Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarship FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

Organization : Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation
Service Name : Scholarship FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
Website :

About Scholarships abroad:

Q1: What is the age limit for the scholarship abroad?

Related : Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarships 2020 :

Q 2: How can one collect the application form?
Ans : Application forms can be downloaded from our website or can be obtained by writing to Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation, C/o Inlaks India Foundation , 86/87 Atlanta. Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 along with a Rs. 10/- stamped self addressed envelope.

Q3: What is the last date of collection and submission of application forms?
Ans : The last date of collection and submission of application forms is April 15th every year.

Q4: Are only typed application forms to be submitted or they can be handwritten also. Can one apply online also?
Ans : The application form should be preferably typed currently there is no provision for submission of online applications.

Q5: Which universities/institutions are covered for the Inlaks scholarships?
Ans : All Top American, European and UK institutions are covered for the Inlaks scholarships abroad. In addition, the Foundation is open to any kind of special projects outside the traditional University set up.

Q6: Is the scholarship applicable for Undergraduate courses also?
Ans : The applicants are expected to have finished their 1st degree (B.A., B.Sc. etc) before applying for the scholarships. Most Inlaks awardees take up graduate studies abroad. Foundation has no bar on the kind or level of degree a candidate wishes to pursue.

Q.7: How and when are the short-listed candidates for interviews informed and are the rejected candidates are also informed?
Ans : The short-listed candidates are informed about the interviews in the first week of May through e-mails and the candidates who do not receive any communication by 1st of June must assume that their applications have not been successful.

Q8: Can the interviews be held by telephone or through video-conference, in case the candidates are not in station?
Ans : Shortlisted candidates are required to attend the personal interviews. There are no provisions for interviews through telephone or video-conference. If the short-listed candidate is not able to attend the interview, his/her case may be considered in absentia, in exceptional cases.

Q9: What are the documents to be brought at the time of interview?
Ans : At the time of final interview following documents are required:
1. Photocopy of undergraduate degree and any later degree
2. A copy of admission letter
3. Statement of Fees
4. Any fee concession/waiver of any other source of funding
5. Letters from referees

Q10: Are the candidates given travel fare and accommodation for the Scholarship Interviews?
Ans : No. The candidates have to arrange for their travel and accommodation on their own.

Q11: Why have the scholarships for Management, Engineering, Computer Science and Master in Public Health been discontinued?
Ans : It has been felt that there are now many other funding opportunities available in the above mentioned areas. Besides bank loans on easy terms are easily available. The Foundation has therefore decided to concentrate more on those courses where there is relatively less support available.

Q 12: Are the candidates whose course have already started before the interviews eligible?
Ans : The foundation normally does not entertain applicants who have already begun their studies abroad.

Q13: What about those candidates who have not yet got firm letter of admission from Universities they have sought admission to by the Last Date of April 15.?
Ans : The Foundation needs clear evidence of admission before it can process the application. However, if the final letter of admission takes a bit longer, some definite evidence of acceptance is necessary.

After Scholarship is granted :

Q1: What does the scholarship cover?
Ans : The scholarship abroad covers full tution fee, one way airfare and maintenance allowance.

Q2: Are there any conditions applied for the scholarships?
Ans : No condition is applied for the scholarships.

Scholarships in India:

Q1: What are the scholarships given in India ?
Ans : The Foundation gives the following scholarships/ awards in India:
1. Inlaks award of excellence at IIT’s
2. Inlaks Fine Arts award
3. Inlaks Music award
4. Inlaks Sports award
5. Inlaks Take-off Grants
6. Inlaks Theatre award
7. Inlaks Awards at FTII

Q2: Are loans also available for studies/training in India?
Ans : No. The Foundation does not have any provision for loans.

Q3: Is there any specific format of applications?
Ans : There is no specific format of application, you can apply along with your resume and support documents giving details of your intended study/project/proposal

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  • Am I eligible for the scholarship if I am in the last semester of my undergraduate program and have received my letter of acceptance from the University for providing MA degree? © 2022

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