ANGC Educational & Welfare Fund Scholarship 2016 : Association of Non-Government Colleges, Mumbai

Organization : Association of Non-Government Colleges, Mumbai
Scholarship Name : ANGC Educational & Welfare Fund Scholarship 2016
Applicable For : B.Com/ B.Sc./ B.A./ All Self Finance Degree Students
Application Last Date : 20th January, 2016

Website :
Application Form :

Related : Havyaka Welfare Trust Scholarship Mumbai :

ANGC Scholarship :

ANGC Educational and Welfare Fund has been helping needy students since a very long time and would like to continue with ANGC Scholarships to students who are not entitled for any other scholarship/s.

No Application will be accepted after 20th January, 2016.

Please bring the scholarship scheme to the notice of the students, and make available photocopies of the enclosed form to the applicants.

1. ANGC Scholarship is only for those who are not availing any other scholarship/s and perusing a programme in B.Com / B.Sc. / B.A. / All Selffinance degree programmes
2. Preference to girl students.
3. Scholarship is meant for students who are poor and needy.

Application Procedure :

** Students are requested to submit the applications with all the required documents. Further kindly ensure that applications of students who have already applied for any other scholarships / free ships are not strictly forwarded. Also attached along with is a format for submission.

** Colleges are required to prepare the summary of applications received in EXCEL (Separate for GIRLS and BOYS in the order of preference) and mail to . Please also submit a hardcopy to below mentioned address by 20th January, 2016. Please remember without softcopy of students’ information in EXCEL, application form will not be processed. This would help us to compile the data and distribute the scholarship faster

Please forward application forms to:
Dr. T. A. Shiware
K. P. B. Hinduja College of Commerce
315, New Charni Road (E),
Mumbai 400 004.
Email id :

i. Application forms must be duly filled in and complete in all respects. Incomplete forms will not be entertained.
ii. Forms and certificates/photocopies must be duly attested by the Principal.
iii. Only those forms which are forwarded by the Principal will be accepted.
iv. Every form must be accompanied by a self-addressed post card.
v. Under Graduate students of Colleges affiliated to non-Professional courses of the University of Mumbai are also eligible to apply.
vi. Fresh Bonafide certificate of the second term, along with originals of all the documents submitted, must be presented while collecting the cheque, in case the scholarship is sanctioned.
vii. Forms complete in all respects must reach at District Principal, on or before 20 th January, 2016 at the address given above.
viii. Right to reject the application without assigning any reasons is reserved by the ANGC.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (3)

  • I am pursuing B.Sc Information Technology and cleared semester 4 with 93%. If I am eligible for this scholarship, please intimate me.

  • I need scholarship for 2016-17.
    From :- VPM's R.Z.Shah College of Arts Science & Commerce Mulund (E) -81
    Please send the details regarding the Scholarship of 2016-17. © 2022

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