Clinic Plus Scholarship Offer 2016 : HUL Hindustan Unilever

Organization : Hindustan Unilever Limited (“HUL”)
Scholarship Name : Clinic Plus Scholarship Offer 2016
Applicable For : Residents of India, except in the state of Tamil Nadu
Application Last Date : 30th September, 2016

Website :
Scholarship T&C :

Clinic Plus Scholarship Offer :

The Clinic Plus Scholarship Offer (“Offer”) begins on 15st June, 2016, and ends on 30th September, 2016. There will be no acceptance of any entries for any reason after the Offer ends.

Update : Clinic Plus 2018 Scholarship For Girls Karnataka :

To participate in this Offer, a consumer needs to:
a) Purchase any Scholarship Promo pack of Clinic Plus shampoo (both bottles and sachets)
b) Locate a 8 digit unique code on the coding panel of such Clinic Plus bottles, or look for such a code inside the promo sachets
c) Once the code is located, please call Levercare Toll-free number at 1800-10-22-221 and follow the instructions
d) Please retain the original packs for claiming the awards by winners

The winners shall be selected by a system of lucky draw, which shall be conducted by an independent third party auditor.

The winners shall win:
a) Rs. 1 lac (Rs. 1,00,000) worth scholarship, which shall be paid out to the legal guardian or parent, after deduction of applicable taxes.

Other Terms and Conditions:

** Participation in the Offer is open to residents of India, except in the state of Tamil Nadu.
** Employees, officers, directors and their immediate family members of the Hindustan Unilever Limited (“HUL”) and their respective parent, affiliated and subsidiary companies, advertising and promotion agencies, legal and financial advisors and all other companies associated with this Offer are not eligible to enter.

** HUL has the sole right to withdraw/ edit any aspect of the Offer at its sole discretion and/or alter these terms and conditions without prior notice. Such withdrawal/editing and/or alteration of terms and conditions with/without prior notice shall be final and binding from the day of such amendment, as updated in this website.

** Entries may only be submitted by individual Participants. Group entries will not be accepted (although different individuals might have taken part in the making of an entry, only one individual shall be the considered participant for the same).
** Entries not submitted in accordance with the applicable instructions in relation to this Offer and the terms and conditions herewith, shall not be considered for the Offer and HUL shall bear no responsibility for any such entries.

** Participants of the Offer grant unequivocal permission to HUL and its agents to store the photographs of the participants subject to the privacy policy of HUL. Such photographs taken therein may be used by HUL for any promotional purposes, and no other permission of any manner shall be required from the Participant in this regard.

** HUL may, in its sole discretion, disqualify any submissions and prohibit further participation in this Offer of any person who tampers with or benefits from any tampering with the submission process or with the operation of this Offer or acts in violation of these terms and conditions, acts

** Participant agrees to indemnify and hold HUL and its agents, officers and employees harmless against all losses and damages that may occur due to an act, omission, negligence, or deliberate act of the Participant

** It is understood that the limited liability of HUL shall be to ensure that the winners parents or legal guardian receive the above mentioned Scholarship. HUL shall be at liberty to ask for such documents or proof as it deems fit to ascertain the identity of the winner, their parents or legal guardians as may be applicable.

** To be able to receive the above mentioned Scholarship, the Winner, or the parent or legal guardian shall have a bank account and either a pan card or an aadhar card. The Scholarship amount shall be paid through either of the following means: cheque, demand draft or NEFT.

** By participating in this Offer, the participant also agrees to receive further communication or intimations, though sms / call / e-mail from HUL, with respect to surveys, promotions, offers, or advertisements for HUL ors it various brands and products.

** Prizes are non-transferable, and are offered on a ‘NO EXCHANGE’ basis. This offer of HUL cannot be clubbed with any other offer or contest being run by Clinic Plus or HUL in any manner.

** Prize recipients must, at HUL’s request and free of any charge, participate in any promotional activity (such as publicity and photography) surrounding the receiving of the prize or in relation to the Offer and she consents to HUL using her name and image in any promotional material or activity

** HUL will not enter into any correspondence, including email, with non-winning participants.
** HUL’s decisions shall be final in all matters relating to this Offer and no correspondences will be entertained.
** It is the responsibility of the participants to inform HUL of any change in the address of correspondence. HUL shall not be liable if, due to change of coordinates, contact details or address, HUL is unable to contact the winners.
** Apart from the entitlement to the above prize, the winner will have no other rights or claim against HUL
** This is not a lottery.

** HUL shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations caused by weather conditions, fire, flood, strike, hurricane, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, acts of God or any other circumstances amounting to Force Majeure.

** All disputes arising out of the above terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai.

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