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GOKDOM Status of Pre/Post Matric & Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship 2015-16 Karnataka

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Organization : Directorate of Minorities
Facility Name : Status of Pre/Post Matric & Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship 2015-16
Applicable State : Karnataka
Website :

Pre/Post Matric & MCM Scholarship Status

Government of India is implementing scholarship schemes of pre-matric, post-matric and merit-cum-means scholarship to encourage parents & enable the students to pursue education

Related / Similar Post :
GOKDOM Pre-Matric Scholarship Sanctioned List 2015-16

Check Pre-Matric Status

Pre-Matric scholarship is awarded to students from the minority communities from class I to X. To Check your scholarship follow the below steps,

Step 1 : Select the Search Type – School DISE Wise or District Wise or Student ID or Student Name
Step 2 : Select the Year
Step 3 : Enter Student Name (if select Student Name)
Step 4 : Click ‘Search’ button

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you will receive the status as follows,

Check Post-Matric Status

Post-Matric scholarship is awarded to students from the minority communities from class XI to Ph.D. To check your Post Matric scholarship you have to Login into the National Scholarship Portal. Follow the below steps for Login,
Step 1 : Enter Student Registration Id
Step 2 : Enter Date of Birth
Step 3 : Enter the Security Code
Step 4 : Click on the “Login” button

Merit-Cum-Means Status

Merit-Cum-Means scholarship is awarded to students from the minority communities to pursue professional and technical courses.

Steps To Check Status :
** Enter the Student Registration ID
** Enter the Date of Birth in the format od DD/MM/YYYY
** Enter the Verification Code and
** Submit the Login button

Add a Comment
  1. Using institution login for pre-matric scholarship how can I submit?

  2. My scholarship is not scantioned. My Id is KA201617005131584.

  3. I did not receive Pre matric scholarship. My id is KA2016 17008660649.

  4. I am a BE student. My scholarship was sanctioned. Till now I have not receive the money. Please credit the money in my account.

  5. I didn’t receive my Pre-Matric renewal scholarship for 2 years. Please intimate the status of my scholarship application.

  6. I am not selected for scholarship. May know the reason? Please provide my scholarship.

  7. When I am trying to check my scholarship status its showing data miss match. What can be done?

    1. We I ma school

  8. I have lost my registration number what can I do?

    1. You can use your student ID to login and check the status.

  9. I have lost my registration id. How can I get it?

  10. I have not received my scholarship for the year 2015. My id is KA201516000640495.

  11. I have applied for pre matric scholarship 2015-16. I didn’t get any scholarship amount because in the bank address little wrong is done. In place of DHARWAD is gone to GOPALPURDHARWAD. So kindly help me please.

  12. I have applied for scholarships still I did not get the scholarship. Please as much as possible sanction the amount in my account.

  13. I got only 25000. But all my friends got 70000+. What is the problem?

  14. I have Applied My Scholarship In 2015 and I have send it in a group. But all my friends have Credited. Still my Scholarship have not credited to my A/c. What can I do?

  15. I have not received my two years scholarship for the year of 2014 and 2015. Atleast inform us whether it comes in our account or not?

  16. Dear Sir, I am a Rank Student, But I have not received my scholarship for two years. 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
    My Id: 1428030360.


  18. I am BE student. Still I am not getting scholarship. May I know the reason?

  19. My scholarship is not coming. I am in Gulbarga district. My I’d no is ka201516001582504. Please tell me. What should I do?

  20. I’m msc student. May I know when will post matric scholarship get sanction? I’ve got last year in January.

  21. Is the scholarship sanctioned already? I haven’t received my scholarship yet. Kindly reply.

  22. You people cheated with MOMA renewal students. You told last date as 15th Nov but you people closed website before 1st of Nov.

  23. Sidramappa Bhavikatti

    When is the last date?

  24. My merit cum means Id is KA201516003633105. But I cant get clear status.

    1. What is your DOB?

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