ShikshaDaan Meritorious Scholarship 2016

Organization : ShikshaDaan/ Shiksha Daan
Scholarship Name : ShikshaDaan Meritorious Scholarship 2016
Applicable For : Students who passed class 12 in the year 2016
Application Last Date : 30th Jul, 2016

Website :
Apply Here :

ShikshaDaan Meritorious Scholarship 2016

The main objective of this online application is for the automation, streamlining &effective management of processes related to application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of ShikshaDaan Meritorious Scholarship 2016 to meritorious students.

Related : Panasonic Ratti Chhatr Scholarship 2016-17 :

This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications. The objective of this document is to provide step wise help to applicants for proper submission of their application form. .

Portal Main Features :
A web based application with important features: –
** Students can Register and Submit their application online from anywhere, anytime
** Students can View/Track the status of their own application with their own Username and Password.
** Uploading of documents by students in support of their claims (such as date of birth proof, income, mark sheets, bank account details, etc.) be enabled for easy verification and transparency.
** Provision of SMS and e-Mail alerts to students at various stages of processing.
** Auto & bulk processing of Scholarship application by ShikshaDaan.
** Easy scholarship sanctioning process for sanctioning authority
** Easy monitoring of scholarship by the management team.

Guidelines for filling the online Scholarship Application form for students :
1. Applicants are advised to go through this Information Bulletin carefully and acquaint themselves with all requirements in respect to fill-up the scholarship form.
2. It will be the sole responsibility of the applicant to make sure that he/she is eligible to apply and fulfills all the conditions prescribed for the scholarship.
3. If in-eligibility of the applicant is detected at any stage, before or after applying for scholarship scheme, or during any stage by verification by authorities, their scholarship will be cancelled without any notice. Disciplinary action will be taken against them.
4. Applicant must check that all details provided by them are correct before final submission as there will be no provision to edit details thereafter.
5. Multiple registrations made by student is strictly prohibited. If same will be founded at any stage the application is liable to be rejected.
6. Mode of submission of application for scholarship will be online.
7. Titles/Labels marked as * are mandatory in application.

Online Application Form Guidelines:
1. Online submission of application form can be done through Buddy4Study website. Please visit the page (For better visibility useChrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer 7 and above web browser.)
2. Click on Apply Now link in the Apply Online section or visit directly

3. Fill the right hand side form with applicant first name, last name, valid email address and password to create new student account:
a. Note: Email is important and should be working, applicants will receive all communications on her email id)
b. Note: For all Buddy4Study registered users or repeat applicants, click on Sign in button and enter your email id and password.
c. Students, who forgot their password, can use option “Forgot password”.

4. Enter your personal& family details.

5. Step 2
: Fill your Academic Details. Tick “Check boxes” of Class 10 & 12 and enter your board, passing month, year, school name, passing year,
6. Step 3: 3 Subjective questions: Please be sincere while answering these questions. It is important for us to select you for the next round.

7. Step 4:
References and documents attachments:
** Add 3 reference person’s name and contact details. (Teachers, neighbors, friends who knows you properly)
** Also, attach attested copies of documents and then click SAVE & NEXT button.

8. Step 5: Final Declaration & Form Submission:

This completes the Online Application Process for ShikshaDaan Meritorious Scholarship. You will receive a confirmation email/SMS. You can track the application status by login yourself on your account.

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