University of Sheffield India Merit Postgraduate Scholarships 2016 UK

Organization : University of Sheffield, UK
Scholarship Name : India Merit Postgraduate Scholarships 2016
Applicable For : Indian Students
Application Last Date : 24 June 2016

Website :

India Merit Postgraduate Scholarships :

** There are ten Merit Postgraduate Scholarships available for Indian Students. Each scholarship is worth 50% of the Postgraduate yearly tuition fee per year. The scholarships will take the form of a fee reduction.

Related : University of Sheffield GREAT Scholarships 2016:

** To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must be self-funding and classed as ‘Overseas’ for fee purposes AND an Indian national or permanently domiciled in India, apply for a study place by Friday 17 June 2016 for entry in September 2016. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the supporting statement.

** If you wish to be considered for this scholarship you need to apply online, the application link will be distributed to eligible students by email from January onwards. Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield.

Eligibility Criteria:
You must:
** hold an offer for a postgraduate taught masters degree programme by 17 June 2016 in any department for entry in September 2016 (to study at the University of Sheffield),
** be self-funding and classed as ‘Overseas’ for fee purposes AND
** be a national of, or domiciled in, one of the eligible countries / territories.
** pay any necessary tuition fee deposit by the date instructed by the Admissions Service

Terms and conditions:
** The scholarship is worth 50% of the postgraduate tuition fee, before any other scholarships or discounts are applied.
** A scholarship will only be awarded subject to meeting any conditions attached to an offer to study at the University in September 2016.
** The scholarship is for each year of your postgraduate taught study programme, in most cases this will be the duration of the masters course.
** For masters programmes that exceed more than one academic year to complete the 50% scholarship will also be applied to subsequent years, subject to successful completion of the previous academic year.
** This applies for all courses except medical and dentistry masters, whereby the 50% scholarship can only be applied to the first year of study only and any intergrated Masters/New route PhD programmes, whereby the 50% discount will only be applied to the taught masters element of the programme.
** The scholarship will take the form of a tuition fee reduction only
** Part-time students will receive the full value of the scholarship split pro-rata over the duration of the course
** Distance Learning students are not eligible for the scholarship.
** Candidates studying PGCert or PGDip qualifications are not eligible

Application Last Date :
The Last Date for applications is Friday 24 June 2016, scholarship results will be announced Friday 29 July 2016 © 2022

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