answer: Go to the option “Student login” then enter your Username and Passwordto edit the application.

10.What is to be done after submitting the online application?
Answer: You should take a print out of the application then sign and send it immediately with requisite documents to the State Department after authenticating the application from your institute.

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  • I have applied for scholarship but I didn't get the scholarship. So please tell me, How can I get the scholarship. I am studying MBA-THM in Chandigarh University.

  • A student who got selected in post graduation degree course in aiim. Can he is eligible for Mukhya mantri protsahan scholarship scheme?

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