AICTE PMSSS 2016-17 J&K Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme Online Registration For Jammu & Kashmir Students

Organization : AICTE All India Council for Technical Education
Scholarship Name : PMSSS 2016-17 J&K Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Jammu & Kashmir State Students who have passed class 12th examination in academic year 2014-15 or appearing in 2015-16
Applicable State : Jammu & Kashmir
Online Scholarship Portal :
Instructions For Registration :

Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme

Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme(PMSSS) for the students of J&K Online Registration open for 2016-17

Related / Similar Scholarship : AICTE JK PMSSS 2017-18

About the Scheme :
The scheme helps to complete the normal course for J&K youth. Scholarship to meet the expenditure towards tuition fees, hostel fees, cost of books and other incidental charges is provided to the eligible students, who are in the merit list.

Number of Scholarship :
** Total number of scholarship is 5000 (4500 for General degree, 250 for Engineering and 250 for Medical/BDS).
** Scholarship would be granted purely on MERIT and as per the stream wise quota
i. 4500 seats for General degree,
ii. 250 seats for Engineering and
iii. 250 seats for Medical/BDS.

** There is a provision of Inter-changeability of slots among Medical and Engineering Streams i.e. if there is shortfall in the general stream intake, then the shortfall number would be converted to seats equivalent to engineering stream (1 General stream = 0.58 Engineering stream 0.325 Medical Stream).
** The total number of scholarship may reduce when less than 4500 scholarship is sanctioned for general stream.

Rate of Scholarship

Components of scholarship for every scholar under this scheme is as under:
Tuition Fees:
Upto Rs.30,000/- per annum for general degree courses.
Upto Rs.1.25 lakhs per annum for engineering courses.
Upto Rs.3.00 lakhs per annum for medical studies, including Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Eligibility :
** Students having domicile of Jammu & Kashmir and who are of academic year 2015-16 /2014- 15, from J&K Board or CBSE affiliated schools located in J&K.
** Having family income of less than Rs. 6 lac per annum.
** Students have to compulsorily apply online for registration on AICTE

Process for online Registration

** Students of Academic Year 2015-16/2014-15 who are from J&K Board or CBSE affiliated schools located in J&K can only submit their application on AICTE Portal for Registration.
** The candidates are advised to fill the form correctly. The students whose credentials do not match with the particulars available in the AICTE-portal will not be able to register online.

** On successful registration the eligible students will be issued username and password to fill online form on AICTE Portal.
** The students would be required to upload the Domicile certificate, Income certificate, Class 10 mark sheet and Category certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State Government.

** Student is required to give preference of the course General or Engineering or Medical stream.
** Student is required to give preference to state whether he/she wants to take admission.

Sign In

To apply for the scholarship students need to Login first. Follow the below steps for Sign In,

Step 1 : Enter Email Id or Candidate Id
Step 2 : Enter Password
Step 3 : Click Sign In button

Forgot Password

If you don’t remember your password then follow the steps to recover your password,
Step 1 : Enter Email Id or Candidate Id
Step 2 : Click on the ‘Go’ button

New password will be sent to your registered Email Id.

Document Verification:
The uploaded documents should be verified with the originals at the facilitation centers by the Government of J&K and the applicant upload the verification slip generated online at the time of complete application form. The verification slip should be dully signed and stamped by the nodal officer of the facilitation centre.


** Allotment for the seats will be done through counseling only for those students in the merit list.
** No counseling will be done for Medical seats. 250 Scholarships would be awarded for medical stream on merit.
** At the time of counseling the students required to submit the proof of admission.

** The students who are in the merit list and fail to submit the proof of admission or participate in counseling process on the scheduled counseling date will not be considered under the scheme.
** Any short fall in the number of students in the merit list of 2015-16 will be accommodated by the students in the merit list of 2014-15.

For registration related query please email at jkadmission2016 [AT]

View Comments (135)

  • My merit number is 4210 and I am from general category, can I get seat in any engineering colleges through this scholarship?

  • I have got 326 marks in 12th class. Can you tell me, why my name is hidden in this merit list?

  • Please can you convey this to me, when we have to choose colleges for MBBS/ BDS courses as the last date of submission is just couple of days to go and Where to choose preference colleges?

  • Scholarships are not released in due time due to which the college's did not give students degree certificates and students lost their brighter future.

  • Please tell me, if I apply for MBBS under PMSS will government cover my whole expenses for the course? How much will be the scholarship provided?

