Social Justice Pre/Post Matric Scholarship FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Organization : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Service Name : Pre-Matric/ Post-Matric Scholarship FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Applicable State/UT : All Over India

Website :

Pre Matric Scholarship For OBC Student :

Pre-Matric/Post-Matric Scholarship FAQ :

  1. What are the eligibility conditions for Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship Schemes for OBCs?:
    Pre-Matric Scholarship award will be sanctioned to those OBC candidates whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 44500/- p.a.

Applicable For OBC Students

Post-Matric Scholarship award will be sanctioned to those OBC candidates whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh p.a.

2. How does one apply for the Scholarship?:
The respective State’s Department of Social Welfare/Department of Social Justice & Empowerment/District Social Welfare Officers may be contacted.

3. Which courses are covered under A, B, C, & D Groups?:
The scholars have been categorized in four groups {(A) to (D)}.

Group of Courses:
Group A:
** Degree and Post Graduate level courses including M.Phil., Ph.D. and Post Doctoral research in Medicine (Allopathic, Indian and other recognized systems of medicines), Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences, Management, Business Finance/Administration, Computer Science/Applications.
** Commercial Pilot License (including helicopter pilot and multiengine rating) course.
** Post Graduate Diploma course in various branches of management & medicine.
** C.A/I.C.W.A./C.S./I.C.F.A. etc.
** M. Phil., Ph.D. and Post Doctoral Programmes (D. Litt., D.Sc. etc)
** L.L.M.

Group B:
** Graduate/Post Graduate courses leading to Degree, Diploma, Certificate in areas like Pharmacy (B Pharma), Nursing (B Nursing), LLB, BFS, other para-medical branches like rehabilitation, diagnostics etc., Mass Communication, Hotel Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality Management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition & Dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation etc.) for which entrance qualification is minimum Sr. Secondary (10+2).
** Post Graduate courses not covered under Group A e.g. MA/M. Sc/M.Com/M.Ed./M.Pharma etc.

Group C:
All other courses leading to a graduate degree not covered under Group A & B e.g. BA/B.Sc/B.Com etc.

Group D:
All post-matriculation level non-degree course for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. senior secondary certificate (Class XI and XII); both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3 year diploma courses in Polytechnics, etc.

4. Is there a scholarship for CPL training for OBCs & what are the rates of Scholarship?:
Under the Scheme of Post-Matric Scholarship to the students belonging to OBCs, there is a provision of scholarship for CPL course also. The number of awards for CPL is 20 per annum on first-come-first serve basis. The Scheme provides for scholarship of Rs.5000/- per flying hour in single/multiengine aircraft for 200 hours. In addition, maintenance allowance at rates applicable to group ‘A’ course will also be provided.

5. What is committed liability?:
The total expenditure incurred in the terminal year of the Five Year Plan under Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Scholarships is the committed liability of the States/UTs for every year of the subsequent Five Year Plan. However, N.E. States are exempted from the concept of committed liability.

6. Which Institutions/Organizations are eligible for grants for construction of Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls?:
Eligibility conditions:-
The organizations eligible for assistance are:
** The State Government/Union Territory Administration;
** Institutions or organizations set up by Government as autonomous body under statute or as a society under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860 or otherwise;
** Well established NGOs with good track record in implementation of development scheme for OBCs, especially in the education sector. These organizations should have been registered for at least two years at the time of applying the grants under construction of Hostel Scheme for OBC Boys and Girls.

7. Who are eligible for accommodation in the hostel?:
Students whose castes are included in Central/State/UT list of OBC and who do not belong to the “Creamy Layer” © 2022

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