DCE Aspire Scholarship Scheme For Research 2015-16 Kerala : Directorate of Collegiate Education

Organization : Directorate of Collegiate Education
Scholarship Name : Aspire Scholarship Scheme For Research 2015-16
Applicable For : Regular PG/M.PhiJ/Ph.D Students
Applicable State : Kerala
Application Last Date : 15/02/2016

Website : http://www.dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in/dce/he_ma/he_maindx.php
Application Form https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/6604-aspire.pdf

Related: DCE Kerala SSE Sanskrit Scholarship 2015-16 : www.scholarships.net.in/3713.html

Aspire Scholarship Scheme For Research :

The Government of Kerala has introduced a scholarship Scheme ” ASPIRE” to give students exposure to National level Research institutions and to interact with eminent scholars, thereby enabling regular PG/M.PhiJ/Ph.D students to do short term research projects in reputed institutions other than their parent Colleges.

The scholarships will be offered to the selected students in 2016-17

If the selection committee at the college or DCE is of the opinion that the host institution is not up to a certain standard, the proposal will be rejected. This scheme intends to provide opportunities to pursue short-term research studies to graduate students and research scholars showing academic excellence, allowing them to undertake short-term research projects with reputed faculty and institutions within the country. The selection process will be completed during the academic year 2015-16.

Who will benefit:
The scholarship programme is for short term research projects by regular postgraduate/M.Phil/Ph.D students.

Amount of Scholarship :
The monthly rate of scholarships within the state will be Rs. 8,000/- and for those undertaken outside the state Rs. 10,000/-. Preference will be given to those undertaking the research outside the State

Guidelines For Selection & Award :

1. Only PG/M.Phil/Ph.D students studying in Government I Aided colleges under the Universities of Kerala, Calicut, MG and Kannur can apply. Students in university departments are not eligible to apply.
2. The value of the scholarships is Rs. 8,000/ PM ( within the state ) and Rs. 10,000.- PM (outside the state) for a maximum period of one month. for P G students, for a maximum period of two months for M.Phil and up to four months for Ph.D students.

3. The distribution of scholarship funds shall be in the ratio of 3/2/5 for PG, M.Phil and Ph.D courses. Seats for M.Phil can be re-adjusted across universities. If seats remain unfilled even after such re-adjustment, they= can be allotted to Ph.D students, limiting the period of research to 2 months.

4. The scholarship can be held concurrently with any other fellowship /scholarship/ grant of the state. Those with UGC/CSIR/JRF/SRF awards are ineligible to apply.
5. The institutions should ensure that the student has at least 85% attendance and consistently good academic record for the particular course ( not below B grade).
6. The scholarship shall be awarded to a candidate only once during the tenure of a particular course.
7. SC/ST candidates can be given 20% reservation. If there are no applicants seats win be re-allotted to the general category.
8. The scholarship has to be undertaken under the supervision of a scholar (permanent faculty) in the host institution.

9. Students who apply for the programme shall attach the following along with their application:
i) A written proposal of the work planned.
ii) A letter of acceptance from the host institution and supervisor.
iii) Consent of the guide in the parent institution, and his/her recommendation of the student for the award.
iv) A briefbio-data of the student.
v) A brief bio-data of the scholar with whom the student is going to study.

10. In the Case of Post graduates and M.Phil students the selection committee has to ensure that their classes will not be affected by the scholarship. For Post graduate students it shall be restricted to their fourth semester/vacation when they do the seminar course.

Time Line :
The following time line has been put in place for the processing of the applications for the scholarships.
Circular to principals of Govt.& aided colleges inviting proposals from students :- 15/12/2015.
Last Date for submission of proposal in the college:- 31101/2016.
Submission of list of eligible applicants to DCE :- 15/02/2016.

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