  • Please tell me if a person can change his stream from B.Tech Mech to B.Tech civil under pmsss in the allotted collage.

  • I have a year back in 1st year under pmsss. What about my scholarship? Please tell me what I should do.

  • I would like to know if we can change our college after 1st year. If it is possible then scholarship will continue or not.

  • I have wrongly clicked on joining report without getting my allotment letter. Now I am not able to download my allotment letter. Please help me to solve the problem.

  • This is also a headache for the maximum students of India. The student who secures 90 or 80% are only eligible in the scholarship. Those students who secure 60 or 50 present are the most intelligent but our India says that those secure 80 or 90 percent are genius and no matter for the skills of those students. If there is short viva or multiple questions are attached for PMSSS, then the genius students who really deserve for the scholarship got awarded and these spam students who secure 90 above have chance to make herself best.

    Percentage and merits :
    Makes bad Engineer's and Doctors :
    That's the reason our continents are not developing and no any type of development caught our technical sectors. Please remove this percentage and merits based things and light the Skills of the people. And when this type of system built in our area then we are developed.

    Our PM Sh.Mode ji said this PMSSS.
    Scheme is for poor students whose annuum is lesser then 6 lakh. But tell me who say that only merits based students got awarded.
    How ?
    -Poor students secure above 80 or 90%.
    -Poor students purchased Expensive Books and Notes of Medical.
    -Poor students join Private Schools with best teaching staff.
    -Poor students Pay high fees of coaching and the other expenses fr studies.
    -Poor students Secure above 90 or 80% marks to see herself in merit list and then apply for Govt seats with out any good studies material. The poor students have not properly maintained their school uniform and books and if they are studying

    In School they have not high qualified staff. So tell me how the Poor students secure high percentage and see their names in the merits. The merit of the poor students with low marks and have D grade in their Marks card are more then the star's twinkling in the sky..

    And the others hand of merit, if the students fall in the merits it means their parents are able to provide best studying material to own children. They pay higher for their studies and are able to make continue studying their children. So these students got rewarded for Scholarship.

  • I want to know that if any student does not join college after his completion of counseling, is any other counseling may occur for such seats?


  • My application Id is 2017140204. I want to know whether I have been selected for the scholarship or not. How can I track the status of my application? Kindly guide me.

  • I passed my 12th standard exam. I have scored 80%. I received a message that I am not eligible to get admission through AICTE. May I know the reason?

  • When will the counselling be held? I have scored 75% marks. Am I eligible to get admission in B.Tech?

  • I have passed 12th from CBSE with 83.2% of marks. Now I have got admission in AIT Pune. I did not apply for PMSSS. Could I apply for the same now

  • I have qualified in NEET 2017. Am I eligible to get admission in MBBS or BDS? My NEET exam percentage is 54. Please let me know.

  • Can I change my college after studying 1st year? My first year is going to be over till now I didn't get my scholarship. I am paying hostel fees by myself. Please help me to change my college.

  • I have passed 12th class. I got 306 marks out of 500. And belong to ST category. Am I eligible to take admission for M.Sc Nursing under PMSSS AICTE?

  • I have got 380 marks in 12th class. My name is in mock allotment list. The status shows "No Allotment". Can I attend counselling?

  • How can I know that I will fall under the merit or not? In the counselling schedule last merit is from 5500 upto 6000. My rank is 6004. Will I be selected or rejected?

  • How should I give the preferences to the colleges while I choose the college? Please guide me on this.

  • Login your Id, "Select colleges of your own choice" will appear select it, then select course and search colleges of your choice, select at least 100 colleges as per your preference.

  • When will the counseling be held for the students who have applied this year for PMSSS? Is it necessary for the students to appear in JEE to get admission under PMSSS for Engineering courses?

  • I have registered for PMSSS in the year 2017. My application has been submitted and verified successfully. Am I eligible to get the scholarship? Please let me know.

  • I have passed 12th standard in 2015-2016. Am I eligible to get admission in Computer Engineering?

  • I have passed 12th class. My percentage is 80.4. Am I eligible for admission in Engineering?

  • I have passed my 12th standard in the year 2016-2017. I have got 68 percentage marks in PCBM. Will I get an engineering college under PMSSS?

  • I am seeking information about PMSSS. You are requested to clear my doubt. I have completed my 12th standard in academic year, 2015-16. I have scored 70 percentage marks. Can I get admission in Engineering course through PMSSS 2017 in merit? Please let me know.

  • I want to know about this scholarship. What are all the professional courses I can avail through this scholarship?

