swadhayaybharat.com National Level Scholarship Exam 2024 : Swadhayay Bharat Foundation

Organization : Swadhayay Bharat Foundation SBF
Scholarship Name : National Level Scholarship Exam 2024
Applicable For : 1st Grade to 12th Grade Students
Last Date : 10th September 2024
Website : https://www.swadhayaybharat.com/

What is Swadhayay Bharat National Level Scholarship?

National Level Scholarship Exam 2024 is sponsored by Swadhayay Bharat Foundation. The Contest is open to all the students of 1st Grade to 12th Grade falling within the territories of republic of India. For students of any participating state or city to be eligible for district level scholarship, the minimum student participation at the state or city level should be 3500 students. Last date of Scholarship is 10th September 2024.

Eligibility of National Level Scholarship Exam

** The Contest is open to all the students of 1st Grade to 12th Grade (BIO/MATHS / commerce / arts ) falling within the territories of republic of india .
** The contest will take place between 15th sep 2024 to 15th oct 2024 online on swadhayaybharat.com as intimated to the Participant.
** The questions in the test shall be prepared by & large from the course of the student’s respective Grade. The link for online test will be on website .

How to Register for National Level Scholarship?

for student , normal registration process
for schools , 1. generate user id after registration completion
2. download pdf available on website and fill it properly
3. contact to swadhayaybharat via whats app .
4. send fully filled document in pdf format to swadhayaybharat
5 . pay fee

Terms & Conditions of National Level Scholarship

** All entries for enrolling in the SBF shall be received by or before 10th sep 2024.
** Results of the Contest shall be declared before 10th JAN 2025 on the website SWADHAYAYBHARAT.COM & communicated via. Print and digital Ads. for toppers and prizes & e- certificates for the toppers will be awarded in in JAN 2025.

** Participation in the Contest is purely voluntary and applicants can participate by completing the registration process online, subject to a payment of INR 199/-(Non Refundable Registration Fee) FOR CLASS 1 TO 4 , AND INR 120/-(Non Refundable Registration Fee) PER SUBJECT FOR CLASS 5 & ABOVE . FOR NEET &JEE , 250/- INR(Non Refundable Registration Fee) .

** All registration forms shall be compulsorily accompanied by the fees as provided in the Registration forms. The link for the Registration Form is SWADHAYAYBHARAT.COM/.
** All entries received from Participants shall be accompanied by the consent of their Guardian/ Parent (as the case may be) in the manner laid down in the Registrations forms.
** In order to participate in the SBF, students must complete their mandatory registrations .
** SBF shall not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Participants while participating in the Contest and any Failure by SBF to enforce any of these Rules in any instance(s) shall not give rise to any claim by any person.
** Further SBF shall not be responsible in any way for failure/delays of any backend technology and the resultant inability of a Participant to send in his/her/their entry or register/participate in the Contest.
** All entries will be treated as the property of SBF and can be used by SBF for any promotional and/or commercial activity & the Participants/toppers waive all rights of whatsoever nature in the said entries in favor of SBF by participating in the Contest.

FAQ on National Level Scholarship Exam

How to attend the exam?
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind text.

How will I get my result?
Results will be available on website and candidate will be informed for the same through sms or whats app .

How many subjects are there?
There are various subjects depending upon varies classes .

How I will get the support?
feel free to connect either via email or whats app . we are always there to help you.

What are the Important Dates of National Level Scholarship?

The Important Dates of National Level Scholarship are
1. Registration start date : 10th JULY 2024
2. Registration last date : 10th September 2024
3. Last date to Make Payment : 12th September 2024
4. Exam Date : 15th of September 2024 to 15th of October 2024
5. Result : 10th of January 2025

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