Andhra Brahmin BSE 2016-17 Bharati Scheme For Education

Organization : Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) Limited
Scholarship/Scheme Name : BSE 2016-17 Bharati Scheme For Education
Applicable For : Students studying 1st Class to 10th Class & Intermediate to PG & MS overseas
Applicable State : Andhra Pradesh
Application Starts From: 16-06-2016
Application Last Date : 30 September 2016

Website :
Register Online :
Guidelines :

Bharati Scheme For Education :

Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) Ltd., is introducing “Bharati Scheme for Education” (BSE) for the year 2016-17 for the Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh. Under this scheme, specific amount shall be paid to the selected applicants as one time financial assistance through the prescribed process.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
Andhra Brahmin KS-FS Kashyapa Scheme 2019-20

To encourage Brahmin students continue their education, by providing one time financial assistance.

This scheme is applicable for Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh covering all 13 districts, who are studying from 1st standard to Post Graduation in the academic year 2016-17, as per the eligibility criteria provided in the Annexure

** The student and his/her parents should belong to Brahmin community and parents should reside in Andhra Pradesh.
** Annual income of Parents / Guardian should not be more than Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs only).
** Should be pursuing a regular course in School / College/ Institute / University for the year 2016-17.
** Should have passed in all the subjects till previous year of study (i.e., students who do not have backlogs in their previous semesters / years are only eligible).
** Should not have availed himself/ herself any amount under any other Government scheme for the same purpose.
** Detailed Course wise Financial Assistance and eligibility criteria is provided as Annexure to this document

Application Procedure:
** Registration for the scheme will be opened in June 2016.
** Eligible candidates shall fill their application online ( only in the prescribed format. (In case of any difficulty contact Toll Free No. 1800 102 3579)

Applicant should upload the scanned copies (in pdf of maximum 250 kb size each) of the following documents:
** Aadhar Cards of both student and parent / guardian in one pdf file.
** Caste certificate and Income certificates issued by competent authority or an integrated certificate (Caste, Income and Residence) issued by Mee-Seva, in the name of the student, in one pdf file.
** Marks Sheets of all the previous years (starting from SSC).
** Study Certificate from School / College / Institute / University for the Academic Year 2016-17
** Bank Account Pass book (Student’s Account should be in Andhra Bank only. However, for students studying outside Andhra Pradesh account in any Nationalised Bank is acceptable)
** Passport size photograph (in jpeg format) of the student

Last date for receiving online applications shall be 30 September 2016.

Selection process:
1. Short-listing and finalisation of applicants shall be done by the State Level Selection Committee (SLSC), giving priority to the following categories:
** Orphan
** Single mother
** Physically challenged
** Girl student
** Economically very poor

2. One time financial assistance of specified amount (details provided in the annexure) will be credited online to the SB Accounts of selected students.
3. State Level Selection Committee is authorised to make exceptions in the eligibility / selection process, and their decision will be final.

View Comments (146)

  • Please tell me, what documents are uploaded for B.Tech lateral entry students. I am studying B.Tech 3rd year. I already applied for the scholarship but application is in pending list due to sufficient documents are not uploaded. So please kindly tell me.

  • Ms. Vemakoti Gayatri is one of the Member in our corporation from 2016 . I bring to your kind notice that Vemakoti Gayatri d/o Sambamurty who is studying final BBA and she applied for financial assistance under Bharathi scheme for the year 2017 to 2018. She was uploaded all the required documents on 11.09..2017 and got SMS from you. Ms.GAYATRI Application for graduation 3rd Year has been Renewed Reference Number is BS GRA 3-2017-43483. Please use this Reference Number for further communication and she got SMS for re-scan and upload studying certificate along with graduation 3rd and 4th semester marks memos for that she upload all said documents 31.10.2017 and she received SMS from you we received your re-upload ed documents on 31.10.2017.