  • I am not able to verify my documents at facilitation centers. Facilitation centers are closed due to circumstances in valley. Please tell me how can I verify my documents.

  • I have scored 76 percentage marks in 12th standard in the year 2016. I want to get admission in BDS. Please provide me scholarship to pursue BDS course.

  • I have passed the board exams in the year 2014. I scored 335 marks out of 500 marks. Is there any chance of getting Engineering admission through PMSSS? Please let me know.

  • Is there any information regarding Diploma holders for later entry in B.Tech under PMSSS scholarship? Please let me know.

  • You can type Jammu and Kashmir scholarship, then click on the first link a window will be opened and there will be 2 links of uploaded list of facilitation centers by the Government.

  • I have qualified 12th standard with 251/500 marks. I Belong to ST category. Am I eligible for PMSSS scholarship?

  • I have scored 80 percentage marks in 2016. Is there any possibilities for me to get the scholarship?

  • I have mentioned my address correctly. When I checked it I found there is some in error in address column. Please help me to rectify it.

    • Go to the facilitation center from where you have verified the documents. You can ask their help to make the changes.

  • In 12th marks sheet there is a column before Roll number column. In that column you can find prefix code.

  • I have sceured 416 out of 500 in 12the standard board exams. I belong to ST community. Am I eligible for this scholarship exam?


  • I have passed my 12th standard examination in the year 2015. Am I eligible for AICTE scholarship 2017?

  • I want to know whether I am eligible or not. I have scored 92.6 percentage marks in 12th exams. please let me know.

  • I am 2014-15 passed out student of non medical course with PCM percentage as 88.66. Am I eligible for PMSSS?

  • I got 88 percentage marks in 10th and 70 percentage marks in 12th standard. I want to get admission for B.Tech. Am I eligible for this scholarship?

    • Eligibility:
      ** Students having domicile of Jammu & Kashmir and who are of academic year 2015-16 /2014- 15, from J&K Board or CBSE affiliated schools located in J&K.
      ** Secured admission on their own to institutions which are recognized by AICTE or approved by UGC under section 2(f) and 12(B) or respective regulatory body or taken admission in the institute allotted through counseling for supernumerary seat.
      ** Having family income of less than Rs. 6 lac per annum.
      ** Students have to compulsorily apply online for registration on AICTE

      Information as provided in the official website of AICTE All India Council for Technical Education

  • My DBT application status is submitted. I am in 1st Semester. But still I didn't receive the money.

    • If you are in 4th semester then you don't have to upload your mark sheet. Your mark sheet will be uploaded to AICTE by your college. Please contact your college.

  • I have scored 292/500 marks, I belong to backward category am I eligible for this scholarship?

    • Eligibility :
      ** Students having domicile of Jammu & Kashmir and who are of academic year 2015-16 /2014- 15, from J&K Board or CBSE affiliated schools located in J&K.
      ** Secured admission on their own to institutions which are recognized by AICTE or approved by UGC under section 2(f) and 12(B) or respective regulatory body or taken admission in the institute allotted through counseling for supernumerary seat.
      ** Having family income of less than Rs. 6 lac per annum.
      ** Students have to compulsorily apply online for registration on AICTE

  • My payment status is "Annexure Generated, Forwarded for Finance Verification" since 15 February 2017. Will I be able to get my scholarship?

  • Administration is asking me to submit maintenance fee as soon as it is possible but I am not able to afford that. Now kindly tell me when I will get scholarship. If maintenance fee is not submitted immediately it will surely affect my study adversely which I will not tolerate. Now I request higher venerated authority to look into the MATTER immediately and give me answer as soon as it is possible.

  • What about the students who have taken admission on PMSS scholarship but didn't get any scholarships from anywhere still managing in their 4th year engineering course?

  • I have done 12th Arts in 2016 & I got 76%. Now I want to do HM from Mumbai. Am I eligible for the scholarship?

  • I have submitted my DBT but scholarship is not transfer to my account.Due to lack of money I am facing problem in my studies. Please tell me, what I do next?

  • I have passed my 12th class exam in 2015. Can I apply for this scholarship in 2017 if any body knows please reply me back.

  • My college is not cooperating with me to obtain these scholarship. What should I do now? I go to the office and said to mam as she said you to bring application, documents etc and then I will do your work. Please tell me if I can change my college. None of the student is from j&k.

  • Show the date of renewal scholarship 2016 -17. Its very important for all students who admitted under the Aicte jk SSS. It is humble request from me to AICTE JK SSS members.

