University of Sheffield : GREAT Scholarships Programme India 2016

Organization : University of Sheffield
Scholarship Name : GREAT Scholarships Programme India 2016
Applicable For : Indian Students
Application Last Date : 24 June 2016

Website :

GREAT Scholarships Programme India :

To fulfill ambitions of young talented Indians of studying in the UK, the British Council has announced the single largest number of scholarships ever launched in a year in India, by offering around 400 scholarships worth almost 1 million pounds.

Related : SHEF India Merit Postgraduate Scholarships 2016 :

The University Of Sheffield is proud to be a part of this scheme and we are happy to offer additional scholarships for 2016 entry for students studying our MBA.

Eligibility and Award Criteria :
** You must be an Indian national or permanently domiciled in India, apply for a study place by Friday 17 June 2016 and hold an offer of a study place for entry in September 2016.
** You must be self-funding and classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.
** You must hold an offer of a study place in any of the subject areas listed above, at the stated level of study.
** The scholarships will be awarded for one year of study.
** The scholarships will take the form of a tuition fee reduction.
** The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit.

Application Procedure:
** If you wish to be considered for this scholarship you need to submit an application for the India Merit Scholarship. Candidates for the GREAT Scholarships will be selected from the pool of applicants who have applied for our India Merit Scholarships. Applicants will first be considered for the India Merit Scholarship, valued at 50% of your tuition fee, before being considered for the GREAT Scholarship, valued at £5000.
** An applicant cannot be awarded both the India Merit and the GREAT scholarships however the GREAT Scholarships can be combined with any faculty scholarships or other departmental scholarships.
** Eligible students will automatically be sent details of how to apply for the India Merit Scholarships from January 2016 onwards.
** Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield.
** The Last Date for applications for the India Merit Scholarships is Friday 24 June 2016; scholarship results will be announced Friday July 29 2016. © 2022

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