NITC CREC SJE Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust Scholarship 2016

Organization : National Institute of Technology Calicut
Scholarship Name : CREC SJE Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust Scholarship 2016
Applicable For : Students of NIT Calicut
Application Last Date : 15-02-2016

Website :
Notice :
Application Form :

Trust Scholarship :

Applications are invited from Students of National Institute of Technology Calicut for the award of the following scholarships (on a year to year basis) for the year 2016, based on economic backwardness, academic merit, character, conduct and other performance parameters.

Update : NITC CREC SJET Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust Scholarship 2019 :

1. CREC Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust (SJET) Scholarships
2. PTA Scholarships
3. NITC Hostel Scholarships
4. Prof. A. O. Kunjipaulo Endowment Scholarship
5. Class of 1992 Computer Engineering Alumni Scholarship
6. RECCAA, Singapore Scholarship
7. RECCAA, USA Scholarship
8. RECCAA, Bahrain Scholarship
9. REC 1st Batch Scholarship
10. RECCAA, Mumbai Scholarships (2 Nos.)
11. CSAI (Class of 2000) Scholarships (4 Nos.)
12. REC 76 – 81 Batch Scholarships (2 Nos.)
13. 10 years of XXXII Batch (CREC 96) Scholarship
14. REC Calicut 1982 Batch Scholarship
15. NITC (REC) 1983 Batch Scholarship
16. REC Calicut, Class of ’84 Trust Scholarship
17. CREC 80-85 Batch Scholarship
18. Padmanabhan Scholarship in Memory of All Departed Souls of 77 Batch, CREC
19. Capt. Mohammed Memorial Endowment Scholarship
20. Nitin Sharma Memorial Endowment Scholarship(CE)
21. 1997-2001 CSE B.Tech. Batch Scholarship( CSE)
22. Mariveetil Raghunath Memorial Endowment Scholarship
23. Joseephus MT, John Sebastian & Luthufi K T Memorial Scholarship 2004-08 Batch
24. 1984-88 Batch of CREC/NITC Scholarship
25. Sainadhan Memorial Endowment Scholarship (NSS)
26. 1986-90 Batch of CREC/NITC Scholarships (3 Nos.)

Application Procedure :
** The number and the value of the scholarships will vary depending on the availability of funds under each head.
** The Scholarships disbursed during the year 2015 were SJET: 95 (8.4 lakh); PTA: 36 (2 lakh).
** The scholarship amount was in the range from Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- per annum.
** The SJET / PTA / NITC Hostel will award these Scholarships to students based on the recommendations of the HOD and SJET committee.
** The application forms can be obtained either from the photocopy centre operating at NITC library entrance (for Rs 2/-) or can be downloaded from NITC website.
** The completed application duly countersigned by their Faculty Advisor is to be handed over to the office of the concerned Head of the Department on or before 15-02-2016.
** Incomplete applications will be rejected without notice to the applicant.
** Please refer the SJE Trust Notice Board {at the ground floor of the Main Building (MB)} for further Circular/Notice in this regard

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