WBSED West Bengal NMMSE Central Sector National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination 2024

Organisation : West Bengal Directorate of School Education WBSED
Scholarship Name : NMMSE Central Sector National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2024
Applicable For : Students Studying In Class VIII
Applicable State : West Bengal
Date of Examination: 15.12.2024
Last Date : 14th August 2024
Website : https://scholarships.wbsed.gov.in/

What is WBSED National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Exam?

NMMSE Central Sector National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2024 is sponsored by Directorate of School Education, West Bengal. Students of class VIII who secured 55% and above marks in the final examination of class VII are eligible to appear in the Central Sector NMMS Examination 2024 for class VIII. 5% relaxation to SC,ST, Disable candidates. Date of Examination is 15.12.2024. Last Date of Scholarship Exam is 14th August 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Mukti’s TSS 2024-25 Scholarship Program West Bengal Talented Students Sponsorship

Eligibility of National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Exam

** Students of class VIII who secured 55% and above marks in the Final examination of class VII are eligible to appear in the Central Sector NMMS Examination, 2024 for class VIII (5% relaxation to SC, ST and Disabled candidates).

** Parental Income should be within the limit of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rupees three lakh fifty thousand) per annum from all sources. Income certificate is to be uploaded.
i. For salaried persons employed in Govt., Semi Govt. & Govt. Aided Organization/Institution, Employer Certificate for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 to be uploaded.
ii. For other person, income certificate for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 must be obtained from any Competent Authority not below the rank of Jt. B.D.O / Executive Officer ( In case of Corporation and Municipality area) or from any Group A officer to be uploaded

** Students of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and State Government run residential schools or any Private school are not entitled to get Scholarship. The students must be studying in recognized Government Schools/Government Aided School/Local Body and Government Sponsored Schools including Madrasah without residential facility.
** Every applicant must have a bank A/c in his/her name in SBI or any Public Sector Bank or any scheduled bank which has core banking facility. This A/c may be single or a joint A/c (In case of Joint bank A/c, he/she must be the first holder of that A/c).
** The applicants, who have Aadhaar Cards, link the Bank A/c with your Aadhaar Card positively and mention the same in the space provided in the application.

Filling up Application Form Online for NMMSE

Step I:
Click on the ‘New User Register Here’ link and fill up the personal details along with one Mobile number and email id (a mobile number and email id used once, could not be used 2nd time for registration) and register. A registration number will be system generated which should be noted down along with the password given for future login to the system.

Step II :
** Login to your account using registration number and password.
** Edit the form and fill in other details and upload scanned copy of your passport size photograph. The image file for photograph should be in jpg format and maximum size limit is 50KB (3.5 x 4.5 cm,). The background of the photograph will be white/off white and it should be clear. No selfie as a photograph will be allowed to upload. Save the form. The form may be edited until it is locked by you.
** Once the form is completed and corrected with all particulars, the same should be locked. A printout of the filled-in application along with the format for Certificate from the Head of the School/Institution (HOI) should be taken out.

Step III :
** Applicant has to take out the printed application form and Certificate format along with copies of other necessary documents as mentioned below to the Head of the School/Institution (HOI) and get the HOI Certificate signed with official seal and upload the signed Certificate to his/her account along with scanned copy of:
(i) Income Certificate of Parent
(ii) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if applicable
(iii) Disability Certificate (40% and above disability must be certified by the Competent Medical Board of the State Govt./Central Govt.), if applicable

The documents must be duly authenticated by the concerned School Authority. The maximum size of each scanned document should be 200 KB (PDF).

** Then press ‘Finalize application’ Button. Without finalization, on-line form fill up of a candidate will not be completed and admit card cannot be generated.
** Caste Certificate and Disability Certificate are required only for the SC/ST, OBC and Physically Disabled candidates respectively. The application submission will be completed only when the Certificate from HOI and other required documents are uploaded, else the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled.
** Candidates are requested to check email which is given in the form and sms of his / her registered mobile number regarding acceptance or rejection of his/her application after on line form fill-up from time to time.
** The ‘rejected and unlocked’ applicant will get an opportunity to rectify the application by the date as per notification.
** The candidature of the applicant may be cancelled at any stage of the examination process without any reference if any incorrect information is found in the filled-in application form of the said candidate. Also application form with incomplete/irrelevant information/photograph/scanned certificates is liable to be summarily rejected.
** Notification for downloading Online Admit Card will be given on Notice Section. Please keep checking the scholarship portal for the same and any further information relating the examination.

Examination Pattern of NMMS

Central Sector NMMSE will be conducted in two sessions on the same day as per details given below:-
Name of the Tests : Mental Ability Test
Type : Objective/MCQ
Marks : 90
No of Items : 90
Duration (in Minutes) : 90 min

Name of the Tests : Scholastic Aptitude Test
Type : Objective/MCQ
Marks : 90
No of Items : 90
Duration (in Minutes) : 90 min
Extra time will be given to the children with disability as applicable

Syllabus: Subject: There is no prescribed syllabus for NMMS Examination. Standard of items shall conform to the level of class VII & VIII.
Scholastic Aptitude Test comprises of the following subjects given below:-
1) Mathematics
2) Physical Science
3) Life Science
4) History
5) Geography.

** All questions in the booklet for the NMMS Examination are objective type. Each Question carries one mark. There is no negative marking in the said examination.
** The state quota of beneficiaries for West Bengal is 7250 which is segregated among the twenty five districts including Barrackpore & Siliguri districts.
** In case of selection of eligible beneficiaries of NMMS examination, the number of tie up cases at last cut off marks, if any, should not exceed the respective district quota as well as the state quota. In respect of tie up cases at last cut off marks under different categories, if any, selection of students is done on the basis of date of birth (Junior to senior).
** The decision of Authority will be final in case of any dispute/doubt.

What is the Last Date of NMMS Examination?

Last Date of NMMSE Central Sector National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2024 is 14th August 2024.

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