Asha Trust Chennai 2016 Scholarship Application

Organization : Asha Trust Chennai
Scholarship Name : Scholarship Application 2016
Application Date : June 12, 2016 from 10a.m. to 12 noon

Website :

Asha Trust Chennai Scholarship:

While many of the projects of Asha-Chennai focus on helping schools that educate under-privileged children, we felt there is also a need to help the under-privileged children who attend other schools and colleges spread all over the city and primarily in rural TamilNadu.

Related : Asha Trust Chennai Scholarship 2015 :

Application Procedure:
** Application for scholarship for new scholars is available on June 12, 2016 from 10a.m. to 12 noon only at Raga Sudha Hall, Luz Avenue, Mylapore, Chennai – 600004. Landmark: Beside Nageswara Park.
** Applicants are expected to appear in person along with parents/guardian. Please bring passport photo of the child, bonafide certificate, report card/mark sheet , address proof and fees receipt.
** There are limited number of applications and are given on first come first serve basis.

1. All candidates selected for Scholarship must be approved by the Scholarship Focus Group before releasing payments. Final selection is subject to personal interviews.
2. A maximum funding limit for all students would be set by Asha Chennai and this limit would be imposed for all Asha scholars. This limit would be Rs 1000 over the typical amount charged by a Government aided school for English medium education
3. In the case of school going children, if the fee exceed twice the approved limit, the application will not be considered for scholarship.
4. There should be a genuine and verified economic need for the scholar and his/her family. Total family income not more than Rs 120000 per annum is set as criteria for selection of a student for scholarship.
5. All fresh scholars applying for scholarship should have completed the Scholarship Application Form and all existing scholars should have completed the Application Form for Continuation of Scholarship.
6. Nominator should not in any way benefit monetarily from the scholarship

Selection Related:
a. Children studying in government schools should be given higher priority.
b. Preference should be given to handicapped children and girls.
c. Only one child per family should be approved for scholarship
d. Primary focus should be for school students in class 8 to 12. Other children should be considered on case by case basis.
e. Academic excellence should not be a criteria of selection for children under 10 std
f. Home visit and reporting should be done by a person who should not be the nominator or recommending volunteer.
g. 40% of the scholars selected would be college students; 35% would be students of +1 and +2 and 25%.
h. Scholarship should not be approved for Engineering, Medical and Para-medical students.

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