    She got SMS on 27.01.2018 for re-upload income and caste certificates issued by the government meeseva and inter marks memo for that she re -upload required documents as sent through sms by you on 03.02.2018. She got SMS by you 07.02.2018 in this SMS Ms. Vemakoti Gayatri Reference Number 43483 Bharati remarks: could not uploaded the required documents in given time, Hence rejected. Please kindly clarify and justice to V. Gayatri for eligible to bharati scheme. She got amount 15000/- for the Year 2016 to 2017 in this year she upload all required document along with Caste certificate which is signed by VRO and Ration card for income any question arise by you same process followed in this year 2017 to 2018.

    She uploaded all the documents on 31.10.2017 but scrutinized team not sent any SMS regarding required document re-upload (income and caste certificate from meeseva and inter marks memo) 87 days from uploaded date. Team sent the SMS nick of the movement and they did not mentioned any last date in their SMS These are the reason V.Gayatri is not Victim and looser for not getting for Bharati scheme so She is the right to get Amount from our corporation. Please requesting to Chairman and Committee members of our society for release the Bharati scheme amount and help to her study Kindly take it positively and with broad mind her appeal sanction the scheme of the Bharati and I Hope that she will get that scheme.

  • I re-uploaded my documents on December. My application number is 68918. How much time required to scrutinize my documents?

  • I am studying B.Tech 4th year. In the 3rd year, I got scholarship but this year also I applied and my name in the benifitized list. But, I have not get the scholarship amount yet.

  • I uploaded my father bank account details but it was not accepted. So now, I wanted to change and give my account. How can I change my account details?

  • We are living in Sompeta in Srikakulam Disirct. I applied for Gayatri scheme. Can I apply for Bharati scheme also? If yes, What is the last date to apply for the same?

  • My son has applied for Bharati scheme. He is studying B.Tech 3rd year. Still we don't get any messages about scholarship.

  • My Daughters name are Ms. Sree Kusuma Komali Kanth & and Ms. Sreehara Sukomali Kanth applied for Bharathi Scheme for Intermediate 1st Year. Their Reference Number is BS-IPE1-2017-60509 & BS-IPE1-2017-60510. But there is no any status till now i.e., 27.10.2017. Please mention and send about their scholarship status.

  • I am studying engineering 2nd year but I have 3 backlog in first year. So am I eligible for this scheme or not?

  • I want to change my bank account because my old account has been blocked. So could you please tell me the process of re-uploading the new account for Bharathi scheme?

  • My son is studying 1st standard. I am working as teacher, earning monthly 15000/. My father didn't get any pension from his office but last year by grace of Sri N.Chandrababu naidu Garu, he is getting Rs.1000/. I have to look after 8 members of my family members. Tell me if my son is eligible for Bharati one time financial help.

    • Yes. According to this scheme you are earning 1.81 pa. This scheme allows upto 3 lakh. So he is eligible. Otherwise follow bharati rules pdf.

  • Let me know when website will be opened to upload the documents, since I am already a registered candidate.

  • My daughter is studying now in II Inter MPc. She applied for scholarship I year and got an amount of Rs.12000/-, under Bharathi scheme. Now she is in II year. What is the process to get scholarship?

  • My uncle is a government employee in Panchayat Raj as EO he took a salary certificate from his MDO. Is that certificate sufficient to be submitted as income certificate with scholarship application form?

  • I am studying senior intermediate. Last year I got the scholarship amount from Bharathi scheme. Please specify whether the income certificate and integrated certificates issued from E- seva are eligible for this year also or shall I apply for those certificates again?

  • I have applied for scholarship for my children. Till now there is no response. How can I check the status of the application?

    • Go to the Bharathi scheme status and type valid Date of Birth, Registered Number, etc. then you can know your status.

    • You can check by going into the scheme for which you have applied for your children and by going into the scheme you can check the status in the page down of the registration for which you have applied.

  • My daughter has applied for Bharati Scheme in the academic year 2016-2017. Registration number is 41323. The application form has been rejected. My daughter is studying in private school. Can my daughter apply this year?

