MHRD Egyptian Government Scholarship 2016-17

Organization : Government of Arab Republic of Egypt
Scholarship Name : Egyptian Government Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For : Indian Scholars For Graduation/Post Graduation Research.
Application Last Date : 30.06.2016

Website :
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Egyptian Government Scholarship :

1.The Government of Arab Republic of Egypt has announced Egyptian Government Scholarship for the academic year 2016-17 and invited applications from Indian scholars for Graduation/Post Graduation! Research. The last date for application is 30.06.2016.

Related : MHRD Ms.Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship 2016-17 :

2. The applicants are required to send their applications along with the requisite documents directly at the following address:
Bureau of Cultural and Educational Relations,
Embassy of Arab Republic of Egypt,
1150 M- Niti Marg, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi- 110021.

3. For any query, the applicant may contact the Embassy of Arab Republic of Egypt, New Delhi on the following numbers and email:
Tel: 0091- 11- 26880379
Fax: 0091- 11-24674629

4. The conditions and other details of the scholarship is annexed.

Conditions for students applying for Higher Education Scholarship:
1) The degree the nominated student got from any country around the world has to be equivalent to the Egyptian Thanaweya ‘Amma (the certificate which is awarded upon the completion of the Secondary stage).
2) The number of subjects studied by the student to acquire this certificate must be 8 including the subjects qualifying him to join the faculty he wishes to join in Egypt. Studentsfrom Asia & Africa (except the Arab countries) who did not complete the required number of subjects, may sit for exams for one or two subjects of the complementary elective ones during their studying at the university.
3) The student must have got the minimal total for acceptance at the faculty he wishes to join.

Required documents:
1) Degree certificate endorsed by the Egyptian embassy at the country from which the student got the degree.
2) Original certificate of birth or an official extract.
3) Six recent personal photos.
4) A copy of the nominated student’s passport.
5) A medical certificate endorsed by the Ministry of health at the country of the nominated student certifying that .he is medically fit and free from any contagious disease (Aids, virus C nervous and Psychological ails … etc) and that he is physical and Psychologically sound (void of any deformity). Such certificate has to be endorsed at the Egyptian embassy.

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  • I completed my intermediate in 2016 in Andra Pradesh. Am I applicable for this scholarship? © 2022

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