  • I am pursuing B.Tech in college recognized by AICTE and this time I am in first year. Can I apply for PMSSS for second year means for next academic year? My percentage was 72% in class 12th.

  • I am a student of B. Sc nursing I year in Punjab. When will 2016-2017 scholarship be released? Please release it immediately. If it is late it will affect my study.

  • My status is "Online claim received". What does it mean by this status? Is there any problem or will it be processing?

  • I am 1st year B.Tech student of ACE collage of Bangalore. I didn't get scholarship & my parents don't have money to pay flat owner. What should I do?

  • I have filled dbt wrongly in the college website. Please tell me how I can change if it is already submitted?

  • I am studying in Kolkata 1st yr generic B.Sc nursing. There is no any student from Jammu. Please tell me how I can change my college.

  • I am from Kargil Ladakh ST category Mewar University studying LLB 3yr. My last year scholarship is pending now. All my batches are receiving degree. Only I'm left.

  • I saw my name in list of submitted documents of students 2016-17. But Institute is not verified there. So,how can I verify my Institute?

  • I am not yet approved by AICTE. I am only admitted and verified by AICTE but not yet approved. What should I have to do?

  • Me and my friend want to change the college. What can we do? Please help. We are studying in Rayat Bahra institute of engineering and nanotechnology Hoshiarpur. At present we are under PMSSS 1st year.

  • I have uploaded all the documents but my DBT status is "admitted and verified" but other student status is "AICTE RIFD verified".

  • I am studying 1st year engineering student in SVIT COLLEGE in Gujarat under PMSSS 2016-17.
    When will I get my scholarship?

  • I am studying third year engineering aicte approved university in Maharashtra. Can I get scholarship under jk pmsss as I've earlier not applied for it? I belong to Jammu.

  • I have joined SIET college under PMSSS 2016-17 and have completed all formalities. My scholarship has not yet come. Please tell when it will come.

  • I have joined SVIT college under PMSSS 2016-17. I completed all my formalities. My scholarship has not yet come.

  • I registered myself previous year but I missed my counseling. Can I register myself this year and what is the procedure?

  • I am recently joined my college under PMSSS 2016-17. But there is no scholarship information come from your side. Day by day my tension increases. College is opposing me sit in final examination.

  • Go to your college. Tell them to open your profile on their a/c. There is an icon at last. Click on that your a/c will be reset. Then you can upload new documents. I had this problem, now my dbt is approved.

  • I have got 471 marks in 12th and my rank was 103 in the merit list but I did not attend the counseling. I have taken admission in Delhi university on my merit basis. Is there any chance to avail scholarship now?

  • I got 471 marks in 12 class and my rank was 103 in the list and unfortunately I didn't attend the counselling now I'm studying in Delhi university.
    Is there any chance to avail the scholarship?

  • When will the money come in the adhaar seeding acnts? There is no hostel in my college. It is a problem for me if the money will not come in this week. Please tell me when will be the deposition. I have no money to give to the flat owners.


  • I have qualified NEET 2016 with category rank 25081(I belong to SC category)and I have registered for aicte also. Now I want to know that when the counselling for medical students for MBBS and BDS courses will start?

  • Can any body tell me what is the last date of application of PM scholarship of MBBS for Jammu and Kashmir students? I had 430 out of 500 in 12th jk Bose? Please tell me can I apply now.

  • My rank is 569. i was not able to attend the counselling which aws on 27-7-2016 because of an accident. I attended on 3-8-2016 but the seats were full. Can I get chance to get college in second round of counseling?

  • I am taking admission in SS college of engineering through own merit.
    When I checked my aicte form, my date of birth is wrong. Can I know applied in this college through aicte pmsss?

  • I have done counseling on 30th July with on your own option of counseling. I submit all of my documents with proof of my admission in college which I choose. I made attendance twice once on the hard copy then online but she didn't give me the confirmation letter What I need to do now for avail scholarship? How to give him my bank account no and fee receipt of college and etc?

  • After getting the seat allotment letter where are the students supposed to report(AICTE office or allotted College) and what is the last date for 2016-17 admission date for JK students who have got their seat allotment letters?

  • My aadhaar name is regarding with my original name and I read the instructions that the bank account must be seed with adhaar card. Can you tell me if there is problem related to my aadhaar name?

  • Can I get the scholarship? My name came in the final merit list but I am in 2nd year in an engg college outside j&k. Can I take scholarship while studying in the same collge? I did my 12th in 2014-15. © 2022

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