  • Please send the details of Telangana Brahmin Corporation with phone number. This year my daughter is studying Inter Second year. Our annual income is Rupees.2,20,000/-. May I apply for Bharathi Scheme in Hyderabad? Please send details and help me.

  • I have passed 10th class with 9.8 GPA in the academic year 2016-2017. Am I eligible to apply for this scholarship? Please let me know.

  • I completed my B.Tech in April 2017. I am going to join M.Tech after counselling. By the time counselling gets over admissions will be closed. How can I get admission for M.Tech?

  • I have one arrears in 2nd year. Now I am in 3rd year. Can I get scholarship for 3rd year?


  • I completed Diploma in Agriculture engineering, three years course. Now I joined Lateral entry AG.B tech in KITS COLLEGE at Divili.E.G.district. My BSE no is 33269. Till this day I am trying to upload my certificates several times but it is not getting uploaded. Please consider my application and verify my certificates and sanction as early as possible.

  • I have applied online for Bharathi scheme scholarship on 4th November 2016 and I have also successfully uploaded all the relevant certificates. My registration number is BS-PEC2-2016-44516. I have not received any intimation from you in this regard. It would be appreciated if you kindly intimate the status of application as early as possible.

  • Ref : 31826
    Bharathi scheme with reference to your message dated 01.12.2016 I have uploaded several times attested by Gazetted officer and also attested by Vice Principal of our College. Our Principal is busy with semester examinations and inspection outside our premises. Our vice Principal has attested the mark lists and study letter. I have uploaded several times. Please re-scrutinize my application and sanction the scholarship.

  • To study in corporate college the ABC corporation can give any assistance to me in the academic year in 2017. I am studying 10th in Chaitanya school. I will get 10/10 for sure.

  • I have already applied for Chanakya scheme. I did not received any information. I have already called toll free number.

  • I wish to add income and caste certificate copies for scholarship of inter 1st year student.

  • I had applied for scholarship of Rajashree patra but didn't got any payment. Please send status.
    Ref no : 47872

  • My registration number is 30033. What is my scholarship status? I applied before 3 months. Please send scholarship details to my registered mobile number.

    • I think it's on process and government will release the funds to the brahmin welfare association chamber.
      So just be wait with patience.


  • My Registration number is 11031. I already applied ration with caste certificate but why should you ask to re-upload these certificates?

  • I got 422/440 in bipc first year course. Eligibility criteria is only passed in first class but I got distinction. Why am I rejected?

  • I am studying B.Sc 2nd year.
    Reg no : 7267
    I had completed my first year subjects without any backlogs. And also I have submitted my college abstract to Venkata Sasthry. So please give reply to my mail.

  • Please let me know if there is any chance to extend last date.
    I would like to know in this scheme whether we should necessarily have registration number. If it is not there what premises should be taken?

  • I have applied for scholarship for 4th B.Tech. They have asked for replied of documents. Please send me the site to upload documents.

  • I have applied for Bharati scheme for B.Tech 2nd year renewal but they asked to re-upload the documents. Please inform the site to re-upload documents.

  • This is G.Renuka from Vijayawada. I have register for AP brahmin corporation. My application number is 6175. I was rejected due to have backlogs but, I don't have any backlogs. Please see my application.

  • One of you named Venkata Sashtry had asked me to mail him my scanned passbook of Andhra bank. But every time when I mailed it is getting failure. It's because of Mail id. So please let me know the correct mail id so that I can send it as soon as possible.

  • My niece is studying B Tech 2nd year. Her name is S Kameswari. She applied for scholarship under Bharati scheme. She completed 1st year subject. Her code number is 3808. No message is received regarding sanction of scholarship.

  • I'm studying CA IPCC. Is there any chance for applying scholarship and the last date of applying the documents?

  • I have Registered in Bharathi scheme for academic year 2016-17. As I have stood first in my college am I eligible to apply for Gayatri scheme in this year only?

