University of Queensland UQ BEL India Scholarship 2016

Organization : The University of Queensland, Australia
Scholarship Name : UQ BEL India Scholarship 2016
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Application Last Date : 30 October 2016

Website :
Application Form :

UQ BEL India Scholarship:

Awarded to citizens of India studying a coursework master’s degree or undergraduate degree within the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (excludes the MBA).

Related : University of Queensland 2017-18 International India Scholarship For High Achievers :

Award Value:
$15000 tuition fee waiver

** Citizens of India who normally reside in India.
** Students who have applied to UQ and who have received an unconditional offer for a relevant program.
** Students who will commence their program at UQ in Semester 1, 2017.
** The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and high achieving students are encouraged to apply.
** Please note that this opportunity is not available to students already studying or residing in Australia.

How to apply:
1. Lodge an official UQ application form for international students to the International Office
2. Receive a UQ Student ID Number and an unconditional offer (or a conditional offer providing that all conditions are to be met by the closing date)
3. Complete the Faculty of Business Economics and Law International Scholarship Application Form and submit to the following or sent via mail to:
Senior Manager, International Affairs
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
University of Queensland
St Lucia, 4072, QLD, Australia

Applications for semester 1, 2017 will close on the 30th October 2016. Please ensure that you read through all information and provide relevant documents as outlined in the Scholarship and UQ Application Forms.

Before you apply:
You are encouraged to read the definitive rules for this scholarship prior to application, in particular any specific eligibility conditions and check the FAQs if you have any questions. © 2022

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