SSSJKL Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh 2024-25

Organization : All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Scholarship Name : Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh (SSSJKL) 2024-25
Applicable For : Diploma Students
Last Date : 21st August, 2024
Website :

What is AICTE Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh?

Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh (SSSJKL) 2024-25 is sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Open to Domicile of UT of J&K or Ladakh. Family income should not exceed Rs. 8.00 Lakh per annum. Diploma (Lateral Entry) Students in Engineering Stream only can eligible this scholarship. Last Date of Scholarship is 21st August, 2024.

Eligibility of Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh

You must fulfill the below mentioned eligibility criteria also
i. Domicile of UT of J&K or Ladakh
ii. Family income should not exceed Rs. 8.00 Lakh per annum
iii. Passed 10+2 Exam from JKBOSE or CBSE affiliated schools located in UT of J&K or Ladakh
iv. Passed 10+3 Diploma from UT of J&K or Ladakh Polytechnic (if seeking admission directly in second year in an engineering course).
v. Having category certificate as per the reservation policy of UT of Jammu & Kashmir, if wants to avail the benefits.

Eligibility : Diploma (Passed in Academic Year 2023/2024) from J&K Board of Technical Education
Courses Where Admission To Be Made : Engineering Stream only
Maintenance allowance limits (payable to the students) : Not exceeding Rs.1.00 Lakh per annum (in Ten equal instalments to meet hostel, mess, books, stationery & other incidentals)

How to Apply for SSSJKL?

Step 1: Open AICTE Website via link :
Step 2: Go to SSSJKL Tab on the homepage.
Step 3: Click on the tab of A/Y 2024-25 and register yourself by following the instructions.
Step 4: All the students have to complete Aadhaar Authentication on SSSJKL Portal which is mandatory before going for application submission and document verification at nearest FDVC. For details please visit AICTE website.
** For any technical issue at the time of registration you may email at jkadmission2024[AT] only.

Documents Required for SSSJKL

You are required to upload the following documents while filling the application for SSSJKL after registration:
Self-Attested Scanned copy of (in .jpg/.png not more than 2MB)
** Domicile Certificate
** SSC Marksheet
** Family Income Certificate (Issued by Tehsildar or equivalent not before 6 months)
** Caste Reservation /Physically disabled certificates (if any)Other attachments (in jpg/png not more than 10–50 KB)
** Passport size photo (200 x 230 pixels – preferred)
** Father/Guardian Passport Size photo (in case of single mother, please upload the mother’s photo in father’s/guardian’s place)
** Mother/Guardian Passport Size photo
** Signature (140 x 60 pixels – preferred)

FAQ on Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh

Is there any Helpline No./E-mail/Grievance Mechanism for SSSJKL Scholarship Queries?
Answer-Yes, you may call AICTE Office on 011-29581051 (9.30 am to 5.00 pm on all working days) or email at jkadmission2024[AT] for any query. You can also register your grievance from your login to get the solution for your query (only available for registered candidates).

I am not able to upload photos and signatures on the portal?
Answer- All documents to be uploaded should be in .JPG /.PDF/.PNG format and their file size should be less than 2 MB.

I have submitted my online application form. What should I do next?

Answer- Take a printout of the on-line filled application and visit the nearest Facilitation- cum Document Verification Centre (FDVC) along with original documents and one set of their self attested photocopies for verification.

I have submitted my online application for SSSJKL Scholarship. Is it possible to edit my application?
Answer- Yes, you can, by visiting the nearest Facilitation-cum-Document Verification Centre (FDVC) where the Nodal Officer will edit the online application form, against production of original documents in support of your claim/request for editing. It is your responsibility to see that all the entries are correctly filled, specially the Caste category and all the supporting certificates are correctly uploaded in your presence at the FDVC. No requests for change are allowed, at any later stage by the AICTE after the correction window as per the calendar of events is closed.

Will I be charged at the FDV Center?
Answer- No, Document verification at the FDVC is completely free.

I have submitted my application. Is document verification at the FDVC necessary?
Answer- Yes, it is mandatory for all the students who have registered on AICTE SSSJKL Portal foravailing the benefits under the scheme. You have to visit nearest FDVC for verification of your documents to declare yourself eligible / not-eligible as per the Scheme Guidelines. The students who are not visiting FDVC are not eligible for participation in the Counselling Process 2024-25 conducted by AICTE including students who are taking admission in on my own category.

Is there any document I should collect from the Facilitation Centre after the document verification process?

Answer- Yes, you must collect a stamped document verification report (Student Copy) from the FDVC. This report is absolutely necessary for further processing by the students.

Are the original documents to be submitted at the Facilitation Center?
Answer- There is no need to submit the original documents at the FDVC. The Nodal Officer will return all the original documents after verification and retain a copy of documents.

I have passed 10+2 in Commerce/Arts stream, am I eligible for Engineering?
Answer- Please check the eligibility criteria of the concerned course/institution/University before selecting a course. It may further be noted that for admission in Central Universities, the student has to qualify Central Universities Entrance Test (CUET) conducted by National Testing Agency(NTA) for admission outside the J&K and Ladakh in General Stream courses. For details please visit NTA/UGC website frequently.

What is the Last Date of SSSJKL?

Last Date of Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Ladakh (SSSJKL) 2024-25 is 21st August, 2024.

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