OITTN OIT Scholarship Fresh Application 2016-17 : Omeiat Institute Trust

Organization : Omeiat Institute Trust
Scholarship Name : OIT Scholarship Fresh Application 2016-2017
Application Last Date : 31.08.2016

Website : oittn.com/application.htm
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/8951-fresh.pdf

Application For OIT Scholarship:

Sanction of scholarship is subject to availability of funds in OIT & your progress in studies.

Update : OITTN OIT Scholarship 2018-19 Fresh & Renewal : www.scholarships.net.in/23823.html

This applicaion can be downloaded and filled applications should be forwarded/submitted to the OIT admin office.

Certificates To Be Attached :
1. Bonafide certificate from the Institution
2. Xerox of Ration Card
3. Certificate from a responsible person from your Mohala to the effect that you are really poor.
4. Xerox of HSC/Semester Mark Sheet.
5. Fees due certificate from the institution

Information To Applicatns:
1. OIT Scholarships will be given only to those who are pursuing professional studies including B.Ed/ M. Ed after +2 Diploma in teacher Training polytechnic, ITI’s paramedical training and such recognized programs (Students studying in schools and Arts & science college may approach local Jama’at and other sources for support).

2. In general, the candidates are advised to seek help from other sources, so that OIT would try to supplement.
3. No financial assistance will be given to students who are pursuing higher studies outside India and from other states.
4. Candidates should fill all the columns of the application in their own handwriting in block letters.
5. Only one application form of a family will be considered for financial assistance, at any given time.
6. The details of fees payable/paid should be obtained from the institutions and attached to the application.
7. A certificate from a responsible person belonging to applicant’s locality about the genuineness of the applicant’s economic status should be attached, with full details of the person certifying.
8. Social consciousness and moral, ethical and good characters will be an additional strength to the applicant to earn OIT scholarship.
9. The renewal application of the student who is already in receipt of OIT scholarship will not be considered, if his/her academic progress, conduct and character are not found satisfactory.
10. The application will not be considered if the details given in the application form are found to be incorrect/unsatisfactory.
11. Normally scholarship granted to the student will be routed/sent directly to the institution/Source, to whom it is due.
12. Grant of scholarship at any time is subject to verification of facts given in the application, economic status and availability of funds with OIT

Admin Office Address:
16, B.N. Reddy Road,
Anjuman Campus,
T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017,
Sounth India.
Phone +91-044-42605999

: omeiat@rediffmail.com

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