ekalyan.cgg.gov.in Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship 2024-25 : e-Kalyan Jharkhand

Organisation : e-Kalyan Department of Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, Minority and Backward Class Welfare Jharkhand
Scholarship Name : Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship 2024-25 For SC, ST & BC Students
Applicable For : Class I To Class X Students
Applicable State : Jharkhand
Website : https://ekalyan.cgg.gov.in/Login.do

What is eKalyan Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship?

Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship 2024-25 is sponsored by eKalyan Jharkhand. One of the key criteria that are applicable for eKalyan, scholarships is to be a permanent resident of Jharkhand. Students whose annual family income is more than Rs. 2,50,000/-.  Student must be either Schedule Tribe (ST) or Schedule Caste (SC) or Backward Class (BC).

Eligibility of Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship

Who can Apply for Scholarship?
** Student must be of Jharkhand State.
** Student must be either Schedule Tribe (ST) or Schedule Caste (SC) or Backward Class (BC).
** Students Annual Family Income from all sources should not exceed as per the list given below.
i. Schedule Tribe (ST) or Schedule Caste (SC) Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lacs Fifty thousand only)
ii. Backward Class (BC) Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lac Fifty thousand only)

Who cannot Apply for Scholarship?
** Students belonging to the categories other than SC, ST, BC
** SC,ST Students whose annual family income is more than Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lacs Fifty thousand). and BC Students whose family income is more than Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lac Fifty thousand)

How to Apply for Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship?

First Step :
** Student have to go with the option Student registration, on the home page e-kalyan. Fill up the application as per the instructions given by the system then click on save button.
** After successfully student registration,student will receive sms/email for his/her login details.
** Upon Student Registration – For Signing In the system will instruct the applicant to login with submit his/her Student Login Name/Mobile No/Email Once Logged in, Student is required to fill the Application form in Details and Click Save Upload the Documents (Scan Copy of originals in JPG/JPEG Format,File Size:150 KB) on the website.

Second Step :
Student should take a print out of the application by clicking on Print button, then sign and upload the requisite documents.

Instructions for Registration :
** Enter Student Registration details as per Aadhaar document i.e( Aadhaar No,Student Name, Date of Birth,Gender,Mobile number)
** Please do not use special characters (@ ` ~ ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ = + | { } [ ] ; : ‘ ” , . / ? \) while registering online.
** Please don’t share your password to any one.
** Please note down your login password details.
** If you have the mobile number enter valid mobile number to receive the password.

** Password Should contains characters one upper case, one lower case,one digit and one special character [$@_#.]
** Don’t enter any names in password

Documents Required for Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship

Only Scanned copies for all the Original Documents (Latest Documents only) should be uploaded. The List of Documents Includes
** Student Photograph
** Bonafide Certificate (with Fee structure )
** valid Income Certificate
** Residence Certificate
** Caste Certificate
** Previous Year Mark Sheet
** Bank Pass Book Scan
** Scanned Copy of Application Form (Signature of Student and Parent/Guardian)

** Upload digitally signed online issued certificates like Caste,Residential and Income in to our website (ekalyan.cgg.gov.in).
** No Tampered Documents or False/Unauthorised Documents which are not legitimate should not be uploaded. If Any False/unauthorized documents are uploaded then the application will be rejected
** Please ensure that you upload the document properly with the size limit of 150KB on the website. You will not be considered for scholarship if all the Documents are not uploaded properly. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to submit/upload latest copies on the website.

FAQ on Pre Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship

What is the last date for submitting applications online?
For Post Matric Scholarship : In case of fresh and Renewal scholarships please visit updated schedule in Student Services & Schedule

Till what Time Can I Upload the Documents on the website?
All Students must Upload the total required Documents as per schedule in Student Services & Schedule

Where can colleges (Within State) get their Login Details?
All the colleges(Within State) will get their Login Details – Username/Password from their respective -District Welfare Officers (DWO). Colleges must contact the DWO for their Login Details

Is there any Application ID?
Yes. An Application ID will be provided to the candidate once his/her application is completed along with all the scanned documents uploaded successfully. It will be conveyed to candidates through SMS and e-mail. Students should note their Application ID as it will be required while applying for renewal.

When Can Students apply for Renewals?
As per Schedule given in website students can apply for Fresh & Renewal Scholarship applications.

Where shall I Contact for Queries?
For any technical queries, Contact Helpdesk No’s: +91-8409588101,+91-7258010024, Toll free number : 1800-599-1289 (from 11:00AM to 4:00PM Monday to Friday working days only) E-mail: helpdeskekalyan [at] cgg [dot] gov [dot] in

Can I edit the information already saved and up to what time?
You can Edit information filled by you until you finalize and submit the online application.

Do I need to get my Aadhaar Card to apply for Scholarship?
Aadhaar Card Number is mandatory for the Students in order to fill up the application form online. Students can also apply for Scholarship entering the Aadhaar no.

Is PANCARD mandatory for applying for the scholarship?
No, PAN Card is not mandatory. However it is advised to fill the details (PAN Card Number) only if the applicant parents have the PAN Card.

What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop-down menu?
Student will contact to our helpdesk no’s or their respective District Welfare Office(DWO).

How to check the status of my application?
Student can check the status of Online Application by logging with his/her login details.

Can I take print-out of my application at any stage?
You can take the print out of your application number of times once you submit and upload, finalize the application.

Categories Jharkhand

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