MESCO Trust Educational Aid & High Cost Scholarship

Organization : Modern Educational Social & Cultural Organization (MESCO Trust)
Scholarship Name : Educational Aid & High Cost Educational Scholarship
Website :

MESCO Trust Educational Aid

Modern Educational Social & Cultural Organization provides Educational Aid & High Cost Educational Scholarship

Related : Panasonic Ratti Chhatr Scholarship 2016-17 :

To enable economically underprivileged students to continue their education, reducing school dropouts and enable the students to reach their goals.

Approach :
The Educational Aid Program was the first program initiated by MESCO. It caters to more than three thousand students every year for their educational needs.

It provides one-time financial aid to meet the expenses in the beginning of the academic year. The main criterion is ‘means’ but some merit is obligatory. Continuous aid is offered to the students who were helped during the previous years.

Reach Out :
Each year MESCO provides assistance to about 3000 students with yearly increment of around 20%

Educational Adoption Scheme (EAS)

To help the underprivileged with high merit students in completing their education by providing financial assistance, guidance and counselling.

Eligibility :
** Academically very bright and financially most deserving students shall be considered (student should have consistent results in the last 3 years)
** PCB (XII)
** For Std. IX-A2 Grade in last 3 years
** For Std. X & XI-75% in last 3 years
** For Graduation-70% in last 3 years
** Students from the areas of Mumbai and upto Virar, Kalyan & Panvel shall be considered.
** Courses with maximum fees upto Rs. 20,000/- would only be considered.

Approach :
The EAS is the Flagship program of MESCO. Selection of students for this program is based on their academic performance and economic condition of the family.

Many students in spite of having excellent academic performances are forced to take a drop from studies due to financial constraints. The Scheme adopts the students from Std. IX on wards.

Selection is on the basis of excellent academic performance, low financial capacity, home visits, interviews and counselling sessions and assisting them a financial, right upto degree and post graduate levels.

Reach Out :
Every year MESCO there are over 500 students are adopted in this scheme

High Cost Educational Scholarships (HCES)

To provide Scholarship to financially deserving and academically bright students for professional courses thus enabling them to be independent professionals and support their families.

Eligibility Percentage Criteria :
For Medical Courses :
** Overall – 70%
** PCB (XII) – 75%
** MATHS & SCIENCE (X) – 75%
** CET – 60% (120 Marks)
** Asso CET – 70% (140 Marks)
** In case of 1-year gap – 10% more in CET/Asso. CET

(Students getting admission only through CAP round can be considered – allotment letter is compulsory)

For Degree In Engg. & Allied Courses :
** Overall – 70%
** PCM (XII) – 75%
** MATHS & SCIENCE (X) – 75%
** CET – 60% (120 Marks)
** JEE mains – 50% (140 Marks)
** FROM DIPLOMA – 80% (Semester Pattern), 70% (Annual Pattern)

For Diploma In Engg. & Allied Courses :
** S.S.C. (Overall) – 80%

For Other Professional Courses :
** For MBA / MMS – 80 Percentile in MHT – CET
** For B. Ed – 60 score at MHT-CET
** AFTER XII – 70% (Fees more than Rs. 20,000/-)

Already In Professional Courses :
** From Diploma To Diploma – 70%
** From Degree To Degree – 60%
** From D. Pharm To B. Pharm – 60%

CA :
If students clear their CPT/IPCC exams in first attempt with a min of 50% average marks in each subject and an average 75% marks in their Std. X and XII.

Note :
For all professional courses, average percentage at X & XII should be min 65%. Only full time professional courses, conducted by a statutory body will be considered for HCES.

Approach :
The HCES program has been in operation since the last 16 years. The scholarship empowers and enhances the confidence of the students to pursue their professional dream.

It is expected that student’s repay the scholarship amount soon after they finish their course. The repaid amount is utilized for the new student applicants.

Reach Out :
Each year MESCO provides financial assistance to over 200 students to pursue professional courses

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (7)

  • Sir i m aamina arshad my daughtr who is in 7 std want financial help for studies she is very clever in studies with A1 result in all the previous std plz can u provide financial help for her further studies her father is expired and her grandfather goes through by paas surgery she studies in mumbra winsome flora school.plz help her for studies

  • Hello sir .I am Siddiqui Ayesha..I live in mumbai..I am in 11tg std science student..sir I want to prepare for neet wanna bcm a successful dr sir I am having financial problem ..I don't have much money for classes the classes are too costly..if u can help plzz help me ..I want to go to Aakash institute at dadar and I think their fees are minimum 2 lakh or more of u can help than plzz

  • I have got 76.38 in Diploma Civil Engineering, I want to do Degree in Vertak College, Vasai. So, I need a financial help from your trust. The fee of one year is Rs. 93000. Please help me, I am staying in Mira road.

  • My friend is running a primary school in Madhya Pradesh for 650 poor students at free of cost. How can you assist financially?

  • My father is a paralysis patient. My mother is only one working in a family &she has to take care of my brother & sister. Can I get any financial assistance? I am studying UG 2nd year. I passed 1st year with 91%.

  • I am from Surat. I have completed my BE with 73.40% in Electronics and communication. And I want to go to US for my master programme. My family is not financially unable to pay colleges fees. Can I get financial assistance? © 2022

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