British Council Goa Education Trust Scholarships 2016

Organization : British Council India
Scholarship Name : GET Goa Education Trust Scholarships 2016
Applicable For : Any Indian National applying for a Master’s Programme in the UK. .
Application Last Date : 15 May 2016

Website :
Application Form :

Goa Education Trust Scholarships :

The Dempo and the Fomento Group collaboratively formed the Goa Education Trust with the British Council in the year 2009 to provide Goan students with a platform to undertake postgraduate study in the UK.


British Council GET Scholarship 2017 :

Since its inception the scholarship provided an opportunity for Goans to obtain higher education degrees from top UK Universities in various disciplines including Journalism, Education, Ancient History and Law.  In 2015, the decision was taken to open the scholarship up for all Indian nationals. This Scholarship is now open to ANY Indian national applying for a Master’s Programme in the UK. .

The candidate should:
** Identify a suitable Masters programme in the UK beginning in September / October 2016 (Proof of admission / application will be required at the time of the interview).
** Be an Indian national with valid Indian Passport and must be in India at the time of applying for the Scholarship
** Be not more than 30 years of age at the time of applying
** Have an excellent track record in academics and extra- curricular achievements

Value of award:
Scholarships will fund young Indians to pursue a Masters in the UK and will cover part or full tuition fees not exceeding GBP 15000

Application Guidelines:
1. Download the application form from the website
2. Fill the complete application form in word format and please ensure to insert an image of your photograph in the relevant section.

3. Ensure the following supporting documents are scanned to be mailed along with the filled in application form:
** Copy of birth certificate as applicant’s age proof
** Copy of passport details as applicant’s address proof
** Copy of your conditional/ unconditional admission letter from the UK institution (if already received)
** One academic and one professional reference letter, although recent graduates may submit two academic references of not more than one A4 size page each

4. Entire application pack including the filled in application form with photograph and all the required supporting scanned documents to be mailed in one email not exceeding 10 MB to

Incase the candidate cannot submit the application electronically; applications will also be accepted in hard copy at the below mentioned address:
FAO: GET Scholarship 2016 Application
British Council Division
British Deputy High Commission,
901, Tower 1, One Indiabulls Centre,
Elphinstone Road (West),
Mumbai – 400 013

Last Date for receiving applications online and via post 15 May 2016

Please Note:
Applications not accompanied by supporting documents will be rejected. Please do not send additional documents other than the reference letters and a copy of your admission letter to a UK institution. © 2022

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