  • I am studying btech 3rd year. I have all the documents and I was failed in one subject. Can I apply for this scheme?

  • I have registered for this scheme today at 7:00 PM. I didn't get any message to my mobile number though I gave the correct number.
    Whether the dead line time is over for registration?

  • I got a message from IM-ABCLTD 2 days before. In that they asked 3rd and 4th year memos but at present I am studying 3rd year. I didn't complete my 3rd year. I already uploaded previous 2-2 marks memo and also study certificate of continuing 3rd year. So I want clarity about this. My ref no is 4238.

  • My son is studying IPCC and bcom. We registered for his bcom and tried to register to IPCC also but failed to show the solution.

  • I wanted to take coaching for gate in ace academy. Under which scheme should I apply? Whether under Vasistha or Bharati scheme?

  • I am studying btech first year. I received scholarship last year. Right now I am unable to type my course which I am studying. How can I get out of this problem? Please help me.

  • My daughter is studying ded 2nd year in bharathi scheme to get scholar ship to complete 1st year all subjects but the government has not conducted 1st year exams Sept 2016. Whether my daughter is eligible or not?

  • My daughter had got 84268 rank in ap eamcet and I applied for scholarship in the scheme of Bharathi but I have a message from you i.e your rank is above 50000 and I want some clarity that the scheme is for poor Brahmin student but they are not getting any help from you. So please check this

  • I had applied for scholarship to my daughter who is studying B.Tech 1st year and her rank is 84268 and you had said that this scheme is for poor Brahmin student then how can you reject our application and please check this ref no BS-PEC1-2016-17-7876.

  • I got a backlog in a subject. I have applied for revaluation about my exam paper and I got cleared in that subject. Even I had documented proof given by the university about my change of marks in revaluation. Am I eligible for scholarship?

  • We received your re-uploaded documents on Aug 25 2016 7:00PM and those will be re-scrutinized shortly.
    What is this?

  • I submitted my scholarship application under Bharati scheme and was asked to upload my certificate after having got registered. Did the same on 26th August but thereafter did not find any progress. What is my position? Is my application accepted? Please reply.

  • I applied for scholarship for my Inter 2nd year course, under Bharati scheme and found a comment to re upload my credentials. Then I re uploaded. Thereafter I did not find any progress. I would like to know if my application is scrutinized further. My id no is 29528.

  • We already submitted the application but it ask to re upload again I applied. When the scholarship will come?

  • I am studying PG.
    Already I am qualified appgecet and get fees reimbursement.
    Am I eligible for this scholarship?

  • I have previously registered for Bharathi scheme. But my application was rejected due to my back log. But now I have cleared it and scored 80%. Will I register now as an new applicant or renewal candidate?

  • I am pursuing Ph.D under S.V University. I didn't get any sort of fellowships. Is there any possibility to sanction fellowship for Ph.D students?

  • I had completed my graduation but according to jntu rules there's an option to left two subjects even you failed. Am I eligible for PG because I didn't get even in the previous year?

  • I had applied for Bharathi scheme for my brother's son but rejected by reason stating not studying in govt school. Many of my neighbor applications were not rejected even though their kids are studying in private schools. Please advice suitable reason.

  • How can I reupload the documents in the application? If I am trying to reupload document its not getting possible. Please help me in uploading my documents.

    • Some times even after getting uploaded, it wont show. For confirmation fetch your application and check the attached doc, if it is updated.
      If it is not updated and you are unable to re upload, you can call to them and request to check your application.

  • My son got pg admission in Siegen university in Germany. I cant submit study certificate till October. How to get assistance?

  • I wanna apply for the academic year 2016-2017. But the link is showing the 2015-2016, and the last submission to Sep 30th. Where do I apply? Please let me know.

  • My son got admission in Siegen university at Germany for msc 2 year course. Admission process will be completed in October. So I may not be able to attach admit card. Please clarify.

  • For Bharathi scheme the site is not responding for renewal process. Please solve the problem as soon as possible. © 2022

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