GOKDOM National Overseas Scholarship 2015-16 Renewal Candidates List Karnataka

Organization : Directorate of Minorities
Announcement : National Overseas Scholarship 2015-16 Renewal Candidates List
Applicable State : Karnataka

Website : http://www.gokdom.kar.nic.in/
View List Here : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/7256-Renewal15-16.pdf

National Overseas Scholarship Renewal Candidates List:

The State Government through the Directorate of Minorities have introduced a scheme for providing financial assistance to Minority students of Karnataka State for pursuing higher studies aboard in Master Degree, Ph.D and Post Doctoral Courses etc., in prestigious Foreign Universities.

Update : GOKDOM Karnataka National Overseas Scholarship For Minorities 2019-20 : www.scholarships.net.in/36684.html

National Overseas Scholarship 2015-16 list of Renewal Candidates
Sl. No Name University proposed to for higer education overseas Total Expenditure incurred for higher education for 2nd year Duration of Course Amount of Scholarship Sanctioned for
2nd Year (In Rupees)
1 Nasrulla Khan Haris North Carolina State University USA 22,70,847 2 Years 5,00,000
2 Nithin A Jain Purdue University, USA 22,56,111 2 Years 5,00,000
3 Rahul Sanjay Biraj Syracuse University, USA 27,05,400 3 Years 5,00,000
4 Syed Faizan Ahmed University of Wisconsin, USA 27,81,666 2 Years 5,00,000
5 SourabhRavsahebGorwad e Rwth University, Germany 12,56,720 2 Years 5,00,000
6 SagarSampath Kumar German Institute of Science and Technology, Singapore 16,88,195 2 Years 5,00,000
7 Kristen Mario D’Souza University of Freiburg, Germany 5,21,848 2 Years 5,00,000
8 Zaid Bin AbudlAleem University of South Florida, USA 21,81,441 2 Years 5,00,000
9 MuthaibZackaria Mohammed TechnischeUniversitat, Germany 8,75,280 2 Years 5,00,000
10 ShaziaAftab The University of Texas, USA 22,41,193 2 Years 5,00,000
11 Sneha A Jain University at Albany, New York 19,24,965 2 Years 5,00,000
12 Shruthi G.N. Florida Institute of Technology, USA 20,30,196 2 Years 5,00,000
13 Tintu J.S San Diego State University,USA 19,72,708 2 Years 5,00,000
14 Samarth Bharat Bedakihale New York University, USA 23,38,809 2 Years 5,00,000
15 Mr. Nandan V Rairleigh Dickinson University, Canada 8,83,844 2 Years 5,00,000
16 Dr. Mohammad Nadeem Ahmed Medical College of   Soochow, China 4,87,660 3 Years 4,50,000
17 FilzaMussadiqueShaikh Ott-von-gueriche-Universitat, Germany 4,03,616 2 Years 4,00,000
18 Ayub Ahmed Janvekar UniversitiSains Malaysia, 15,15,820 3 Years 5,00,000
19 Neeraj Sunil Kallimani Hamburg University of Techunology, Hamburg, Germnay 14,41,560 2 Years 5,00,000
20 Rizwan Ahmed Afzal TechnischeUniversitat, Germany 5,27,144 2 Years 5,00,000
21 MeghanaGogi San Jose State University, USA 16,65,186 3 Years 5,00,000
22 Mohammed Zoheb Hochschule Bremen, Germany 15,85,000 2 Years 5,00,000
23 Praveen Kumar KallappaIngale Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main University of applied sciences, Germany 7,79,095 2 Years 5,00,000
24 Abhilash Nelson Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany 19,90,140 2 Years 5,00,000
25 Syed Omer SalarKhureshi San Francisco State University USA 19,93,220 2 Years 5,00,000
26 Farooq Ahmed T.N DeakinUniversity,Australia 23,47,333 2 Years 5,00,000
27 Mohammed SirajuddinQazi University of Southern California,USA 34,25,757 2 Years 5,00,000
28 Mohammad Yunus Khan Tatagar University of Malaya, Malaysia 3,11,069 2 Years 3,00,000
29 Rahil Ahmed Cleveland State University, USA 19,24,642 2 Years 5,00,000
30 Nikita Mohan Padmannavar Rochester Institute of Technology, USA 24,46,016 2 Years 5,00,000
31 Patel MdhammedAsim Swinburne University of Technology, Australia 30,86,656 2 Years 5,00,000
32 ParvezahmedNadaf New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA 26,41,339 2 Years 5,,00,000
33 Vicky Wilson Jacob Wayne State University, America 19,97,338 2 Years 5,00,000
34 Mudasser Akbar M Concordia University, Canada 7,96,517 2 Years 5,00,000
35 RadhikaSuhasHulbatte Eastern Michigan Unviersity, USA 18,13,255 2 Years 5,00,000
36 Mohammed Aamir Ali Newcastle University, Newcastle UK 11,59,500 3 Years 5,00,000
37 Junaid Ahmed SRH Hochshule, Germany 13,38,820 2 Years 5,00,000
38 WasimMukram humber College and Guelph University, Candada 8,55,117 2 Years 5,00,000
39 Shaikh Abdul Khadir Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA 12,83,310 2 Years 5,00,000
40 Abrar Ahmed Iqbal Ahmed Sheikh New York University, Canada 21,92,382 2 Years 5,00,000
41 Ajmal Pasha Blcol Christian College of Medicine, Philippines. 4,39,766 4 Years 5,00,000
42 Rhoda P Antoney University of Canterbury, New Zealand 17,06,825 2 Years 5,00,000
43 Sarim Khalil University of New Brunswick, Canada 7,92,643 2 Years 5,00,000
44 Aga Adnan Ali Mashadi Texastech University, USA 20,19,181 2 Years 5,00,000
45 AzharShareef University of Maryland,USA 22,75,125 2 Years 5,00,000
46 Lynn Samantha Pais The University of Michigan 36,34,211 20 Months 5,00,000
47 Mohammed Faaiz Jidda J.S Mukthar Ahmed 5,46,038 18 Months 5,00,000
48 Syed Mohammed AminuddinAftab S.M.M Peerzada 7,10,000 3 Years 2,95,000

View Comments (10)

  • My application number is 201500948892. I am studying Bcom. I didn't get scholarship. I can't understand as what is the problem.

  • I am studying in BA 6th sem . Last year I am applying the scholarship but not sanctioned why? I scored 80% in last semester.

  • Does VERIFIED Status mean that the scholarship is sanctioned for the student? If yes then when we will receive the amount in our accounts? So that we can pay the fees in our respective colleges without Dues.

  • I am studying in PUC. I have applied for scholarship last year but still I didn't get any response and please tell when scholarship money will come?

  • Why too late to transfer scholarship amount into bank account & can you inform me the true date for credit of scholarship amount in bank account?

    • From the Website :

      It is to inform that all Minority students of Karnataka State (Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Sikhs) who have applied for Pre Matric, Post Matric & Merit-Cum—Means Scholarship 2015-16, to keep their Bank Accounts ”Active” for transfer of Scholarship Amount.

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