udayancare.org Shalini Fellowship : Udayan Care Delhi

Organisation : Udayan Care Delhi
Facility :Udayan Shalini Fellowship

Home Page :https://www.udayancare.org/udayan-shalini-fellowship/udayan-shalini-fellowship-programme

Udayan Shalini Fellowships-USF :

Higher education to develop girls into dignified, independent young women

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School of International Biodesign SiB iFellowship 2015 Delhi : www.scholarships.net.in/2846.html

The Need :
A mother’s deep desire to educate her young daughter and build her a future,but her complete helplessness due to poverty,sparked the beginning of the Udayan Shalini Fellowship Programme.

Only 16% women in India study till Class X, there is only 1 girl among every 100 college going students, only 4.5% graduates in our country are women and only 8.7% women complete graduation, even in urban India.

Goal :
The Udayan Shalini Fellowships initiated in 2002, aim to ensure no girl with the drive to learn is denied her dream, due to lack of support.

The Outcome and Impact :
In addition to academic excellence,our Shalinis (Dignified Women) have evolved as educated,responsible citizens, able to voice their opinions and take independent decisions. Many of them are first generation learners, becoming role models for their communities and our miracles of hope!

Starting with 72 girls, in Delhi, we have expanded to 10 more Chapters in Dehradun, Kolkata, Kurukshetra, Aurangabad, Phagwara, Haridwar ,Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Jaipur . In 10 years, over 3000 girls in 8 cities, look forward to a future full of promise.

Selection of Shalinis :
Girls in Class XI in government schools across the 10 Chapters are selected through NAT-a meticulous system that evaluates Needs, Ambition and Talent.Girls clearing the written test are interviewed;those shortlisted are visited at home to assess the need for support.Once selected,they are bound by the Pledge they take to uphold the values of the Udayan Shalini Fellowship,with a promise to give back to those like them.They are supported for 5-6 years,till they complete graduation or specialised courses.

Unique Aspects :
USF is a fellowship, not merely a scholarship, going much beyond monetary assistance. At the core of the model is Pyramidal Mentoring, which ensures holistic development of the girls.Young entrepreneurs, educationists and experts keen on change, join us as senior mentors and works with 2 groups of girls. Each group is supported by an alumna Shalini – a mentor didi, who understands the young Shalinis; Didis also inspire the youngsters to give back.

Workshops and residential camps enable fellows to explore new avenues whilst understanding the importance of financial independence.

through social campaigns, instilling in them the desire to give back. Its no wonder that many of our young girls, are contributing to the development of younger Shalinis; as mentor did is or even financially!

Your Support :
USF goes beyond the growth and prosperity of Shalinis to change even the outlook of their families and communities towards women and their rights.Their sisters and peers feel more hopeful about their own future! This is a huge impetus for us to enable over 5000 girls to blossom into Shalinis, by 2017. This has only been possible due to the generosity of our supporters.

You can support the education of a Shalini through her Fellowship – a total of Rs.1,20,000 is all it takes over 5-6 years. Institutes can help by offering subsidised courses and free-ships,Experts in their fields can mentor our girls,adding to their holistic development.

Categories Fellowship/Grants

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