CSIR-ISTAD Raman Research Fellowship RRF 2024-2025 : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

Organisation : CSIR-ISTAD Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Scholarship Name : Raman Research Fellowship RRF 2024-2025
Applicable For : CSIR Researchers
Applicable State/UTs : All Over India
Last Date : 30th June 2024
Website : https://www.csir.res.in/news-events

What is CSIR Raman Research Fellowship?

Raman Research Fellowship RRF 2024-2025 is sponsored by CSIR-ISTAD Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic qualifications (Post graduate in Engineering and PhD in Natural Science) and research experience, presently working in high priority areas, who have completed minimum 5 years of service in CSIR can eligible. The candidate should not be more than 45 year of age. Last Date of Fellowship is 31st July 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Goa University Research Studentship/ Scholarship 2024-25

Eligibility of Raman Research Fellowship

** Regular Scientists of CSIR with high academic qualifications (Post graduate in Engineering and PhD in Natural Science) and research experience, presently working in high priority areas, (Themes/Projects/Programmes of CSIR) who have completed minimum 5 years of service in CSIR on the last date for receipt of the applications.

** The applicant must have made commendable contribution to research / innovation in the proposed area, which should be of international level.
** Fellowship should not be sought for training or to carry out tests, etc. using facilities in the host institute. The RRF must be sought to further enhance the skills/capability and fill in technological gaps.
** The candidate should not be more than 45 year of age as on July 31, 2024.

Mode of Selection for Raman Research Fellowship

** Through interview by a duly constituted Selection Committee to be constituted by the DG CSIR.
** The candidate must furnish at the time of interview, letter of acceptance from the host-institution duly approved by the Director of the Institutes indicating the specific study work to be carried out abroad.
** The candidate can make Power point presentation (upto 5 slides) for 7 minutes, first four minutes for the present research activities and remaining 3 minutes for the proposed research work.

Terms & Conditions of Raman Research Fellowship

1. The individual availing this Fellowship would be called ‘Raman Research Fellow’.

2. The Fellowship will be for a period of 2 to 6 months on deputation terms. It is awarded for research and training in the specific areas of priority identified by the CSIR (Themes/Projects/Programmes of CSIR). The Fellow should not deviate his research topic during the tenure of the fellowship from the proposed subject of work and also should not change the place of work without prior written approval of CSIR.

3. Extension of fellowship beyond the period mentioned in para 2 above shall not be generally considered unless there are exceptional circumstances justifying such extension which could not be visualized at the time of submitting the final plan of work.
4. Rules governing payment of salary, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF, Pension, etc. of the Laboratory/Institute to which the Fellow belongs, would continue to be applicable during the fellowship period and shall be the liability of the Lab./Institute concerned.
5. He/She will be entitled to air passage in cheapest economy class both ways from his/her present place of duty to the host institute.
6. The Fellow would be required to get his medical insurance done from an appropriate Indian Insurance Company before proceeding abroad. The expenditure on the medical insurance will be borne by the Fellow out of the Contingency amount granted.
7. The Institution in which the fellow will work do not generally charge any fee. The Director of the Institute presumably must have ensured that no fee is payable in this case.
8. The Fellow is expected to take appropriate measures to protect the IPR likely to be generated during his/her stay at the host-institution.
9. The Fellow shall be required to execute a bond before proceeding on Fellowship to serve the concerned institute for Three years on return from fellowship.

10. If the Fellow does not return to India or gets job opportunities overseas on completion of the fellowship, the Institute will recover the entire expenditure from the fellow and remit it to the CSIR. In addition, the matter shall be taken up with host Institution and concerned Government through Indian mission abroad for suitable/legal action as deemed fit.

11.The Fellow will devote his/her whole time on his/her chosen area of specialization during the tenure of his/her fellowship, and will not seek gainful employment elsewhere without the prior permission of CSIR.

12. The Fellow shall submit a quarterly Progress Report on his/her research activities overseas during the fellowship abroad within 15 days on expiry of each quarter and a detailed Final Report on his/her return from abroad within a fortnight. The quarterly Progress Report or on the Final Report, as the case may be, will be forwarded to CSIR immediately alongwith `Critical Appraisal’ of the same by the Director of the Institute.

13. The institute shall also send alongwith the Final Report, a statement of expenditure, duly certified by the F&AO of the laboratory indicating inter-alia, the name of the fellow, position held in Instt., period of fellowship, name of foreign Institute where fellowship was availed, Title of research, details of travel expenses to & fro, Fellowship and Contingency expenses, salary paid in India and any other payment made to him/her.

14.The fellowship should commence within the same financial year in which it is awarded i.e. April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. The fellows are advised to avail this Fellowship upto December 31, 2024.

What is the Last Date of Raman Research Fellowship?

Last Date of Raman Research Fellowship RRF 2024-2025 is 31st July 2024.

Detailed Notification Download here : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/pdf2024/61258-f.pdf

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